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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. ROFL - Nice idea, but not likely... I only have two with me, just my own, a standard and a vented. See you on the flats!
  2. Typically, you'd replace all three rods... However, in gusty winds, I'll sometimes leave the 3 wrap in the middle for strength. Generally though, all three rods will be the same. Doesn't hurt to experiment however.
  3. Ya, if you want the indoor rods for your 1.5, they have to be custom cut in the factory... If you just cut some you already have, the ends aren't reinforced and tend to split quite easily. The indoor frame is very nice, but quite fragile.
  4. Monks and I were on the beach at SPI until 10:30 or so last night, cruising over the waves, over the dunes... Ohhhh... It was nice... Oh, back to topic... The weights... Axels are sweet, and I've got the falling leaf up to a 75% success rate... Neat move. We do the best we can to feature our loyal supporters. The mini-manual that comes with the kite talks about using various spars, adjusting your handles and a few basics on using the weights... I head to San Diego in about 2 weeks to film for the product DVD, and again, at the end of the year, we'll be releasing a second DVD that is an "end all" tutorial covering everything from the basics to light wind flying, precision to tricks, and much, much more. It was that good... Not hard to write when we're so inspired! I had a truly amazing time, and cannot wait until I can return to spend more time with my Argentinian brothers and sisters.
  5. Last night, we flew in front of the hotel until late... The sand is about 50' from our door, and well lit. Been awesome flying so far, and more people should be arriving today... Some kind of a social function, for anyone attending the festival here in SPI, and B&S Kites can tell you more.
  6. Monks and I flew at the flats (festival field) today, just checked into our hotel, headed for margaritas and a bite.
  7. We're coming to fly... It'll take lightning to keep us out of the sky. Wind speeds looked good at last check, anywhere from 4-14mph over the weekend... Temps between 60 and 72 degrees... We don't care if it's cloudy, or if we get a little rain... It's all good.
  8. Monks and I also have a Randy Tom custom each, and will likely do a pairs demo with them, if the wind isn't too high.
  9. Aye, we'll have the new Rev at SPI... I also believe that Bill Doan (B&S Kites) took one or two back from the show. Should be a good weekend of flying, now if I could just find time to do laundry!
  10. Thank you very much... Thanks like yours helps drive me each time, and really makes it all worthwhile. I also had a really good day on the demo field with it today... Dogstaking off poles, flying under trailer trucks, through tents, flying in 0-3 mph, teasing the other fliers and manufacturers... Ohhhh, I was boogying down in a big way... Had an "on" day of flying, really fulfilling and it drew a great response. Duly noted.
  11. You're going to have to check with Rev, or your local retailer, on Tuesday... I'm not up to speed on the rest of the line.
  12. B-Series... Black base, options are blue, red and neon yellow. Place your orders now, there is a lot of interest. Supersonics have asymmetric sails, real nice... I had to take one home.
  13. Check out the top of Rev's page... http://www.revkites.com/main.htm Congratulations to Lolly, Joe, Ben and David!
  14. This has been covered in other threads on the Revolution forum... There is a new Rev in the works, but it is not due for release in the immediate future. Development is still underway.
  15. Get in touch with your favorite shop, they'll have them soon... And, they probably need to call in their orders now.
  16. There will be a full review in issue 52 of Kitelife, due out February 1st.
  17. $299 MSRP, with 2 frames (2 wrap & 3 wrap), a weight kit, and pre-tied adjustable handles. Cheaper than an SLE with an extra frame. Vented will be available soon as well.
  18. Cheers, I'm just pleased to be a part of something so cool (kiting)... This other stuff, it's just bonus, gravy. Thank you, endlessly!
  19. FYI, today is a demo day... Hoping to have some product footage in tonight's update.
  20. Thanks! You can count on a couple more being added to the subscriber section sometime in the next couple of months... I'm headed down to San Diego for a couple weeks in February to do filming on the new advanced Rev video (yet to be named), I'll be sure to steal a little footage for on line tutorials. The DVD should come out late in the year, if all goes well. Wouldn't you like to know!! LOLNo, seriously... There is yet another design, yet to be named, besides my Rev (the B-Series), that will be coming out later in the year. You can expect to see a vented version of my kite very soon as well, probably in the next month or two... Word on the street is, it will be the same price as the regular B-Series kite. Oh man, you've melted my heart... Thank you, I'm very glad for you, and truly honored to have been a part of it.
  21. Alright folks, we start our daily updates from the Kite Trade Association's annual trade show in Albuquerque, New Mexico tonight... Stop by for highlights, photo and a bit of video from the show! http://www.kitelife.com/archives/ktai07/index.htm As the exclusive "live" media coverage at KTAI, we're able to bring you photos and info about many of the new products before they even show up in your local shops... And, we'll be posting some footage of some new kites as they're flown on the demo days. Cheers, and enjoy!
  22. Bless you Stryker. FYI, all 2007 Revs are coming without mylar... Also, all new color themes. Keep an eye on Kitelife between 10pm and 1am tonight, daily updates from KTAI, and the official release of my new Rev.
  23. Have you tried calling Prism?
  24. Updates start tomorrow night, perhaps as late as midnight. Updates are generally posted between 10pm and 1am, depending on social activities at an event.
  25. Got a picture of the Rhombus?
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