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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Oh yes, until October 1st... Unless we select a winner before that.
  2. Another design note... On the text. The proper name is iQuad... Case specific, with no hyphen. I'd be curious to see something more font-oriented, less "sketch-like". Not being picky at all... I love this one so much, I'd like to see the few remaining items ironed out.
  3. Please email me an AI file of the current art... I just downloaded Illustrator CS2. Thanks Chris.
  4. Yeah... Now we're rocking man! My absolute favorite concept so far... I love the "quad party" sense I get when I look at this one. The Revs, they need to be "hard lined" or solid, as opposed to brush stroke. Can you incorporate something similar to the style of Revs in our "fan" logo idea, with the abstract Revs? Perhaps a little less abstract, but the same feel... Solid lines too, gradient inside is okay. Also, are you working these up using Fireworks, or another program? I can't seem to open it as vector art in Fireworks, even though it's a PNG.
  5. Here's another coupon for $5 off any purchase of $20 or more... Usable on Kitelife's shop at CafePress, good towards any of the apparel or accessories available there. http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife Coupon code: SUBTLYSALTS. This offer is valid until Sep 26, 2006.
  6. I'm too scared of Tristan's indoor skills.
  7. I find that the FC requires a very heavy hand to do tricks... Although it is acceptably precise.
  8. I'll be there... Not to compete, but to watch and do demos if there is time.
  9. I've placed a trouble ticket with Invision to resolve the issue. Thanks Paul.
  10. Revlings. *chuckle* Okay, you guys are embarrassing me!
  11. That's wicked cool Chris! We are trying to get away from the dude "as is", however. Ya Monks, talked to Amy last night... Happy coincidence, for sure.
  12. FYI... At the moment, Amy's submission is based somewhat on FileOne's original contribution... Prize would have to be shared or doubled if it were to win. Just an FYI.
  13. I've never used this technique myself, but have only heard good things about it.
  14. Lady in Red... A classic, for sure. Have fun with the videos... There's enough there to keep you entertained for weeks!
  15. I'd agree... Ground recoveries are very important. Also, stalls... Landings, corners (squares), etc. Far too many people get hooked on tricks and never learn the rudiments, leaving them 1/2 baked.
  16. Hey-o RC. I'd agree with Steve... Get really comfortable on the Rev before getting into a 2 wrap frame. It's flexible enough, and fragile enough... It's better to be comfortable on the kite first. But yes, I replace the verticals too. Sometimes, to distribute strength and cut down on weight... I'll use a 4 wrap center LE rod, 3 wrap outer LE rods and 2 wrap verticals.
  17. "Professional hack"
  18. Nice work Steve, keep it up!
  19. The only thing I've found with the Acrobatx is that it's effective upper wind range is about 13-14mph... The frame is too flexible, and starts to distort after that. The plastic T piece has also shown itself to be a weak spot, breaking somtimes. A few quick, inexpensive mods would resolve some of these issues though.
  20. Need a re-work on any serious submissions to this contest... Again, the long vertical formats don't work for general application. Great work, great ideas... Just need 'em closer to square/round (2x2, 3x2) to be considered for actual use.
  21. Ken, we're here... Where are you?
  22. Barry "Bazzer" Poulter recommended putting a dirty sail into a tub of hot water with some Woolite for a couple of hours... Haven't tried it myself.
  23. Leo, do you have a PNG version of the "iQuad, therefore I am" graphic? I'd love to play around with that one in particular... Not for the logo, but for other team artwork. Still love to see you work with this concept further... Really nice.
  24. Frickin' bad a$$ Leo! Run with that... I'd love to see more art around that concept. iQuad, therefore I am... Beautiful man!
  25. Yup, meeting at the museum between 9:30am and 10:30am, at which point we head for the beach.
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