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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Must be your avatar !
  2. OK..........done........2 ordered.............go back to sleep ! Merry Christmas !
  3. John, have you been drinking and posting.......... NO, not 2017, 2016 was the error ! It's still December 2015 !
  4. Hey Mike, Welcome to Kitelife......... There's a bunch of great people here, and a ton of good information. Ask and you shall receive...........
  5. Oh well.............? Just curious....
  6. You had me confused there for a minute. I hate to admit it, but we are sitting here watching "The Wizard of Oz". We're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  7. Did I miss a year ? I know I'm getting old, but isn't it still December 2015 ? BTW............how much is S/H to the "right" coast ? Just curious........(zip 27537)
  8. Reef Runner

    It begins

    Me too !
  9. Reef Runner

    It begins

    Me too, on Ralph. He's apt to fly an anvil ! Oh, and sorry about the comment concerning the forum. I didn't realize that it had been a problem. Hey, it's a forum, and it's a new platform, so big deal. I'm on several other forums with this exact same, "new" format. Do I really like them - well, not exactly, yet - and I've told them so. Who did I use as a good example of a forum - Kitelife - Oh well, that goes to show how much I'm keeping up. I'm just glad we are all still here - and the forum is kool - no problems here, just a surprise. Carry on............we'll get over it !
  10. Reef Runner

    It begins

    Hey John, I wasn't complaining. Yes, I'm old, and I hate change, but evolution happens....... Not a problem, and I'm sure we'll all adapt Carry on my friend - carry on !
  11. Reef Runner

    It begins

    Ok Ralph, so what's up with this, "did not fly the new kites" ? I'm headed that way, the day after Christmas. Probably won't be great flying conditions then, either ! I'm not particularly fond of flying in cold and windy conditions. I'm more of a warm and windy flyer..... And what's up with this new forum format ???
  12. Glad to see you still on the job !
  13. Kool..............
  14. Well, be a good little boy from now till Christmas, because John is checking his list, and checking it twice ! Good Luck..............
  15. Oh wait......darn "WHAT" ?
  16. You would be correct............Hmmmm! I thought this was sounding familiar I hope this year's winner will be as shocked as I was, just sitting around on Christmas afternoon, decided to check out my email, while everyone was chatting.................and wooooooh! I won something! Couldn't believe it........... Maybe this year will be Wayne's turn. Oh, and Merry Christmas, everyone ! Ho, ho, ho !
  17. Good Question ? I wondered the same. Are we lifting laundry, or a 5 lb camera ??????
  18. Rookies When the RNG picks your number on Christmas Day, that's when you are in his favor ! http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5163-complete-list-of-winners/#entry32151 #98
  19. What a beautiful scene ! You have a great field there, Ralph !
  20. I always thought that flutter and noise was usually due to "too little brake".............(all drive - no brake) On a noisy Rev, I always shortened the lower lines (by one knot on the leaders), and it seemed to cure the problem (?) (or) let out on the top lines But I don't know what happens if you have a "poorly sewn sail" ?? Best of luck, but try just a bit more brake, and see what happens - go nothing to lose, eh !
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