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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Just worried about you "blowing" a sail, in freezing temps, with 30+ winds, in the dark, with only moonlight........sounds like a rough night !
  2. Yep, I do like to fly fast, and in good winds. Holy cow, I can't wait to catch one of those 30+ mph days at the coast, and rip it up with that Delta Hawk. That's the days I like, when the blowing wind and sand, runs everyone off of the beaches, and down from the dunes. I suppose that's why I have two Microns, a couple of Nighthawks, a Rev II, and three B2's. They are all F-A-S-T !
  3. Sorry Tom, I stand corrected, but that was just my personal observations. Where do you find these places ?? I don't think I've ever been to any of those websites (other than Amazon), and my normal search engine (Google), didn't seem to find them either, however, I was looking specifically at, websites that specialize in weather instrumentation. I did go and look at each link you provided, but still found hardly any reviews (?), some didn't have them available, and several were foreign websites. I will add, that since my initial search, I have run across the Windtronic unit on a lot of the shooting websites. They were very high on them, specifically for the "wind from any direction" feature. Seems they set them on a camera tripod, and therefore, are able to leave them in place, hands free, making for an easy check, while shooting. I thought this to be a really nice feature, for this purpose, however, I normally just whip my meter out for a quick look, and then it's back into my pocket. Either way, I didn't mean to be too critical, but from what I saw, and I did a lot of looking, the Kestrel simply seems to have a better reputation, overall, it has an extended warranty, somewhat better accuracy, and seems to be built a bit more robustly. Again, the one thing I did like about the Windtronic, was the "wind from any direction" feature, but again, I can figure that out for myself. I would really love to be able to compare the two units, side by side. I will definitely be on the lookout for someone with a Windtronic unit, because I always have my Kestrel with me when flying (not that I need it so much, just out of habit). Still some strange websites........... (oh, and I was initially looking at websites, that specifically sell weather instruments)
  4. Yep, and that picture that Hadge posted really messed me up (definitely my kind of kite). It seems I had a weak moment, and before I knew it, I had an email saying that it was on it's way. I just don't know what happened (?)
  5. Excellent Point , and you nailed it, so far as "remaining aware of your surroundings !". Personally, I don't fly in too many places, where I'm not very familiar with the surroundings. Even then, I usually take only one, maybe two kites, out with me, at a time, simply because I'm normally able to park very close by, should I want to change. At times, when I do carry my entire kite bag, containing kites, as well as personal items, onto a field, I always place my bag, well out in front of me (15 - 20 feet), rather than behind me, just so I can keep an eye on things. I'm sure there are many, that fly in places, that could be questionable, from a safety standpoint ! It's always prudent, to constantly scan your surroundings, and if things don't look right, just leave, The wind will blow another day............
  6. Dang it ! That makes sense, perfect sense, and I see your point. Ok, I suppose I need to go to Amazon.com, and take another look. Hmm - Windtronic 2. Sheesh.............why did I bring this up? Oh, I didn't. I can blame this one on Michael Well, not meaning to throw water on the fire, but I have done my research. I have been to as many, so-called weather gadget supply houses, as I could possibly find on-line, and not one of them even show the Windtronic unit (?) They all carry numerous other brands and models, every brand you can think of, but none, not one, carry the Windtronic unit (?) With the exception of windtronic.us, and ebay (which also seems to be the windtronic store), and Amazon.com, it's tough to even find the Windtronic unit. I have read about it, and I have heard comments from happy owners, here on the forum, and in principle, it all sounds good, but then I went to Amazon.com, and other places, and started reading the reviews. The Windtronic unit only had two reviews. One review was just so-so, with complaints about the integrity of the unit, a lot of concern about it being very light and "plasticiky", plus some difficulty with the battery compartment (?), and then, there was a second review, that was very good, but that was it, just two reviews. I then checked the Kestrel 1000 unit, as well as Kestrel in general, and found many more reviews, a couple that were bad (sounded like a defective, or probably dirty unit - you do have to keep these instruments, somewhat clean), but mostly, everyone was extremely high, on the Kestrel units, overall. Plus, they are warranted for 5 years, have a slightly better accuracy rating, are military approved and used, plus they are used extensively, by people that do this kind of thing, for a living. Even the guys up on Mt Washington use them as back up units. Bottom-line, based on the reviews that I could find, the Kestrel units are somewhat more durable, than the Windtronic unit appears to be (again, I haven't had my hands on a Windtronic unit). I still like the, "wind from any direction" idea, but after 25 years of sailing, and 12+ years of kiting, I believe I can face the wind straight on, with pretty good accuracy. So, based on my research, I think I'll stick with my Kestrel 1000. It's been doing me a great job, for close to 12 years now. Another thought, for anyone on a really tight budget, you might want take a look at the old tube style (with the ball) wind meter, made by Dwyer Instruments. I've had one of those units also, for well over 30 years, and it still works perfectly today, after many many punishing years, of use on the water (while sailing). It's solid as a dollar, there's really nothing to break, and it is easily cleaned up, if for some reason you get it gunked up. It's really not a bad little instrument, especially for under $30, but probably not as accurate or "hi-tec", as the Windtronic and the Kestrel units. Just saying.............. if you're on a budget, check em out.....it's the exact same principle as the ones that come with the high-end Prism kites....and they are available in MPH, KNOTS, MPS, & KPH. http://www.dwyer-inst.com/Product/AirVelocity/Windmeters/PortableHandheldMeter/Ordering
