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Everything posted by scottweider
That's right, Penny will be flying her REV at "Ryder Cup" Golf tourney, Opening Ceremonies in Louisville KY so the Golf Channel should as well, Looking forward to seeing the Kites over the Falls! good luck, Tues, IQUAD. I 'll be watching Rock EM ALL
That's Awesome, I lost mine as well Mousie, with The Bag that was lost in my accident, I'm missing my VIP, I will replace someday!!
Hi Marko, I know that there is a Rockaway kite festival on the 5th of SEPT, I think Charles Stewart is organizing it, with that said. Sky Festivals Rockaway has been postponed, was scheduled for the 13th of Sept, I will contact you as soon as I can to give you more info! On this! Scott Weider
Hi, I can't wait for video of Reflection, Paul said he would post on his web site, I flew indoor sat night in Mass, Dedham, then Sunday I drove to Liberty, New Jersey to fly with Mark lummas from San Diego, In 24 hours I flew in 2 states drove over 500 miles so I rest on MONDAY! Getting srtonger and I have permission from Pauline to fly as much as I like , HaHA,
Talk about mile high. GOOD FOR YOU, let the Parade begin in CO. I'm sure you'll get a few other flyers to join in soon enough. Scott Weider
Wen, If I may, It started with SUE MOSKOWITZ, (owner, "HIGH FLYERS FLIGHT CO" the former store in NEWPORT, RI) and Lolly @ REVOLUTION, they made sure, I, Scott Weider, had the new indoor REV, that blue sail Wen now flys is/was my very first INDOOR REV, Theresa (Owner, THE KITE SHOPPE" currently operating out of Vancouver, Washington State) put the new 1/4" inch indoor rods in it, and BELL brought back to Taiwan, hand delivered, Now, WEN, teach the old kite new trick/behavior and the cycle continues. I'm humbled to be friends of such a wonderful human being in WEN JENG,.. I'm lucky, to know him, this young man is well beyond his years. And, he has young legs but wise mind! So Baloo, you too can fly this way, FOR SURE!! just one month, ask WEN! from 3 to 103, the REV has much sail area to accept wind which provides the lift, small steps/keep hands the same configuration as kite and It just sits up in the air, "Like Magic!" These where my words about REVOLUTION/INDOOR then and today. They have been around 20 years and counting!! with a kite that does work well... Large sail area, it's MAGIC! One name is "John Ruggiero" who made custom INDOOR REV which was VERY inspirational to the production model. these things only a few know. but all enjoy now.. JOE, DAVID and LOLLY, THANKS!! I know it's only a kite... not a breathing entity, it only comes alive in the hands of those with a dream to control a bird of sorts.. MAGIC.. and I'm all mushy now!! gotta go! WENs' American Brother..Nathaniel. too, lets not forget! thats another one who has yet to show his kite prowess!!. He'll show us won't he WEN, Nathaniel post here?? Scotts testimony, Thanks for listening!
Hi Litsong, Your passion has been transfered through Wen, I've watched it over time and it is, what is beautiful, and supposed to be! I would love to see Wen and Litsong flying Rev's indoor together! It can be easy, Both of you can handle the kite, just do it at the same time, one kite over the other, It would be AWESOME to see MOTHER & SON, flying pairs! VERY possible, TRY IT! Just for fun each take turns walking/flying a circle over the other flyer! ok ok, enough SCOTT... about letting public fly? What we have done in the past, is open the floor for 15 minutes on the hour for public..45 minutes demo/practice pilots.. to give the wanting public a chance, and it also gives the pilots a chance to share thier individualism/ specialty, Then after 15 minutes, clear floor, Demos start for the regular pilots. This has worked for us at times, maybe have a waiver to sign.. If they step into arena... just to release liability of the GYM or Organization putting the event on! just a simple agreement. If you want to try please sign.. to say "You fly at your own risk" it protects everyone and the public gets PROFESSIONAL instruction for a few minutes. Sharing passion! Scott Weider
Awesome, Dodd, So you can teach an OLd Dog new tricks, keep up the beat Bud! Weider
Thanks for sharing Wen, When will you put some of the Reflection, or is that there? I talked with Paul Debakker today and he said he would put on his web site so send some of the Reflection along as well, I know you are fairly new but you handle the kite quite well young man!! Scott Weider
Hello, I have not seen such a long train flown with ease, very nice! How long are the train lines? I would like to try You make it look so easy! very gracful!! Scott Weider
Will, These look and sound awesome, are you flying with the WOWsters? It sounds like this kite can do all one would ask of an indoor dualie, I would like to see it, On March 15th, Smithsonian/Air and Space Museum will have demos of indoor kites are you going to that? Scott Weider
Hi Wen All set with email, how about a little video clip you flying the new reflection, I would love to see you on video, Can you post a little clip for me PLEASE!, Yeah BABY!, You Have The Power! Jusy wondering?
