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Everything posted by tonycarl60

  1. Really cool, I'm sure it looks great from the front doing a burst. I like one long tale attached to the center of the leading edge like you guys as it has the the least amount of effect on the rev. I did a video of my rev b with 2 Gomberg transition tails hooked together: My link
  2. Yes, I do believe the vents increase the wind range although I think the placement on the ultra keeps the wing tips from rattling in the higher winds. I don't think they affect doing quad stuff. I am surprised how well it handles the higher winds since it's not a very heavy kite, but it will still hang in there in a lighter wind. Thanks again:) Please feel free to ask as many questions as you wish:).
  3. Thank you very much, I'd forgotten it looks a lot better than it flies. No, it's not a custom sail. This is the way I got it from an online kite store (don't remember which one:( ). I prefer to fly it as a quad because of the unusual stuff it can do as a quad delta. You're welcome, I might try to do a short video soon:) I have to agree with the others in that it is not a good 2 line or quad, it's just a weird delta but I like it anyway.
  4. Dusted off my tc ultra and flew it today. Dive stops and backing up slowly look real weird on a delta shaped kite. Rocket ship landings and side slides are cool. This is one delta kite I never have to do the walk of shame with. I intend to fly it more often:)
  5. I have a Parastunter quad, Beamer 1.8 quad and 11 revs and can say the quad foils do fly like revs but obviously not as precise, so I don't think you will have any problems with a rev. Just remember you can't do figure nines with a rev as often as you can with a foil and get away with it without incurring some damage:) I like the small quad foils for those high wind yah-hoo moments!
  6. If it is nose down usually not, any other position maybe depending on how much wind you have and how much line shaking/backing up you do. That's why I love my parastunter 4 line foil, very seldom do I need to do the walk of shame with it.
  7. Hey Marty, thanks for finding the mylar source! I'm going to get some too!
  8. I just got some Gomberg transition tails. Hooked 2 48 footers together to make 1 96 foote to my Rev B and did a video. Since the rev can do dive stops and fly backwards I thought it would add a little more interest. It did seem to get attention at the field. I attached it to the center leading edge. http://www.vimeo.com/4807839
  9. Welcome to the forum! To launch the kite by yourself, you need to get a ground stake (a screwdriver will do) that you stick into the ground at a 45 degree angle back, stake your straps, go to the kite set it upright, pull the lower corners back towards to stake so the kite is almost laying down flat with just a couple of inches of the top sticking up. Put some sand (if you're at the beach) or some other weight on the kite so it won't take off by itself (which it will do). walk back to the stake, pick up straps and stake, put stake in your back pocket (a holster is even better), pull both straps evenly and step back to launch kite. Have fun! Be careful with foils, they can and will get away from you on occasion.
  10. I've seen some kites that have a short piece of bungi cord going from the base of one spreader at the T to the base of the other spreader.
  11. Got it! It's just the thing for us die hard kite fliers. When is the quad version coming out (heh, heh, heh), or at least a 3 string kite using the iphone tilt for braking.
  12. Gives new meaning to the old saying: "Higher than a kite"
  13. I have 2 Desires and I don't like them, I prefer my HQ Shadow for low wind.
  14. [Ok here (Google Chrome). Did you lose a cookie?
  15. A duel or quad kite sim for the wii would be a good start, but I was thinking something more realistic like using real rev handles attached to short 2-4 ft lines which are attached to levers with force feedback pots or motors which is clamped to a desk or table instead of joysticks. This would work on pc, mac or a attachment for game consoles.
  16. Just got it, and I think it's worth the 99 cents:)
  17. Looks like you're coming along just fine:) I think you'll enjoy the Acrobatx, it will do more tricks when you're ready. The Acrobatx ul which I also have, will fly in a lighter wind an is fun, but I find myself getting out my hq Shadow with 50ft lines instead. The Shadow seem to hang in there better in a light wind then the Acrobatx ul. When there is no wind I break out my single line Skate by Focus Designs tied to a light fishing pole. Have fun!
  18. You will find the cherry bomb will serve you well for getting down the basics. Sounds like you need a least one more though:)
  19. I think it's a good idea, I've used this method to turn one of my fighter kites into a glider kite, works great. You can slide the weight up and down the spine and use a piece of tape to hold it in place.
  20. Thanks for doing this!
  21. I'm only 63 and I think a rev 1.5 sle shoud work out fine. You can get the skinny leading edge later if you want. Just my cents worth.
  22. I enjoy compulsories too. It gives me a sense of purpose instead of just flopping around the sky. I think it improves ones flying by forcing you to try something you would ordinarily do. Their are plenty of videos for ballet but none for the compulsories which are part of the competition too. I realize that both spectators and fliers enjoy the ballet more but that's because the spectators don't know what the compulsories are. Maybe holding up a large diagram of the figure so the the spectators can see what the flier is trying to do would help. Ballet shows your creative side, compulsories show you have complete control over the kite, both need to be practiced.
  23. You're welcome
  24. Sure, try these: Stack
  25. Adding bridal leads and tape leading edge sounds good ( noticed the upper spar connectors snag the lines also, hopefully the tape will fix this too). Thanks
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