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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Sorry for the delay friends, I think I've cleaned up the issues now... ? Found some typos in file names, and some listings didn't appear to save correctly. As of when I finished a few minutes ago, all tutorial download pages are displaying file sizes for each of three options. I spot-checked 3 videos at random, each a different format... MKVs never did load for me on a 2nd Gen iPad, no errors, just never passed a "connecting to page" stage... Hoping that's just local to me? Thanks for both your patience and help, we'll get there - I promise.
  2. For what it's worth, I'm having similar issues with being logged out after a spell using Safari... That being said, Chrome and Firefox seem to be holding out just fine. Will look into this as time allows.
  3. Alright folks, I think I've got 'em all squared away... http://kitelife.com/forum/files/category/106-outdoor-quad-line/ When you go to download, you should be presented with THREE choices (file size) for each video. phone = smallest tablet - medium HD = largest I'd certainly appreciate any proofing you could do on all those links, let me know if ANY do not work (include info) and I'll fix them asap. Thanks!
  4. Welcome to the forums Garth :)

  5. Welcome to the forums Captain Aether :)

  6. Voila - one complete example with all three file versions... http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/814-quad-tutorial-clockwork/ Will simplify the categories once all the files are updated.
  7. You'll also be able to browse the downloads by tags as well, beginner only has one file tagged with it but you get the idea... http://kitelife.com/forum/tags/downloads/beginner/
  8. I'm also adding tags as I go, to help folks identify the lessons better... Additionally, the first tag is a general assignment of difficulty and appears clearly on the index: Clearly, it's all relative, and other than ideal progression, folks should follow what inspires them using their own good sense and a little research.
  9. Right on, thanks Ed. I'm still making some improvements... Example, I'm knocking every tutorial down to a single downloads page - when you go to download, you'll be presented with choices for "HD", "tablet" or "phone", from largest to smallest resolution and file size... Pretty sure most platforms will play any of the files directly, but the size may make a difference when you're not on wifi. Example here - http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/806-rev-tutorial-basic-launch-control/ That one just has HD and phone sizes so far, working on it all as we speak but I wanted to post a note about this.
  10. Happy New Year everyone, may 2014 be a year of opportunity and enriching experience for all. Looking forward to another season of great kite flying and friends, thanks for being a part of the KiteLife!
  11. Okay, working on it... Has to do with both the mobile video format, and how they're delivered. Stand by!
  12. Vimeo's main thing is they just don't like commercial videos, more an Indy sort of arena.
  13. Try less slide, more forward, loaded flight, or alternating between the two.
  14. Hi all, I've become aware that quite a few folks are accessing KiteLife using tablets more and more but our mobile downloads have been contained within ZIP files, requiring subscribers to download them on a desktop or laptop, unzip, then sync the files to their mobile devices from there. After a fair amount of work, I think I have the mobile format tutorials laid out in such a way that tablet users should be able to view the videos immediately after clicking "Download". Mobile outdoor tutorials - http://kitelife.com/forum/files/category/123-outdoor-quad-line-mobile/ Seems to me the most recent batch of 10 tutorials work a-ok on any mobile device, but I want to proof all the links... Think I could ask some of our KiteLife subscribers on iPhones, Androids, iPads, Google tablets, etc to go through the 28 files at the link above and let me know if any don't work for you? Will need to know: Which MOBILE tutorial Mobile device used I'll keep working to improve the catagorization and information as I go, but the download system is a little unwieldy. Best thing to do is just post back here with the info, thanks!
  15. Welcome to the forums choz02 :)

    1. choz02
    2. choz02



      I'm looking to sell off a bunch of my kites. I was wondering if you could give a ball park on what they may be worth. Rev 1.5 sle standard tubes that came with it. Rev vented b with 2 sets of tubes, case and handles( neon yellow & black). I also have a blue moon mse signed in really good condition. I have others as well.



  16. We had about 40 minutes of footage, most of it would have turned your gut. lol Problem was, my friend (Ward) didn't have his "1st person" view working through the iPhone part of the interface, so he was shooting only by line of sight, not "true vision". Soon as he gets that fixed (it's just not working), we'll be able to get REALLY creative as he can follow me / my kite instinctively instead of trying to figure the angles.
  17. Not apology necessary Nick, it is what it is... Still a worthy share of experience and information. Sorry to hear about the added treatment. I know nothing about it first-hand, but if you're deeply concerned you might also look into raw food and high-level antioxidants. Again, I know nothing - I'm just saying. Best wishes for a strong recovery in any case!
  18. I take my chances with audio on YouTube, but generally have good luck... Usually the process goes like this... 1 - upload video 2 - completes processing 3 - notification of music license 4 - acknowledge notification 5 - business as usual On rare occasion, they'll either ( a ) mute the audio and force me to re-upload with new music / use their audio swap function, or ( b ) only ONCE have they actually notified me that a video would be taken down permanently... Something to understand is that while they do want to enforce the licenses, POPULAR music is part of our culture, it captures memories and parts of our lives... To a point, they realize it's to their benefit for people to do covers, homages and personal arts themed with current music, it all adds to the marketing - there's no science to it that I've found, but all this plays in I'm sure. Vimeo is clean and has better video quality, but puts more restrictions on # of uploads, resolution, etc, unless you upgrade to a premium account, and they do not allow commercial videos. For me, you cannot beat the mass exposure of YouTube... I'll take my chances, in exchange for the biggest video audience in the world.
  19. I'll keep looking Nick, hard to souse though, not having hands on the problem myself.
  20. I've heard folks have good luck using this... http://www.unblocker.yt/en/
  21. Yessssss padwan, the force is strong with you...
  22. Not a worry. Far as I know, long as you enter Amazon initially using a KL link, it gives us like 5%-6% for the referral of any sales made during that visit. I believe it works as a cookie for 45 days or something, but jumping devices and browsers, I always suggest folks just replace their primary Amazon bookmark. Thanks a lot of thinking of it, every little bit goes a long way!
  23. Welcome to the forums BuriedinFish :)

  24. Welcome to the forums Sal e :)

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