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Mike Klaiber

Kitelife Subscriber
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Everything posted by Mike Klaiber

  1. This has been sold. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  2. one of my combinations Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  3. Mine goes Chitty Chitty Bang Bang [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  4. Congrats Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  5. Could just be a nerd thing!
  6. My bag needs it’s own insurance policy... Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  7. Today on 30’ lines Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  8. Video from 2013 with grandkids Enjoy!
  9. Had a great time flying several Riff specials! I am so happy with mine! Responded well in 6-12+ winds. Heaviest sail in the quiver but 200 panels will do that. Double stitching, plastic in the sail tips, loads of RiffClown nuances. Has a nice deep roar when it powers up and the reflections are amazing! Five purples, two of which are no longer available! Outstanding - so let’s go fly my kite! Thanks Rob! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  10. I’m in thanks Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  11. Sweet looking kite! Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  12. Congrats@Lordbuka Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  13. Wish I could be there to see them fly!
  14. Way I saw it, buy a bag that protects 10 quads, and easily carried, with line sets, handles and other quad gear versus $200ish spent on another kite... man what a bag! Love mine and thanks John for the recommendation- it’s not hard sided but you have that covered.
  15. Really nice Rob! Matches my purple set really well!! Keep em coming. Looking forward to seeing with sun behind her. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  16. Great win Terry! Congratulations and have a great time having John clean out the gutters, work him hard and I know he will do the same to/for you, enjoy! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  17. IMHO B series are better made and and respond better although if cost is a major factor a classic is a great learner, the fever is real so plan on having a few within 6-12 months [emoji848] well maybe just some of us! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  18. Nice backdrop! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  19. I have a tensor 4.2 for sale if you decide to step into a little more power. Learn in winds that are 2-4 mph in a large field. Butt scootin’ is learning, waxy cardboard on a newly mowed field or snow saucers are other learning options even on smaller foils. A 2.2 will pull you in a windy day versus lift you like other kites. Play safe and learn with someone if possible. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  20. 39th Anniversary or stunt clinic. [emoji848] can I make 40 and go? [emoji23] nope [emoji173]️ Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  21. Gotta support sponsors when possible, ordered and looking forward to flying at our kite festival coming us soon. Thanks for all of the suggestions! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  22. Sorry, no glasses - winner is@wtodd2020 not vtodd.
  23. Number 1 @vtodd2020 Number 2@kevmort And the winner is @vtodd2020! Congratulations! I will message you for contact information soon.
  24. Drawing is tomorrow at 5 EST ish... [emoji3] life is flexible, why not me? Us? 50/50 shot right now!
  25. I don’t feel comfortable posting offline conversations but will summarize with: Joes summary Rev sails are made by same company in Spain that they have used for years and not cheap China spinoffs as I called them, their rods and hardware are of highest quality along with single sheet printed sails which have been in use for years, eyes were not copyrighted and there are differences in appearance they are not owned by anyone, their (Revs) business plan did not change and Rev is all about exposing new folks to kiting, fun experiences and educating users to Master levels with Club 38. Mikes unanswered or no comment to questions were related to: So few or no more pro or Master level Revolution branded kites, communication to end users regarding discontinuing products which produced outcomes where some kite makers and end users have decided to leave them versus continue with company direction in entry level successes and poor customer service experiences. I’m hoping some time in the future they jump back into a innovator position but for now they do offer a great starter setup. Oh, I will be posting a few quads for sale soon. They will be great additions to your bag, be watching out for them! Love quad flying [emoji3][emoji173]️
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