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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. So far as doubles or triples, yes, if you are talking strength, but they are different lengths. Quad set examples: (80'x50# 100'x50# 120'x50#) (80'x90# 100'x90# 120'x90#) (80'x150# 100'x150# 120'x150#) (85'x200# 100'x200#) Now, as for dual line sets, seems that nearly every dual line kite, that I bought in the past, had either 100'x150#, 85'x150#, 100'x100#, or 85'x100#, so yes, there are duplicates there, maybe even triples.. As for carrying them all - I have a flight box, that stores and carries my dual lines (and a few quads) in the bottom section, and general tools of the trade, in the top tray, so why not have everything along, if I'm loading up and going out? If I'm going out, to specifically fly one particular kite, usually a Rev, I will just grab a stake, a set of handles, and maybe one set of lines, however, if I'm going somewhere, such as the coast, with a lot of kites, the box always goes along. Never know what I'm going to fly. Be prepared for whatever. Mainly dual line sets in here, and probably a couple of quad sets, somewhere Most of my quad sets are in this pouch, on the side of my Rev Bag (at least 9 sets) Oh, and I also have a big duffel bag, full of single line sets (forgot to count those) of various lengths and strengths, all on big 10" hoop winders, plus all the straps & anchors, etc. Now that takes up some real space, but still, never know what I may want to put in the sky. Got to be ready for whatever !
  2. Well, that includes dual lines, too ! Got bunches of those............... ps.....I buy in bulk, and make what I want..........still, got to label everything
  3. Whatever works for you.......stick with it !
  4. Oh, not really..........sorry
  5. I thought you were close by ?
  6. Go Kitelife.........and where's our POLICE, today ? Must be sleeping in........... It'll be much cheaper to ship the kite to NC, though, but good luck everyone !
  7. Yep, I figured you did. So what's up with tying them together ? Are you using 2 winders, for quad sets ?
  8. Look at places that keep track of the seller's feedback. As Allen has mentioned earlier, try to buy from people who are regulars on the kite forums, like this forum, the Rev forum, and the GWTW Swap Shop. People that frequent these places are usually good honest folks, like yourself, and they are truthful about their kites, and the condition of the kite you are interested in. Also, they don't want you to come back and slam them, for sending you a beater kite, when you were expecting something much better. The most important thing is communication. If the seller won't take the time to communicate with you, or answer your questions completely - walk away ! If you can't find them, circulating somewhere within the online kiting community - walk away ! If you can't find anybody that is familiar with the person - walk away ! If you just have a bad feeling, about what's going on - walk away ! And always, always use PayPal to pay, if possible. They will usually back you up, should you venture out, and get taken............... Again, stay within the realms of the active kiting community, and you'll be in good hands.........
  9. Hey CB, The visitors can look, but they can't post, or ask questions, and I don't believe that they have access, to all of the tutorials that we do (I might be wrong about that one). A lot of those visitors get here, simply by doing a search on Google, Bing, etc, and it leads here. Hopefully we can snag a few of those lookers. I suppose it's like window shopping................plus, there are a lot of people that don't know about, nor do they understand, forums and chat rooms. Admittedly, the Kitelife chat room, is the only chat room that I have ever been in, and that has only been over the last month or so. I'm not into the social networking stuff, so I had stayed away from places like "chat rooms", etc. I do understand what you are saying, but I prefer to look at it like, "WE ARE THE LUCKY FEW". Sooner or later, if those visitors are serious about kiting, they'll find us...............I did. You did.
