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Everything posted by SKITCH

  1. Some photos would be GREAT if you have the time! I'm a visual kinda person! I'm going to cover this in GREAT HIDEOUSLY BORING DETAIL in the next Kitelife, complete with pics and video One man's "Hideously Boring" may be another mans Glorious Enlightenment! Or something like that. P
  2. CONGRATS!! ENJOY IT. TO ALL THOSE LURKING OUT THERE AND JUST VISITING THE SITE....THIS SHOULD PROVE THAT IT PAYS TO SPEND THE COUPLE OF $$$ AND BECOME A MEMBER. Tim has only been a member for less than 2 months and he already won a prize that would pay for multiple years of membership!!!! JOIN.....support the cause. We need ya!! P
  3. WHAT..... What about all the rest of us.......we are deserving...we are inspired.....we are fanatics......we are people too. We have needs Ant...really we do. Let's all just hope for the best and may the best man/woman win. Karma and Kismet will dictate the events of the future....we are not in control. Let go Ant......be one with the kite and the wind......Let the force guide you. (Man that makes me sound like a Star Wars Geek.) And then ask me if it's OK to fly MY new French Connection next year at Wildwoods....... HA HA HA HA HA P
  4. AVOID is a tall order when it comes to the 4 lines and everything that can come between you and your kite!!!! But, no matter which way you decide to do it...like with anything else....the more you do it the easier it gets. You'll be OK...just give it a little time and be patient when they do get tangled. After a few times you won't even be thinking about them anymore and the only thing that will matter is the great time you had flying the kite!!!! Have a wonderful time with it....It's my new "therapy"!!!!! Wish I could get out even more. P
  5. Yeah ANT, the guy was GREAT. I think his name was Jim....he used to fly with Cutting Edge a while back I guess. It was not Jim Barber. He knew how to fly Revs and was pretty damn good at it. He took some time with me and really helped me "get it" for the first time. Gave me some great advice on how to hold the handles and what to feel for. That day I was up and flying and really got over the nervousness I had about trying to get the hang of the quad. I still use the tips he gave me. Wish I could remember his last name. We drew a crowd on the beach and he ended up flying dualies with another couple just down the way. While he was helping me with my lines, another guy came up and started watching...I talked to him and he said that Jim had seen him on the beach the day before when he was having problems working with his Dual line and the guy helped him out as well and worked with him for quite a while. Seems to me this guy is doing a solo job of keeping the sport alive in his area. Wish I could afford to live at the beach and do the same!!!! He said he does not do the forum thang....so I doubt he'll see this. Maybe Debbie will know who I'm talkin' about if she reads this....or someone else from the Ocean Shores area. P Skitch, the man you are talking about is Jim Barber. He and his wife Monica own The Cutting Edge Kite shop in Ocean Shores WA. They are both wonderful people and go out of their way to help anyone that needs it. The both are very involved in The Northwest Sport Kite League and put on a Festival and competition every year. In fact, I was just attending it last weekend. They are both a gift to the kiting community, and Jim is indeed a part of the World Cup Winning team Cutting Edge. http://cuttingedgekites.com/index1.htm hugs Mousie Skitch, you must be really good if you have a two time World Champion to wrap your lines up!! I gotta get me a kite roady I'm sure I looked pitiful and they helped me for that reason. It was very nice of the guys to help me out....it was a mess. !!!! P