Hi Wen, Great for you, can't wait to see you again, I will be walking at least a bit more, I just spent 3 weeks in the warm Fla and Texas sun some flying with IQUAD and major recvovery leaps for me! I hope you enjoy and Thanks for the homemade card, Darren and I loved it! your the best!! Tell litsong we send our love, from Rhode Island and thanks for the movies they are great a life's lesson for this family!!! Scott, Pauline and Darren Weider
Great stuff penny, As usual, I noticed you flying the kite behind you then back over your head in reverse, very cool and have never seen anyone do it before,VERY cool! Those wings work your a perpetual ball of energy, AWESOME. maybe I'll get to see you in Lincoln city in March my fingers are crossed!! Scott Weider
Hi again, I'm looking forward, but MARCH planning this late is tricky!! get some dates so all can participate!! soon, GODSPEED! Scott Weider
What did I miss? In english? What can you do for us? Hi Ben, I am wearing my indoor rods on the ends. Not at the caps, but on the spar over the ferrel. It's grinding, like caps on cement. Would there be something we coud coat these with that would keep it from happening. They do get a bit of fly time, so I 'm not complaining. Sorry, this is probably off topic.~ Are you saying that a 2 wrap should fly ok in 13 mph wind on a 1.5? BB Penny~ who really should email you. Hi Penny, On my Street Kites, I put a rubber /vinyl end cap and when they wear out I just replace they work great they are cheap and when your indoor they land soft and they hold /stick to a hardwood gym floor instead of slide out It has worked for years of flying in the streets and indoor flying for me it's provin I call it Scott proof . I have a nick name in true Rhode Island Slang "SPLINTA" I say if your not breaking em your not flyin em so the little rubber/ vinyl end caps work great Thresa knows abot em if not I can let here know so you can get them from her! hope this helps
Congrats!! I got involved, I'm glad I learned how to use forum quickly I was a subcriber to both but you motivated my to use and "HURRY", you were right, so I wanted to win, and out of your genorosity. I'm just glad all is well healthly and everyone has a MERRY Christmas. Looking forward to meet all involved in person someday. afterall this cyberspace is/should bring us together on the field, YEAH..... I think so!!! The Greatest GIFT ON EARTH IS THE GIFT OF LIFE SO HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR EXTENDED KITE FAMILY. Thanks for letting me in for a few minutes I'm humbled, truly Sincerly Scott A. Weider
Hi guys I'd like to reopen this thread, If I may. For all of those who would like to know! Paul your the MAN!! AntMAN Thanks for starting this thread! so I have recently talked with man who designed the "MAGIC QUAD STICKS" his name is Robert "MAC" Macbroom he is my QUAD MENTOR here in smallest state/ North Kingstown,Rhode Island in the Northeast USA..he had designed them for the Rev II he was doing roll up takoffs, flic flac ( before they had names for it)/falling leaf stuff to music it's on tape it's recorded history I will dig it up and get it out... in the early 90's not just training wheels OK!! tricks boys TRICKS!!!!! That was the his concept. Johnny beat him in 94 WILDWOOD NATIONALS with BUGS good ole choreogphy and smiles however. johnny will tell ya tricks were not very well received back then in a tradtional ballet, (IE: KILL JOY )Yeah johnny, will tell ya the judges used to kill joy? Anyway, BUGS STILL ROCKS I WANT TO SEE SOMEONE BEAT IT NOW, TRY TRY IF YOU CAN I will get the bridle board and make available to some if they want as an accesory(NOT BETTER JUST DIFFERENT ) he made them out good ole american ingenuity now they have soft rubber (IE APA fitting) Thanks Thersa!! over the years they came with Rev 1.5 we made "STICKS" for 1.5 we got the balance to rollup 1.5 when that was done we made them and sold around the globe out of his basement. I will do my best to get them to out W/website/history/video to whoever wants to try and as time goes will put some video through