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Everything posted by Aerochic

  1. I'm liking the Classic Blue and Pro Classic thus far. I'm a creature of habit and this seems the easiest way to skim when time doesn't allow a full read. :? I realize these are only sample images, but do these skins automatically resize to fit your screen? I don't want to have to readjust my view every time I check in to read. I do like the sidebar as well. That seems like a handy feature and it's not too busy designwise.
  2. I also have 13" and 15" handles. I find the 15" handles very useful for light wind flying on any of my Revs because they provide even more break than the standard 1.5 handles. Anything above 5mph, I stick to my 13" handles. I find there is a noticeable difference, but then again, I'm mainly an inland flier and find I have need for that from time to time.
  3. If Dodd signed it with a Sharpie you should have no problem with it. I have a Rev signed by Bazzer in silver sharpie ink and have flown it in almost all kinds of weather now with no fade. Congrats on the kite, I've been eyeing up the Dream On something fierce! Skydog Iz Good People! Just always remember, Kites Are Meant To Be Flown. They gain good mojo that way. ;D
  4. Ohhhhh, that's Very Cool! I stumbled across this vid the other day and wondered how it was shot.
  5. Oooooh that's cool! I wonder how many frames he shot to get that!
  6. Oooooh, that Exile Youtube is tripppppppy! I've started messing with dualies again. I inherted an HQ Salsa that I'm abusing atm. :? Lotsa Fun, but still not as soul satisfying as a Rev for me.
  7. Haha! Cooool! I never thought of calling them that! So glad you like yours! I think they're kinda fun.
  8. So around summertime last year, I had started to experiment with an idea I had for stakes. After creating a few of these for my personal use, I have been real pleased with them since. So I decided to make them available to the Community. Each stake is 10 inch steel and has a very sturdy colorful hard clay handle made entirely by hand. I will be attending the Wildwood Kite Festival this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend and will be selling a bunch that I had made. If you can't make the festival and are interested, I will be offering these on my website shortly. I will be happy to do custom colors if you request it. ...just look for the long haired short lady with either a hawaiian print visor or a hat with a beaded brim. You'll find me camped out with the Rev Fliers.
  9. I'm bringing goodies with me as well! http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=21426
  10. Heya Folks, I'll be at the Festival with some goodies for sale! I created a few of these stakes for my personal use last year and have been real pleased with them since, so I decided to make them available to the Community. Each stake is 10 inch steel and has a very sturdy colorful hard clay handle made entirely by hand. If you can't make the festival and are interested, I will be offering these on my website shortly. I will be happy to do custom colors if you request it. ...just look for the long haired short lady with either a hawaiian print visor or a hat with a beaded brim. You'll find me camped out with the Rev Fliers.
  11. SWEET! Congratulations, Walt!
  12. Oh Yah! I'm So There!!! Thought Rich lost his mind for a second there!
  13. Just as long as you're wearing the right colored socks...
  14. Me too!!! Can't wait to fly with y'all!
  15. Hmm! Not sure what happened there! :/ If you go here: http://www.alivearchives.com/\ Scroll down to the "Free Movies" section and select "Wildwood Then And Now"
  16. Ha Ha! Cooooooool! I'm going to have to dust off my dualie now...
  17. No truer words have be written! ;D Enjoy the Acrobatx Rob and Congratulations!!! I don't want to be a pushy quadliner, but I used to feel the same way about Revs... until I tried one. The rest is Total Addiction History. Regardless of how many lines you fly on, you'll find this forum is an excellent place filled with great folks!
  18. Glad you enjoyed the video! I thought it was a very interesting time capsule. I totally missed out on those kinds of stunt theatrics! I had gotten into dualies in the 90's just as my local kite club was disbanding due to some of the members moving to Florida. Still... I never knew they were doing that kind of crazy stuff!
  19. The Wildwood Kite Festival is swiftly approaching again, and if you live on the East Coast/US this is a MUST ATTEND!!! ;D Seriously, it's too good of a time to miss! All details and registrations can be found at Sky Festival Production's website: http://www.skyfestivals.com/ While I was searching around, I found this neat video done by Alive Archives. A Wildwood retrospective on sport kiting that goes from 1986-2003. It's dualie centric because of the annual competitions held there, but at the halfway mark is the introduction of this silly lookin thing called a Revolution! Gasp! Lee Sedgewick is all over this vid (and other kiting luminaries), and I'm wondering if that's JB toward the end? It's interesting to watch the kiting world evolve. If you have 28 minutes to spare, I think you'll enjoy this! http://web.mac.com/oparadis/www.AliveArchi...w_and_Then.html
  20. Aerochic

    Rev EXP?

    It was only a matter of time! Hehehehe! ;D
  21. Funny that as when the wind blows, I always have a face full of hair with one exception: whilst dog staking! D'oh! You're right! I should have clarified that the wind has to be in my face when I'm setting up!
  22. Yes, Dean's correct. I was referring to http://www.revkites.com/forum/ Lots of great info and helpful fliers there. I've seen a few folks on there who didn't own Revs...yet! Muehuehuehuehuehue!
  23. I'll usually check to see if an area has flags flying first. If they don't, I have 2 options: I have 2 obnoxiously colored baby streamers that I'll put onto my kite stake. Also I have long hair, so if the wind isn't in my face I know it's shifting.
  24. YAY! Welcome to the Darkside!!! There's no turning back now. LOL! Just go join the Rev Forum and be done with if you haven't done so already...
  25. That's really sweet, Jynx! You seem to have thought of everything! I need a sewing machine. Sigh.
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