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Low Wind Kite Suggestions - Silver Fox It Is


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33 minutes ago, riffclown said:

'Im not a dualie flier but, I've heard only good things about the HQ Shadow in 2MPH

Thanks for the info, but the cheapest I've found the shadow for is $200, which is out of mr price range. Looking for $150 and below...thanks again though!!

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33 minutes ago, khsidekick said:

Sky Burner sul pro dancer. I regularly fly mine in low to no wind.

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Thanks for the info, but looks like it's priced at about $300, which is out of mr price range. Looking for $150 and below...thanks again though!!

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Ah, the never ending quest for the light wind kite.  Been down that path for some years now & have spent quite a bit on the journey.  I too was looking for an inexpensive one to start with & bought a new Prism 4D.  A short time after that I lucked into a well used HQ Shadow.  You got me to thinking about all the kites I acquired & where I am now.

So here's the list of SUL kites

  Prism 4D blue

  Prism 4D Berkeley Edition

  Prism Quantum Pro SUL

  Prism Flashlight

  HQ Shadow

  Nebula SUL

  Sky Burner Pro Dancer SUL

  Aerostar Sano SSL

  Sky Sport Design Transformer II SUL

  Sky Sport Design Tekken SUL

  Rsky Nirvana WW

Then there are the ultra lights or maybe just lights

  Prism Zephyr Inferno

  Prism Zephyr Eggplant

  Sky Burner Solus EC UL

  Sky Sport Design Sea Devil light

  Sky Sport Design Tekken light

edit: add PBSK Bad Boy II ultra light (how did I miss this one?)

 So that is sixteen kites, (make that seventeen), in these two categories.  I am not a master flier but you might call me a collector.  Most (12) of these kites were bought on the secondary market.  The Nebula is likely the only SUL ever made of that model & the kite is no longer available.  The Sano is the first production one of that kite.  There may have been less than a hundred ever offered, no longer being made.  Prism Flashlight no longer in production.  All of the Sky Sport Design kites are still available as custom kites.  Rsky makes newer kites than the older one I have.  All others are likely still available as new.  I like buying on the secondary market as there is considerable cost savings plus I like having kites others have flown.  Most by much better fliers than I.  You can also find kites no longer available as new.  I have two 4D's & two Zephyrs, I like them.

What do I fly SUL these days?  Still flying the little 4D.  Fly anywhere, anytime, but it is a 58" wing span.  The Pro Dancer SUL will make you look like a hero when no one else is flying.  Fly it on 90# x 100' lines.  It breaks 50# line sets in very light wind.  I have had to put it away when small children trying to fly their kites were reduced to tears by their efforts.

Sky Burner Pro Dancer SUL 


But the Nirvana, sigh, it is something special, click.  It is teaching me slack line tricks in very light wind.  SUL kites have very little inertia which makes it more difficult to do tricks.  Some of the other kites are waiting for me to learn more.  I will revisit them from time to time.

Rsky Nirvana WW


The UL & light kites are flown when there is 4 or more mph of wind available.  The Z is a good kite to always have in the vehicle with you "just in case" you find a spot to fly.  The Solus EC is a large beautiful kite that will glow like a opal in a sunny sky.  The Lam Hoac Sea Devil light is a confidence builder & has helped me learn to fade consistently.

Sky Sport Design Sea Devil light


The conclusion of the matter. Certain kites "click" with different people.  You'll have to try them to find out what works for you as you go down the path of your KiteLife.  Your tastes & needs will change no doubt.  Take your time, save some money, get that kite you think is too expensive.  You will forget the expense once that special kite distracts you a bit.

Lengthy post, too much information, Oh well, SHBKF

Edited by SHBKF
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15 hours ago, SHBKF said:

Lengthy post, too much information, Oh well, SHBKF

Not at all too much information. That is why I love this forum. So many people who are experience, who have done their research and don't mind sharing. Lots of good kite suggestions. I really appreciate the time you took to put it together. Ill take a look at it and let everyone know what I decide on.

Quite honestly, given my low/light wind kite criteria, preference and budget, I may go with the ITW Spectre Cobra Kites showed me over the weekend. I don't know much about it, and haven't received any replies on my post regarding the Spectre thus far. Most likely because no one has any experience with this particular kite. So I have an email to ITW asking for any specs that they can dig up. If its the right sail and frame material...I'm sold at $128

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The only kites I've tested (and own) in the lower/medium (?) price segment is the Prism 4D and the HQ Shadow (and no boutique grade kites at all). The Shadow I'd say is a low wind kite with much preserved trickiness compared to the 4D. On the other hand I'd say that the 4D manages low wind slightly better and is very portable. On one occasion this summer using 15m 25kg lines in low wind I could just do the 360ies (i.e. making the kite fly around you in a circle by running in a smaller circle) with the 4D, but I failed mostly with the Shadow. On the other hand, for me reliable 360ies is work in progress (or is currently "stalled"?). In the beginning I could hardly do any tricks on the 4D, but after a year (corresponding to about 10 4D sessions perhaps) I felt satisfied when my tricking on the 4D improved somewhat and it started to feel more like "a real kite". My guess is that you would feel most familiar with the Shadow if you are already used to a standard kite.

Also while you are waiting to find that perfect low wind kite you can still practice low wind stuff in low wind with your standard kite such as gaining ground, pop up launches, belly landings, stalls... Make small jumps from the ground and land slowly - you are now practicing stalls, landings, starts, general control and, if needed, handling "fear" of the ground...

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After many questions, lots of answers, opinions and advice, I placed my order for a Prism Zephyr in the Citrus colorway last night!! I just couldn't pass up the great deal that I found. $137 all in...every kite shop I went to had this kite for $211+tax which means a 39% savings for me!! How can I go wrong?!?!

Pics and Review to come

Thanks to everyone that took the time to offer their knowledge, opinions and advice. Love this forum!

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