Johnny showing what they are, so that's my story and I'm "sticking" to it. Scotty and Darren had an UPS fall, on our way to a Wild Pirate Ball, All Johhny's flyers and all 'IQUAD Members could motivate Scotty and Darren to fly the QUADS again Please come back with comment on this guys, all older users of "MAGIC QUAD STICKS". I know what IQUAD IS DOING NOW YOU DONT NEED THEM but it is different and kinda neat for say a quadrapelic who cant set his kite up and older people who can use some help with the so called walk of shame we are not all fit as a fiddle. kiting is for all from 3 to 103 from baby to great grandpa if we open our minds and our hearts to it is our job the hardcore users of these forums to bring to others, thanks for listening. Sincerely Scott Weider
Hi all, John and WindsofChange KENT? and family, Congrats on the news, I'm a novice at posting/ replies to these forums, if that is not clear (I think it is to Johnny), however, here is my question? I/ my guess is it in offically? ((DEC 25th 7 am pst )) and when this wonderful gift decides to introduce itself to the rest of us crazy kite flyers, you'll let us know here on kitelife ? or on CNN or NBC, Kitelife will suffice I know, but NBC would reach a few more people I think Anyway that was a couple of questions so thanks for you time and I hope all is well whenever they decide to grace us with their presence. God Speed The little kiter Sincerely Scott Weider
I love it when a plan comes together i was typing so fast the words were all misspelled Karma baby I'm happy fao you thats priceless art you can't repeat that if you wated to I know!!
hahahahahaa omg Scotty, You made my face hurt... toenails rotting eeeeeeeeew. lol BIG Hugs to you... you like the mustache??? lol when are you coming back out here to see us?? We MISS you!!!! Lincoln City?????? I sure hope so.... Thanks for always making me crack up when I need to... like two seconds before I go to compete lol.. . hugs mousie I dont know how to use this vey well but the PM thing just threw me
AMY, There is Justice for The ARTIST! GOD BLESS, Thank god,when they do there time in the hotel they will have cold nights ina dark place no blue skies foe them no flre flies no moonlit nights not sexy mousie lookin mousie lookiin mousie for them haha good for kiddo they do eve get a good lookin charli chaplin what do ya think of them apples they will have ther toes nails rot off. they would'nt even know a diamond if they held if inther hand idiots!! good for you Amy Scotty
Wen you get a kite from me!! I get a great kick watching you grow over the few summers I watch you fly. This past summer sometime I was lucky to just to watch. I hope to see you again soon. SOUL FLYING started this thread AND That is why I checked in and all this time later Wen, I get to find out what your doing So, I will say just as a flyer getting to watch someone else is a GREAT Pleasure and VERY SOULFUL knowin that it has brewed and evolved for a period. I have watched WEN it is MY memory to watch Wen at maybe 5 years old getting a lesson from Dodd Gross now he is 13 and gonna show me some tricks when I see him come back from Taipai and I live in Northeast USA. Scotty
Well after careful study of the my ugi board and talkin with the elfs and the red nose reindeer and looking through the hazy snowy cloudy skies here in the northeast on this the early morning hours of the 8th of December, I say It will be a blessing from St nick with a (7am PST. DEC 25th Christmas birth). IF the baby is born on my REV FORUM (original perdicition) Dec fourteenth then it's just a lucky baby and you guys will have super fun with the kites however I will see thee baby on Christmas morn and get the Bonus and the widow Maker or the B Series Quadline it don't matter, Jim Foster seems like a smart man, so until then, I wish all a good night. I do not not use this forum much so God bless to your Family and what a great idea I wish your wife much health and ease in all her travels as it may and to you dont wear out your shoes pacing the floor. Peace from the Northeast. Scotty Weider