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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Anybody share this topic around on Facebook? Usually pulls a few more in, sometimes new forum members as well.
  2. Still, you never know with random sequences.
  3. One of my next projects will be 10-20 banners, each about 2-1/2 feet high, some with the KiteLife logo and some with "ask us a question" type of calls to action... I carry so much gear as it is, the big 16' banners, poles and stakes are just too hear, especially when you need to put up 3-4 banners in all. The shorter banners should be able to just stack and roll up together, just stick 'em in the ground for use. I just finished my first complete kite today (modified rokkaku), got a little more sewing skill and I've got the bug. Maybe after AKA Convention though, time is limited.
  4. Believe it or not, I generally don't tell people I'm the President of anything unless we get really deep. Instead, I focus on the kiting and relating the experience - all that other stuff comes later, it doesn't make a flier. Same thing I try to tell the sport kite competitors... Gotta make fliers first, before you can make them competitors. Person to person "this sh*t is the bomb and here's how easy it can be" wins out every time, keeping it real.
  5. Amen brother - it's just gear! End of the day, I'd rather have a few retired sails with TONS of good memories in 'em, over crispy kites and "hum drum" stories.
  6. Please be advised, it has just come to my attention from a recent buyer that this wind meter does NOT work on Android yet - the app is reportedly still under development. :/ Sorry for any inconvenience, I've edited the lead post to reflect this news - anyone with an Android who purchased one should be able to obtain a full refund from the seller. Mine should arrive on Monday, will let you all know how it works on my iPhone 4.
  7. Almost every time I fly and hit a good rhythm, when I land at the end, I look around for anyone intently watching... I flash teeth, then think "this is SO cool you know you want to" and project it. 3/5 people will at least come over a chat, then I hit 'em with this.
  8. And I'm sure you'll agree, it's better with friends! One is an anomaly. Two is sort of believable. Three is the foundation of a movement.
  9. Welcome to the forums Swiss Made by Andi :)

  10. Increased aesthetics maybe, but build quality on the Los Hermanos (Polos included) are still "factory build", albeit in Spain instead of San Diego. Agreed. Can't beat a Baz. Unless you have a quiver of Bazzas. What is the correct name for a group of Bazzas? Bazzi? Like fungi?
  11. Increased aesthetics maybe, but build quality on the Los Hermanos (Polos included) are still "factory build", albeit in Spain instead of San Diego.
  12. It's a small thing, but I'm glad to be able to contribute in some way. I think we're all lucky that you contribute so much to advancing our sport and hobby.With luck, we all do what we were made to do.
  13. If you build it (and have fun), they will come...
  14. We did this article some time ago, for folks like yourself. http://www.kitelife.com/general-topics/buy-sell-trade-used-kites/
  15. No such animal that I'm aware, certainly not from Bazzer... Maybe a DIY?
  16. Welcome to the forums Leapfreak :)

  17. Ya, no such thing as B2 PRO, but someone uninitiated might ask - statement is still true.
  18. Welcome to the forums Iguane Kite :)

  19. Well, I was expecting to see one strange new quad line kite... <grin>
  20. Hahahahahahaha, great start Nick.
  21. Oh boy, oh boy, time for another awesome prize... Our KiteLife Subscribers really are at the heart of what we do, not only in spirit, but this web site just wouldn't be possible without their support - we are infinitely grateful, and absolutely LOVE giving a little something back in return. This time around, one lucky subscriber is taking home: One B2 Vented (two frames, sail and sleeve only), roughly a $280 value! (prize is purple/grey with white center, as pictured) This is regular (factory) model, it is not a Pro by Bazzer, but will still provide excellent flying for whoever wins. To help support our efforts and get in on this drawing yourself, please sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/366, and will be drawn on October 20th, 2013! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  22. Kudos brother, it's a great thing.
  23. Oh brother. lol Looks great.
  24. Approximately 366, counting a handful of lifetime memberships, and a couple of "access only" (no prize) subscriptions given for outstanding service to the kiting community.
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