I am the same way. I like the way it looks, have to have it ! That, of course is how I ended up with a ridiculous number of kites in my basement. People who really know how to fly told me to pick a kite and stick with it until I learn how to fly. That may be one reason my learning curve has been so slow.
I also have a hard time watching the videos and telling which way the kite is facing sometimes. Then I get out to the field, and everything that I watched goes straight out of my head and I am just flying to keep the kite off of the ground. Throw in a healthy case of dyslexia... well, you can see where this is going.
Patience, perseverance, and lots of time on the lines will pay dividends down the road. If you're younger, this will all happen quicker. What the others have said about finding someone to fly with is very true. I have taught others tricks that took me months (sometimes longer) to learn in less than a half hour.