  10. NOPE, same as you, just "another brick in the wall".............
  11. Oh, and BTW, my Tilley T3, not only has a tag in it, that says "size 7 3/8". That same tag clearly states 23 1/8", which is of course, the exact measurement that I took, when I measured my head, as instructed by the sizing guide. Now Tilley didn't make that tag, especially for me, as I ordered my hat from another online store, after searching for a better price, and someone closer by, than ordering direct from Tilley ! But I knew, based on my information from Tilley, what size to order. Yes, I was worried and somewhat skeptical, but when I got the hat, it was perfect.....7 3/8......... If you are still concerned about the size, I would suggest going to a store, and trying on some Tilley Hats, then buy it there, or at least make note of the size that suited you. Again, don't get it tight ! LE CHAPEAU TILLEY
  12. Use the website "Hat Sizing Guide", and the statement that you just quoted. Measure around your head, with a cloth measuring tape, exactly as they say. Just measure the circumference as they say, but don't pull it tight. What ever that measurement is, reference the sizing chart, and find your size, "for a Tilley Hat". Here is an email that I got back from Tilley, when I had the same questions. Thank you for your correspondence. I hope this is a clearer explaination on how to measure. Please remeasure using the instructions that are listed below and send me the exact measurement. From this measurement I will be able to determine your hat size. Head Measuring Guide We suggest that your Tilley be worn nice and loose for a cool, comfortable fit (so loose in fact that you could easily slip one finger between your forehead and hat). If the hat can move slightly side to side and fits comfortably, it should be fine. Please note, you do not want to measure with your fingers under the measuring tape. To measure, please take a soft measurement just above your eyebrows using a fabric tape measure. Have the top of your eyebrows touching the bottom of the measuring tape. Don't pull tight and watch that the tape is in the right location (that it does not fall down in the back). It helps to measure in front of a mirror or to have a friend help mark the tape. No need to go up a size, unless you fall between sizes. From this measurement, I'm sure we will find your perfect fit. Sincerely, Debbie orderscan@tilley.com In a later email, Debbie explained to me, that the "two fingers", that are recommended, are built into their sizing chart. I measured as directed, and got 23 1/8" around my head. Based on that measurement, the chart says that I need size 7 3/8. That's what I ordered, and it's a perfect fit. And as it says, I can slide 2 fingers, between the front of the hat band, and my forehead. The hat is NOT supposed to be a tight fit ! If you got further questions........use the email address above......or call them (number on the Tilley website) ps.........read the website information carefully, as they say "never go smaller on the size", in fact they recommend, that if you fall between sizes, go one size larger. If the wind is blowing hard, use the strap. It's a very neat arrangement, yet I haven't felt the need for it yet. Still, there's nothing worse than a hat, that is too tight. It won't be comfortable and you'll end up removing it.
  13. Well, I've got between 25 & 30 sets of lines (11 of those are quads), and I can assure you, that there are a lot of those that I haven't used, or even looked at, in over 6 months. If not for labels, I wouldn't have a clue what was what, color or no color. You'd have to have a photographic memory to remember all of that............and unfortunately, many of them look the same. I use my 50# x 100', and my 90# x 100', almost exclusively ! All the others are baggage (most of the time)
  14. They would if you were a subscriber, and if you won......Come join us Philippe !
  15. Just kidding with you Wayne. No harm in making everyone aware. You are right, it's easy to get mixed up, with on all the different drawings etc. Philippe probably didn't understand that..............I still think you make a good "KL Drawing" Cop !
  16. Oh, man, I used to land and take off from the roof tops of cottages, along the beach, when the wind was coming in off the ocean. No pics, though. And now Ian, as for "THE WALL", this is the best that I can do (right now, anyway) !
  17. Hey, what can I say
  18. Hey there LAJStudios, Welcome to the Kitelife Forum. Bunches of good folks here & tons of good information. Just ask, and you shall receive ! Hope the weekend fly works out for you
  19. And Wayne's the KL Drawing " P O L I C E ", so ya'll straighten up and fly right !
  20. Yep, that keeps them separated, but does it tell you what they are, and are you going to remember, if you go 6 months, without using one of them?
  21. Yep Label, Label, Label ! You always think, that you'll remember, which is which. You won't................
  22. And you'll learn the special "Tilley" greeting. [http://www.tilley.com/Shop/WorldBestHat/HatFittingGuide.aspx]
  23. Well, that ought to explain that ! ~ ~ ~ Great ideas Paul Pretty amazing too !
  24. But what happened to the "Jellyfish" ?
  25. This is what I did with a Delta Hawk, and the Velcro wrap, at the bottom of the center spine. I used a pointed soldering iron, to put the two small holes in the Velcro. I use a lark's head, to attache a tail to the knot......... Improvise !
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