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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. I think 8' is pretty ideal for someone of your height... The longer lines tend to droop, and it's a little tougher to keep tension on the kite. Try both, see what you think. On my 6' 3" body, 8 feet is little close and I overshadow my kite. Once you get comfy, the longer the better... Nothing like an indoor kite cruising around on 75' of line! I've never done it, but I've seen video and it looks awesome.
  2. From the sound of it, you have Lam's VIP (Vented Indoor Performace)... Same one I have, and quite a treasure. I didn't find it any more difficult to fly than any other indoor dual line, but the venting gives it some unsual abilities (like the fade over the head). Let us know how your first flight goes!
  3. Two good questions Amy... Good to see you're still with us. 1. I think if you've spent a hefty amount of time working on precision (including edgework, push/pull/combo turns, corners, etc) that it can lend a finer finish or polish to trickwork. 2. Yes, if the flier is still learning... Once you're accomplished however, it might be best to look into kite(s) that cover both the precision and trick abilities nicely.
  4. No worries Amy, no harm intended.
  5. While that's a mostly viable "skills ladder", what I often see if people who can whip out a few dozen slack line tricks REALLY well, but have foresaken the skills required to fly precisely... If you take a dozen AKA compulsory maneuvers and ask a dozen fliers to fly all of them, a fair number will be able to do the tricks really well but can't carve clean maneuvers. What I'm indicating here is that a "skills ladder" may not be linear (i.e. A to B to C to D), but may be better addressed as independant skill areas. In my personal observations, a fair order in which to learn is: Flying > Landing > Turn Methods > Precision > Edgework > Stalls > Spin Moves > Pitch Tricks > Combos Certainly, this order would put all the skills in the right order for a flier to develop the in most well rounded way possible.
  6. Hi ikky, I always refrain from making specific product recommendations, but encourage suggestions with regard to style, materials, characteristics, etc. If you're inclined, go ahead and compile the information you have in mind and we'll incorporate it into this project where we can. Can you elaborate on what you mean by "skills ladder"?
  7. Thanks guys... As for Lam, he leaves for Italy in a few days... Then off to France for the World Freestyle Cup (Tricks Party). He's going to be gone nearly a month.
  8. Well said Dorsal... Those are the basic principles I use when dealing with any business, but particularly with kite retailers. The level of genuine interest you get from them is the key.
  9. Nice work Jay... Very nice. How you could help, if indeed we have your services for awhile... Catalogue any relevant articles in the Kitelife past issue archives with title, description and direct URL. Divide these by category: i.e. "how to" > framing > bridle > line sets > ballet > precision > etc beginners > setting up a kite > tuning > flying > etc And so on... If you can put this Kitelife past issues reference library together, we can fill out whatever is missing. Thanks for your vision.
  10. Nah, Llama is my secret 5th angel.
  11. ROFL - You still have to corner one of these times when I'm not busy, and I'd be happy to share some knowledge.
  12. Jay, you're hired! I'd love to see a target resource... Kind of like a business plan. If you can put one together, we'll do our best to fill the order. Thank you for your genuine interest!
  13. Funny and twisted at the same time.
  14. We've just added a couple of brand new videos showing some of what the Sea Devil is capable of... These are just quick-produced teasers, you can expect to see better footage in the near future. http://www.skysportdesign.com/videos/
  15. You are very welcome Jorge, thanks for being a part of Kitelife.
  16. Dave (Monkey) said he'd send me a copy of the DVD, and we'd sure like to put the top three winners in our video archives... But, in the meantime we've added several demo routines from LC05: http://www.kitelife.com/videos/demos.htm
  17. Very good recommendations, all... We will add this to our internal "directions" list, and do what we can to increase those kinds of content.
  18. I dunno about a DVD, but I'll have DEMO videos of following people... All shot at this year's Lincoln City indoor: - Paul Debokker - Penny Lingenfelter - Lam Hoac (x2) - Lee & Debbie Park - John Barresi (yours truly) - Group Performance (8 fliers) So, 7 videos from this event in all... Look for them in the next day or two!
  19. In a time when kite shops are talking about business being hard, most of those who have been successful are going out and flying regularly... Flying = exposure. I'm glad you had a good time, maybe you'll make some new local kiting friends as well!
  20. I try... It's part of the "submission guidelines", but we consider ourselves lucky just get anything sent in. You'd be surprised how hard it is just to get text.
  21. Good to hear Jorge, I look forward to hearing about your experiences with the kite.
  22. Hello, sounds like a wonderful project... If you haven't already, you might try posting your questions on these forums as well: http://www.gwtw-kites.com/forum http://www.kitebuilder.com/forums Best wishes.
  23. Good to hear Jorge! Sorry we had so much trouble getting it to you directly in Mexico, but we're glad it's safely in your hands. As for details on the kite, I don't have anything... I would try posting your questions on the GWTW forum, a lot of them would be familiar with your "Phoenix Supreme" as well as whether or not there is any video available. http://gwtw-kites.com/forum/ You might also try emailing HQ directly. Please let us know how the maiden flight goes!?
  24. Thanks for asking Amy, all subscribers are automatically entered... No worries.
  25. I am indeed... Dunno whether I'm going to compete there or not though, the registration is much higher than most other events. We get away for about $35 here. One way or another, my plan is to do daily updates to Kitelife from Wildwood.
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