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Everything posted by Aerochic

  1. That's a pretty cool site... bookmarks!
  2. Hmmm, Ok! I will definitely pay more attention when seeing you or other flyers do this!
  3. Tom: What's funny is that I actually did shorten that bag! Wasn't too much trouble, but I did that ~before~ I got into Revs so it's still too long for my collection! :? I don't have a problem with the colors. The BBall bag is just right in size and the space that's allowed for the helmet works great for storing handles, linesets, etc. The whole crux of my own problem is that I need a bag that's not bigger than me (I'm not too tall) or it's awkward to haul around! LOL! Spz0: Nice work on your bag! Straight to the point. *thumbs up* FWIW: I don't have any problem buying kite bags from kite makers/dealers/vendors. I ~Do~ want to support these places, it's just that I'm on a very limited budget these days and can't really afford to be spending that kind of money on those bags. :/ Sometimes you need a simple bag to throw in your trunk, sometimes you need a bag for festival and travel use...
  4. Since I've had no prior experiences with Weatherbug, I don't know what to say about that. I know their websites are a little ad heavy, but I had no problem with the widget on my Mac. Still... can't be too careful...
  5. Oh Wow, that's interesting stuff!!! Thanks for the link, Charlie!
  6. Hmmm, interesting! Do know of any Youtubes you might have done this move in? I think I understand what you're saying, but I'm better with visuals...
  7. I just bought a gear bag which was originally meant to hold baseball bats that I'm going to modify into a kite bag for my Revs. They have them at Dick's Sporting Goods for $20. and they seem plenty sturdy. I'm not a fan of the roll out bags. Btw, I think I have the HQ bag that you mentioned and it is verrrry nice (simple in design, black and purple tube?). It's just too long for my needs, so I use it to store my SLKs.
  8. I've just found a nice wind & weather widget to add to my Mac... http://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/i...calweather.html They also have a version for Windows Vista: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Windows-Widge...ta-Gadget.shtml
  9. That's so cool, Upnet! Glad to hear you are both enjoying the kiteworld! Another video which you may find realllly helpful is Dodd Gross' Flight School: http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/ntk/ntk58202.htm
  10. Wowwwww, that's really SWEET!
  11. NEAT Spence! It's always fun to watch you fly! Cool jump move there...
  12. There are soooo many nice kiter folk out there! For years I had seen this gentleman flying his inflatables when I would go on vacation. He has a pair of legs, an octopus, a scuba diver, a pair of alligators... Every now and then pictures of his kites end up in the local news or on the internet, but this time the Cape May Star And Wave wrote a nice little article to go with it! Me & Antman had the pleasure of flying with Tim and his big cat this past summer: http://www.starandwave.com/CMSW%20Apage1%203-19-09.pdf http://www.starandwave.com/CMSW%20Apage2%203-19-09.pdf
  13. I think the individuals are still out there, I'm just not sure whether they're hooked up for mass production and distribution. Many of the single lines I've seeing lately are being sold by the individual artists on their own websites. I have noticed that Sky Dog Kites has a nice assortment of single liners.
  14. Verrrrrrrrry Nice, Litsong!
  15. Just going to add that people ~have~ recovered their stolen kites, so please don't lose hope! You've got many eyes looking out for you!
  16. Stumbled across this great photo from T. Benedict on Flickr the other day and just had to share! Hehehehe! Wish my old office would have had this. ;D He does some really nice KAP from the Big Island of Hawaii: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tbenedict/
  17. So Cool. I have always loved Gibian's designs.
  18. Very Cool Stuff Kurtis, I've always really enjoyed your video work! The Red & Blue NKA designs are uber coooooooool!
  19. Congratulations Sammy & Glen!
  20. Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you had a chance to fly in the New Year!
  21. Hehehehehe! Awesome!
  22. Doh! That's right you do! :?
  23. Merry Christmas Everyone! I'll certainly chime in on this one! I hail from Southeastern, PA. Closest "big city" is Philadelphia. My 2 favorite kites continue to be my Rev 1.5s Vented and Non as I'm learning to fly nearly anytime I want to and that's just toooooo cooooooool. I still also love my single liners and my dualie Griffin when I'm in schmoozy beach vacation mode. Embarassed to admit I don't have a subscription yet.
  24. Heya Cerfs!, Definitely do not give up on your Rev!!! We've all been through those tough learning spots and there are some great folks out there willing to help you get off the ground. Penny is one of them! Incase you haven't seen it before, there is a ~wealth~ of helpful info and wonderful Rev Heads over at the Rev Forum. Check it out!: http://www.revkites.com/forum/ ~Aero/Carolyn
  25. Neato! He does such coooool work!
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