    I met a guy in Seaside called the Wizard. He had long white hair and a long white beard. His clothes were made of kite sail ripstop in all the great colors. He rode the beach on a trike with kites tied to the handle bars and blew huge bubbles for the kids. We saw him there for years and then he was gone. A few years ago we went to Pinky's Kite Factory in Cannon Beach and I asked the old guy if he knew what happened to the Wizard. He told me the Wizard was gone. I asked what happened, wishing he went while doing what he loved, entertaining all on the beach. The old man stepped out from behind the counter... he was wearing kite sail shorts over his jeans... and said his wife made him get a job We drank coffee and listened to his stories. My favorite was about his traveling north up the coast of Oregon. He would take a snow saucer and a kite and ride the shuttle bus south to the end of the line. He took his stuff to the beach, setup his kite and got on his saucer and "fly" back to Cannon Beach... he got home before the bus got back If you don't have snow saucers in the UK, I can send you one I guess there's no difference between wind currents and water currents when you're a master! Now THAT sounds like something fun to try at Long Beach or Ocean Shores on a very slow, windy, mid-week day when noone is on the beach.....that could be a blast.....and you could race!!! Now I've got to go and buy a snow saucer and watch Chrismas Vacation again so I can see how to make it go REALLY fast. Thanks Grandpa. P
  7. Hector, Were they whistling............you know.............while they worked????? P
  8. And I always thought the guy...2nd from the left holding the shovel.....next to John....was Egan. How could I get that confused. I guess I'll just have to hurry up and get to know these guys. My bad. : .....REPEAT. P
  9. Yeah ANT, the guy was GREAT. I think his name was Jim....he used to fly with Cutting Edge a while back I guess. It was not Jim Barber. He knew how to fly Revs and was pretty damn good at it. He took some time with me and really helped me "get it" for the first time. Gave me some great advice on how to hold the handles and what to feel for. That day I was up and flying and really got over the nervousness I had about trying to get the hang of the quad. I still use the tips he gave me. Wish I could remember his last name. We drew a crowd on the beach and he ended up flying dualies with another couple just down the way. While he was helping me with my lines, another guy came up and started watching...I talked to him and he said that Jim had seen him on the beach the day before when he was having problems working with his Dual line and the guy helped him out as well and worked with him for quite a while. Seems to me this guy is doing a solo job of keeping the sport alive in his area. Wish I could afford to live at the beach and do the same!!!! He said he does not do the forum thang....so I doubt he'll see this. Maybe Debbie will know who I'm talkin' about if she reads this....or someone else from the Ocean Shores area. P
  10. Yeah....I had some problems as well.....not being familiar with multiple lines. It gets much better.....no matter which method you use. I've gone to one winder as well....but recommend the 2 winder system if you are worried about it. Using one winder DONT wind them up together. One side, then the other. I followed this recommendation. Whan you put it away....start with the right handle (or left....whichever you prefer....your choice here) and wind those two line as you walk to the kite.......when that is done...secure those lines to the handle. THEN, starting at the kite.....wind the other side lines...back to the handle. Next time you fly...just do the opposite. Have not seen the video....so not sure what is taught there. You'll get it. I was at Ocean Shores trying to learn when a car decided it HAD to drive right through where I was flying. I made the mistake of trying to walk around it. OOPS....major tangle and major mistake. I was lucky that there was a very experienced flyer on the beach...he caught me and helped me untangle the birds nest. Could not believe he actually stopped and took the time to do it. Good luck....... P
  11. I'm so happy with myself....I went out to fly yesterday and discoverd a use for the SLE spars!!!!!!! Being as new as I am to this........ I forgot my kite stake!!!! Worked perfectly and how could you lose it? Just tie a little red flag to the end like when you are hauling an oversized load in your truck!!!! P
  12. SKITCH

    kite haters

    Hey ANT, Someone on here posted a while ago about having designated "Kite FLying" areas in a local park or at a beach. Maybe you could petition or put the wheels in motion to get a portion of the beach designated like this. Wouldn't that be cool. Obviously anyone could use that part of the beach, but Kite Flyers would alway be welcome and get priority in that spot...and it would be in the rules, ordinances, ????? Then the lifeguard, beach patrol, ????, could not kick you off and would have to send mean ole' tourist packing. With all the press the Wildwood Kite Fest gets...I bet if you hit while iron is still hot you might be able to get something going!!! That would be a pretty big victory for your local kite scene. And we could name it after you!!!!!! "THE ANTHILL......ALL KITES WELCOME ON MY HILL" p
  13. SKITCH

