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Everything posted by Aerochic

  1. Aerochic

    new arrival

    Any news yet?????!
  2. Yes! It's safe to say that Rich probably has the biggest (and genuine) smile on the beach. You can 't miss him! I'm trying my best to be there as well. Just look for the shortest Rev flier (excluding Ian Willoughby!) LOL.
  3. I wish I knew Guru. I have often pondered that myself! Hopefully one of our buggyers/blokarters on this forum will chime in and offer an explanation! :?
  4. Ran across this very interesting article on the origins of "Land Sailing" from one of my favorite bloggers: http://newyorkdailyphoto.blogspot.com/2009/08/under-sun.html Gotta love this early photo too!
  5. *cross posted from the Revolution Forum* With all due respect, Duane. I have to disagree with you. Many folks who fly Revs also fly Dualies and SLKs and enjoy ALL kinds of kites. Spend any length of time with a group of Rev fliers and you'll be having fun immediately. I think quad flying lends itself to alot of social interactivity amoung it's fliers. It's also a very obcessive sport (you want to learn more). If a Rev flier is at a festival and not out there mixing it up with the SLKers it's simply because we're having too much fun flying together and don't want to stop. I know some people perceive that as snobbery or superiority, but it simply isn't true. Get us all out to the banquet afterward, and we're talking to everybody. Ask one of us how to fly and adjust your Rev and you'll get a million pieces of advice. As for the forums, I know that you're already aware that the Rev forum is a forum for people who fly Revolution Kites. It's not an advertisement, it's a shared passion. The Kitelife Forum covers ALL kinds of kites and topics related to. I am also on the KF forum, but my obcession with Revs has taken me over so I find more interesting conversations there. If I find something that the entire kiting community would enjoy, then I post it over on the Kitelife Forum. Occasionally you'll find non quad kite related topics there (see Wufer's recent post for example), but Rev Fliers predominantly are there to talk about things that require 4 lines to fly. As for the AKA, I'm not a member. It's not because I don't think it's a good organization, but mainly because I don't feel a need to have a membership card in order to fly. Maybe if I was a competitor, a kite builder, or a shop owner, I'd have a more vested interest in the AKA. I'm rather inline with Watty's assessment, fwiw. I posted my commentary over here because I've been noticing an underlying attitude toward Rev fliers in recent years. I truly don't know where that's coming from, but it personally hurts me as I've gotten to meet a whole world of interesting and fun people since I started flying Revs more in depth. I think there are some ill conceived notions about us out there.
  6. Ok, done. Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to get a 1000 signatures.
  7. Congratulations Duane! It'll keep getting better and better, remember that. Even when you don't have others to fly with, you can at least practice the things you've learned from them. I still need to remember to breathe too. :/
  8. Hehehe! AWESOME!
  9. Mannnnnn I hope it's soon!!! I miss you all too! I've been having car problems of late which has been keeping me local. :/ BWAhahaha! I think it should be the other way around! I'm soooo behind you guys. Sigh.
  10. Heh! Sorry to confuse you, Duane. Looks like I was right the first time in guessing The Rev Riders. Quaa should know as he's one of them! ;D
  11. Awwwwww COOL!!!
  12. Ok Duane, I think you witnessed these three culprits: Paul LeMasters, Paul Dugard and Revolution's main man Ben Dantonio!: (see comment #141) Wish I could have seen that myself!!!
  13. I wasn't there, but an educated might be the members of IKE? I wanted to say the Rev Riders, but Laura's in that mix. Maybe she was off taking a break? Hopefully one of them will know for sure and chime in here...
  14. Ohhhh that's too cool!
  15. Oooooh, those are really nice!
  16. says there just aren't enough hours in the day.

  17. Verrrrrry Nice, Watty! Somehow I totally missed this video when you had posted it. :/
  18. Yes! John Mitchell is the man to talk to in regard to that. He's tried many combinations of vents and covers. I'm sure there are posts & pics about this over on the Revolution forum...
  19. ANY way we can thank or appreciate our veterans is a GOOD way, Duane! Kudos to your tribute and THANK YOU to all of our veteran's who have served!!!
  20. Verrrrry Nice Videos! Looks like Nicolas is a natural!
  21. Interesting path his flying is taking, hmmmm! Still wish he was designing kites tho.
  22. Sweet Baws! And welcome to the dark side!!! Not sure where in PA you're from, but there are a few of us Rev Fliers in the Southeastern part if the state.
  23. Very Nice Job, Mike!!! Been meaning to experiment with painting kites. My first attempt with the wrong paint was a disaster. Looked great when the paint dried, but then the heat of the sun melted it all off! D'oh!!!
  24. Joel Scholz stopped making kites? Really? I own a few of his deltas and one of the cool cellulars. I love his designs.
  25. How awesome is it that she has a pair of Peter Lynn ladies legs?!
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