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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2020 in all areas

  1. Healing pretty well so far. Swelling is going down in my operated leg. PT has given me exercises to strengthen the leg and increase flexibility. Got a dr appointment to remove staples and assess things. Looking forward to being able to put more weight on it. Gradual improvement......
    2 points
  2. Same, I have SkyBond, Speed, and LPG in my bag. I have thought about getting some Matrix line for comparison, but have not. I have a slight preference for SkyBond at the beach because when I clean up it tends to have significantly less sand and grit in it, but all the lines pick it up. I soak and shake them all out when I get away from sand. Even so, I use all three. I tend to prefer LPG overall. All my oldest line sets are LPG, so they have proven to be the most durable for me, and over time they feel least scratchy. Ultimately I fly whatever comes first to hand from the bag, and when I often end up equipping the family (myself, sometimes my wife and sometimes one or two children, sometimes friends) there are plenty of days when I have 3+ line sets of different brands rolled out. They are all good line. I would love to try Matrix but suspect ultimately it will be similar: good stuff but not something that steals the show.
    1 point
  3. Just a few personal experiences.. I'm a big fan of Skybond myself but some of my more recent Skybond purchases don't seem to be of the same quality as before.. I fly both LPG and Skybond and even Shanti Speedline depending on the need for that particular day. I buy bulk and make my own linesets..
    1 point
  4. Skybond is judged superior on the east coast, against ALL challengers, more slippery, tighter diameter, longer lasting, slimmer and yet stronger too, color is just a bonus, I am not sponsored except by my wife (ha!)
    1 point
  5. There seams to be a strong preference for LPG with quad flyers, and you are among lots of quad flyers here. I find Skybond is more often the choice for dual flyers. All anecdotal, of course. Me? I miss my Berry Blue line sets. 😝
    1 point
  6. The reason I asked is because I see people preferring the LPG over the Skybond but not so much the other way around, so it will be interesting to try out the LPG for myself.
    1 point
  7. I am getting the current Mamba, I am more into the precision and not the tricks. It will be interesting to hear how people like the new version though.
    1 point
  8. I’ll add to this because I have many hours on a 90# set of matrix lines. The coating is obviously wearing. The orange color is faded and the lines have a grittier feel than when new. There is no mistaking when you have 5 or 6 twists. I have LPG sets in my bag with 5x the flight time that feel better when they are twisted. My Skybond set hasn’t seen as much use, so I can’t compare wear, but I preferred Skybond slightly when both sets were new, and the gap has widened by a lot. (Which isn’t a fair comparison, but it is what is.)
    1 point
  9. Yup, just order via the shop - it's not a lot more to ship to UK. 👍🏻
    1 point
  10. i think you may buy them just from JB and shipped
    1 point
  11. Yes, I have flown my standard Mamba in less than 5mph, and it flies beautifully. It seems to be good up to 15+ before the wingtips start to shudder. I am very happy with the Mamba !
    1 point
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