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B-Series ... Reflex ... B-flex


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27 minutes ago, Wayne Dowler said:

Throw enough money at them and ............!

But it is unlikely they understand or will pay attention to things like fabric orientation, etc.

They will probably cut the fabric in the same and most efficient way that they always have. I'm willing to bet that it won't change.

No custom colors sucks, though.

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4 hours ago, Wayne Dowler said:

Efficient doesn't always equal the best for flight and stretch dynamics, IMHO.

Sure it does. That's the definition of the word. Best performance, least waste. Inspect the panels for weave direction and you should find no variance. Those patterns for cutting the cloth were established years ago to maximize performance and minimize waste. As long as the panel dimensions don't change there is no reason to cut them any other way. Now on the Reflex and Spider, well . . . . . 

As far as weave bias is concerned, they knew how that affects the kite way back in 1988 when the Neos Omega was invented.

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45 minutes ago, John Barresi said:

Ummmm, other than the Reflex springs and logo change, is there actually a difference I'm missing?

 You already know what it i$..

FWIW, their "improvement" no longer supplies a second frame,, only spars without springs..You are short one Leading edge and a whole $et of option$.. So given the price sstaysthe same, that's roughly $45 (retail) less frame components, no royalties to split and more profit for themselves.  It also give them the opportunity to upsell a second frame separately.

Those are some very expensive Velcro, shrink wrap and paperclips.

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Capitalism is a wonderful thing to contemplate.  What does the consumer want?  What's a comfortable price point?  What is the perceived value?  What are they willing to pay extra for above the stock model?  And what is the competition selling anyway?  In 1933 the country was in the Great Depression.  Many great companies were long gone.  Cars were still being sold to eager consumers regardless.  Prohibition ended in December of that year.  General Motors had a good price on a decent automobile.  Plymouth was priced a little higher but had an all steel body & hydraulic brakes.  Henry had his famous V-8 and was priced above the others.  My little tudor Plymouth sedan was around $490 dollars.  Bumpers were a twenty dollar option!  Mine still doesn't have them.


DSC07114 (1280x960).jpg

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56 minutes ago, SHBKF said:

Capitalism is a wonderful thing to contemplate.  What does the consumer want?  What's a comfortable price point?  What is the perceived value?  What are they willing to pay extra for above the stock model?  And what is the competition selling anyway?  In 1933 the country was in the Great Depression.  Many great companies were long gone.  Cars were still being sold to eager consumers regardless.  Prohibition ended in December of that year.  General Motors had a good price on a decent automobile.  Plymouth was priced a little higher but had an all steel body & hydraulic brakes.  Henry had his famous V-8 and was priced above the others.  My little tudor Plymouth sedan was around $490 dollars.  Bumpers were a twenty dollar option!  Mine still doesn't have them.


DSC07114 (1280x960).jpg

I'm old enough to remember many things that were optional items, like a radio, that today are considered necessities. I wonder how much the average vehicle would sell for nowadays if it was only "basic transportation". One can apply the same question to a kite. Average drug store paper kite back in the sixties was less than a dollar. Today $5 ? What is the minimum price possible taking all production costs into consideration? What is the maximum most consumers would pay? Somewhere in between is where the entry level unit is usually priced. How do kites compare? If you have built your own you could say they cost much more than they should. But have you added the cost of labor? And how much is fair pay? How much are wages in China in comparison? Should a kite manufacturer be allowed to make a decent living?

Damn, now my brain hurts!

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I have been reluctant to post in this thread, and perhaps I shouldn't as I am only new to the scene and unaware of the history surrounding much of what has been said. Nonetheless, I do have to say that I honestly find much of the negativity towards Revolution Kites tasteless, and unnecessary. In business or in personal life, I feel that problems of any capacity remain between only the parties involved. Their product has enabled so much joy to so many people that to simply deride them on any level only creates division and do the kiting community a disservice.

I respect that politics, opinions and difference are a part of any community, but when those elements combine and someone's integrity is not only questioned, but seemingly mocked to an extent, I am truly saddened.


Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app

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When the party in question fails to respond when private inquiries are made, when they take money for a product that is not as advertised (or intentionally change the specifications of a product after an order is placed and paid for without telling the buyer), when said company consistently ignores or belittles the suppliers, retailers, and customers that have helped grow their business for many years, they've called their own integrity into question. It is sad what they've done to themselves. What's even sadder is that I think they are so arrogant of their standing that they can't see the farce they are acting out for all of us. So...sorry, they won't get my money, and I will continue to mock them every chance I get. They have made themselves a joke, and for what I have spent on their kites in the past, I've paid for the right to point it out. 

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And as a result of your experiences, regardless of how right or wrong they are, you feel you have paid a due that gives a right to mock? Excuse me if I don't see the logic behind your thinking. Perhaps as a KiteLife Subscriber I should cash in my allowance of mockery and aimlessly belittle for the sake of making only myself feel better.

You can spit on a rose, but it's still a rose.


Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app

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