    kite haters

    A man isn’t born a pink person. It happens when someone that lives north of the Tropic of Cancer comes south to worship the sun. They go from translucent to a bright shade of pink on the Florida beach after only a few hours. It sometimes stays that way for days then blisters and starts again. SADLY, Like I said. I'm a PINK person. It is so sad at the beach. This white boy does not tan......just pink, red, reallly red, peel, begin again!!! But at least I do respect other people and their space!! P
  14. Holy Cow...is Lincoln City really that close?????? If you are talkin' about SEA, TAC and OLY...we might want to think about the BEACH......Ocean Shores... Westport????/ You know the flying areas better than I. Let me know what you think. I will of course guarantee good and steady wind. Any other suggestions are always welcome. I have to drive all over the place with my job...so driving a little does not bother me. Also, my wife is flying a lot more over the next couple of months(flight attendant) due to my missing nearly a month of work in May with some medical issues, so I will have MIA as solo daddy while she's gone.....It's killing my weekends...but I'm sure I can work something out. (It's not every weekend....so far only the ones with Kite Events that I REALLY want to go to!!!!! As a matter of fact, Mia and I might head up to Vancouver this weekend for the Festival there. I love going with her and it really gives us some good 1 on 1. I just can't fly while I'm there...can still check out the event, meet and hang out with people, etc. Let me know what you think......By the way....where do you live????? P
  15. Have fun Mand......that's exactly what I would have done....now that I've heard all the advice! Make sure to check out the kite shops that sponser Kitlife! Both THE KITE SHOPPE in Vancouver, WA and INTO THE WIND in Boulder, CO will take care of everything you need and provide excellent cust. service. You can find their links here. P
  16. Thanks guys....all good stuff. John, why do you prefer going with the double Leading edge 3 & 4 wrap in high winds instead of the SLE? Just curious? Rev should have a catalog that really details these things or a posting at the kite shops to help those that are new at this. When I bought mine I was told that the SLE was "THE REV TO BUY". I bought at a very respected kite shop. Perhaps I should have done a little more research before I bought mine. OR...I could have just walked back across the street...pulled John aside, I also met him for the 1st time that day(I don't expect you to remember JB), and asked him at that moment which kite to buy. DAMN, now that I think about it, I also met BEN from Rev that day and could have asked them BOTH for advice!! Oh to be 9 months younger again...... P
  17. SKITCH

    kite haters

    Lead by example.....best way to go about it. By the way.....I'm very pink. ROB, no problem...I was just givin' ya a hard time. P
  18. Thanks Quadkit...... Those were great to watch. I love it. I wanna do that stuff!!!! P
  19. SKITCH

    kite haters

    Baloo.. I like it....and soooooo true. Good name for a kite or a team. "The Chill Pill" P
  20. OK...I'm finally getting to where I feel a little more comfortable with my kite....and having a blast every time I fly it. That to me is mission accomplished...step 1. Now, I'm getting confused. First everyone talked about different LE's for the SLE...did it. Got a 2 wrap instead of 3 wrap by accident...but still love it. (I'll get the 3 wrap soon) NOW....I hear so much talk about the vented vs non-vented. What kind of wind do you need to justify the vented. Those of you in the NW....do we have that type of wind? What is the difference going to be when comparing say, a standard with 2 wrap LE to a vented with 2 wrap LE in the same, moderate winds? I've flown mine now in some pretty hefty wind with the new LE and it seemed to work OK.....I was a little worried once that the wind was too strong...but everything went just fine. I want to work on slides, stopping anywhere anytime, etc. Any info would be appreciated..... Do I need to just suck it up and try to buy matching B series standard and vented kites......then I would have 2, 3, and 4 wrap and the SLE? I want to grow and become one with my kite.... Thanks... P
  21. Holey Moley Penny.....when can I get a lesson or two.......I definitely need you in my corner. I'll take a ferry and come to you!!!! I accidentally got 2 wrap LE for my kite instead of a 3 wrap...but boy what a difference it makes? P
  22. SKITCH

    kite haters

    Rob.....are you West Coast bashing? I'll have you know that I have called Hell's Kitchen, Alphabet City, Astoria, Queens and the Bronx "home" at one point or another in my life....not to mention Los Angeles (Hollywood, Santa Monica, etc. etc.). We definitely have our share of "idiots" (to put it nicely) out here as well. They are just more politically correct in their lack of intelligence. Taking someone for a walk can go a couple of different ways.....if ya know what I mean. At least you get away from the wife and kids.... You did well ANT......I would have definitely had a hard time holding back as well...probably would have gotten myself into more trouble! What a drag having that experience so soon after a wonderful experience at the festival.....keep on flying. P
  23. Nice job John.....thanks for the edit. Now we are back in "proper sequence". P
  24. SKITCH

    kite haters

    Next time...and it probably will never happen again.....ask him to take a walk with you down the beach ....just you and him....away from the families...to have a little talk. If he does...then you can explain it to him man to man without worrying about the kids....or disrespecting his family the way he did yours. If he doesn't.....then walk away in disgust and leave him to feel like the "real man" he is. I'm with ya Ant, when they completely disrespect you and your family.....it's a tough call. You did the right thing. The fact that he got you kicked off the beach...well that's just plain BS. P
  25. AWWWW Shucks......I had everything packed and ready to go the night before and then some unexpected "issues" came up. I was grumpy all day. I too was looking forward to meeting all of you! It will definitely happen soon. Y'all take care! P
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