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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. It applies to all files... However a full photo gallery service (like webshots.com) is in the works for all official Kitelife subscribers. In the meantime, might need to cut down photo file sizes for forum posting.
  2. We couldn't get into the museum garden Penny, so we were looking at AOK's shindig or the beer garden.
  3. Thanks Cody, we are in process of setting up a second server with daily back ups so that in the event this one goes down, it will either switch to the other one automatically, or 12-48 hours at the most... This will ensure only minimal loss of data, and nothing else like happened when I went to Malaysia in February... We were down for nearly 2 weeks that time. To date however, since taking over in August of 2003... We've only been down 3 times, once on the Malaysia trip, and twice for about 3-4 days each since. Trust me, I keep upping the level of services and support behind the scenes here and you can look forward to nothing but improvement. Thanks,
  4. Correct, Kitelife at the beer garden Friday 8pm-10pm roughly.
  5. Hey TrlbyThang... You want Girl or Mouse? Whichever, I'll make it so... Just let me know. Ohhh... Too early, I'm rhyming.
  6. Hear, hear Penny! Rev has my vote... Plus they are always the most supportive of artistic (autistic?) talent, like Penny and myself.
  7. Do they sell beer tickets, or direct? Also, how much are they usually?
  8. I'm with Carl... Most everyone will be there in the area of the beer garden and field anyway.
  9. I talked to Charley on the phone in the last hour, and I mentioned to him that i was under the impression that "odd" graphic was the "new" pattern Revolution marketed the Rev I with during it's last full year of production. Not sure though.
  10. Since I'm a newbie to WSIKF, I'd like to avoid any of the following issues: Having fewer people show up, being already at other functiions. Conflicting with, or drawing away from other "official" functions such as AOK. Not being able to have kids there (Belassis says he might be able to get the owner of Fish Trap to have a alchohol-free night for us, but then we're buying off the menu and dead sober). Comments, ideas? I may be leaning towards the AOK, since they are my local club and the eats will be cheap... Will they have beer Carl?
  11. Do you remember what channel it was on?
  12. Let me drop a embarrassment bomb...Here's an article we did on Belassis in the last issue of Kitelife: http://www.kitelife.com/archives/issue36/charly36/index.htm Sorry Charly... Had to do it.
  13. They fly much nicer than the Synergy too... Somewhere between the Deca and a Rev, framed entirely in graphite wisker stock... Exclusively low wind.
  14. Greetings, As you'll no doubt notice, postings made between yesterday evening and this morning are gone... I had called the company that handles our domains three days ago and asked them how long it takes for a "name server" change to become active, and they told me it was immediate. A "name server" is what tells my domain what IP address to find our files at, and I was under the impression that it was done around 10pm last night... This is not the case, and I have a complaint pending with my domain registrar. My humble apologies, and I encourage you to repost if you can find the words again. Sincerely yours,
  15. The Flame? But of course... The stack of Flames is dead center, being flown by Curtiss Mitchell himself between Lee Sedgwick and Sam Ritter with their Rev stacks.
  16. Be frank here... The purpose of the group as I know it is still to provide a user-friendly environment, so do share your feelings and suggestions and please be specific by posting a reply here as well.
  17. I was just scanning some more old issues of SKQ and came across the Omni by Peter Powell.. Is this the one you're referring to?
  18. Now, you kids play nice.
  19. Whoomp, there it is. For quad line precision, I prefer a vented Rev (any size) over a standard - even if I could somehow choose to have the best winds for either one.
  20. Dagnabbit! I was really look forward to it... I recall Bob Anderson launching his Green's parafoil (big one) with a flight strap tied about 15' down the line... So, this intensely powerful kite launches with me suspended about 10'-12' in the air... What a ride!!
  21. Curious Rick, in the interest of improving... What about the site has given you trouble?
  22. My Loyal, Naturally you might wait for input from other members, but you'll notice that the other three posts were last dated in March... And most likely had to do with forgotten/confused passwords, which in any case were immediately resolved by a reset from our admin (we read and post here daily too). Hope to see your posts in the member forums. Let me know if you have any questions at all!
  23. For the last couple years I have often used hybrid frames, combining various rods to achieve the best results... Especially since I find the vented Revs have better reverse flight, but generally require higher winds. Here are a couple combinations: Vented Rev I 4-wrap center leading edge spar 3-wrap outer leading edge spars 2-wrap verticals Standard Rev I 3-wrap center leading edge spar 2-wrap outer leading edge spars 2-wrap verticals And so on... This has worked with great success for me, understanding that the center takes most of the stress, the outer leading edge rods the second most, and the verticals generally deal with the least stress.
  24. You are too cool for school Kent! We're gonna have to sit down and talk shop one of these days.
  25. You can translate darn near anything these days, from German to Japanese... There are translation sites listed on our links page: http://www.kitelife.com/weblinks
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