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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. I just got word from the Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce... Looks like their ogranization is going to subscribe and support Kitelife! Only under the Chamber name, but it is still REALLY cool!
  2. You should be able to upload the photo here Delta, just start a reply and hit the "Browse..." button on that screen. We can take a look and see if we have an answer.
  3. My roommates backed out for the room I have... Feel free to contact me, or view the previous posting: http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=250
  4. Available again, my roommatees backed out.
  5. Just added under "General Kite Stuff" > "Kite Clubs" http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showforum=69
  6. I like TKS Mid-Air.
  7. Quick note, I just got back from Taiwan and will be mostly off-forum for the next day or two... But please do feel free to post any URLs if they will be of use to someone, or are relevant to a topic at hand.
  8. Last minute check in before I grab some Z's for my early morning flight to Taiwan... My only thought, it may be a bit long to "roll off the tongue". Keep 'em coming, we'll get it!
  9. I think Scott needs his own log in, so we know who he is.
  10. The Kite Shoppe is sponsoring a new team for 2005, and I'd like to hear your suggestions... Just fill in the blank! TKS _____________ They were going to go with Team TKS, but there is aready Team TKO and it's a bit too similar... But they'd like to stick with TKS somewhere in the name. Post your ideas por favor!
  11. I really love you guys... Not just because you are subscribers, or are considering it... But because I know you feel what we're doing here at Kitelife! Thank you very much.
  12. I'd especially like to congratulate Rick Hawkins, Kitelife Subscriber #14!
  13. Next topic... "How to stay afloat with traction kites"
  14. Team TKS... Has a nice ring to it! A little similar to Team TKO, something to consider if you're ever involved in the same event... You might mention that to her, but I look forward to working with you guys in any case!
  15. Beats llama poo... Which is even funnier than bull poo.
  16. I'm walking a little like a cowboy today... Definitely sore and tight. You know, it's funny... As I was nursing my wounds I realized that I could do an article on the dynamics and techniques of light wind flying for both dual line and quad line in an upcoming issue of Kitelife! I don't remember seeing anything like that done in recent years, and it would probably find an eager audience.
  17. Hear, hear! I had an absolute blast yesterday... Despite running into that park bench at full speed! For those that weren't there... Winds were pretty light a good part of the day, so I must have thirty or so 360's over the course of the fun fly... Coming around on one of them, I wasn't looking where I was going and ran full speed and smack dab into a picnic table! Yuk yuk... I'm okay, but real sore today... O-U-C-H! I heartily recommend looking where you're going when you do 360s... LOL!
  18. Fair enough Baskey... We here in the USA are starving for photos and reporting from Eurpean events, and welcome any and all contributions to Kitelife! Spread the word.
  19. Nice! We're in business then... I'm amazed they even provide spices and such!
  20. You have a french press Moon?
  21. There are indeed good festivals in Italy... They have their own S.T.A.C.K. organization to boot! Do a web search.
  22. Well, that apparently depends on Moon? lol
  23. Very good suggestion oculus... There are quite a few in our archives, but I'll see if we can't get some more going.
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