  7. Yep, Photomom has taken me astray..........sorry about that !
  8. Yep, the good thing about coordinates - they are usually "dead on".............(GPS is one of my other hobbies)........Neat thing about coordinates, they are found in the exact same place, no matter what kind or brand of GPS or Navigator, someone is using. On the other hand, the command - "take me to Joe's Pickle Farm", might just end one up, in several different locations, miles apart, all depending on the mapping software, used by the particular brand of GPS or Navigator, you are using. But definite coordinates are found in one spot, and one spot only............... (now, back to Karma)
  9. And this would be called, "Pete's DownTronic" wind meter
  10. Yep, "Day-Saver"! That is a great "descriptive term", and it should be included in "Barresi's Book of Kite Terminology", and right beside that term, should be a picture, or two. I can see there are two ends of the picture, and I would think that the Delta Hawk, and the Micron, would definitely be on the upper end, and for sure, the 3-D, 4-D, and the gliders, on the other. Kool ! I may have to find one of those Delta Hawks. They surely sound like what I love to do, especially in brisk coastal winds.....
  11. We are all, not quite as good as you are ............ If you flew your dual line kites as much as you flew your Revs you would be ! Thanks for the compliment, but, NOT ! I'm just not a trickster ! More of a cruiser, and I like lots of wind !
  12. And you were the one wanting to know why they should come over to the "Dark Side" :cat_lol:
  13. We are all, not quite as good as you are ............
  14. Dang it ! That makes sense, perfect sense, and I see your point. Ok, I suppose I need to go to Amazon.com, and take another look. Hmm - Windtronic 2. Sheesh.............why did I bring this up? Oh, I didn't. I can blame this one on Michael
  15. And take that RNG ! 五百九十
  16. Is this some foreign language ? Oooh! Ok, if that's how you want to play !
  17. Aw Tom, I don't need another gadget, but I'll have to admit, that one looks pretty cool, but the Kestrel 1000 is still a pretty neat little gadget, too ! I would think that they are both, somewhat, on the same level, so far as kool, geeky, neat, etc. Now as for accuracy, I suppose that's up in the air, or wind ! Wish we could compare them - side by side. I do love gadgets..............especially if they relate to flying kites............ NOPE, I'm not buying another wind meter. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. So there
  18. Rev...ed Up ? Just wait till the 14th, and you'll see Rev..ed Up ! 00110101-00111001-00110000
  19. Here, here.............. :big_beer:
  20. Uh, Joe. I think Glacier National Park, is in Montana (as in the lower 48). I believe that's where Dayhiker was flying, when he got that picture, but never-the-less, whatever made you decide on the Micron, you made a GREAT decision. I've always said, if you can keep a Micron, "off the ground", in 15 - 20 mph winds (without the tail), you can fly anything. Fast, fast, fast................fast !
  21. Aw, come on Pen. Be a sport. You know your want one. Hi tech, cool gadgets, iPods, iPhones, Apps, Kestrel Wind Meter (?)
  22. Yep, small kites work great in big wind - "ripping up the sky", describes it well ! I've never flown the Delta Hawk, but it looks like super fun. Similar would be the Prism Micron, and that, I know is fast, very fast (although it's not rated for the 40+ mph, as is the Delta Hawk) A Micron is described as "the fastest little sports kite this side of the Milky Way - Like a bumblebee on amphetamines!", and for a very small investment, there's a barrel full of fun, loaded into every Micron. And should worse come to worse, you're only out forty bucks, or less...........Zoom, Zoom, Zoom ! In big wind, I put mine out on 100ft lines, and let her rip...............and don't forget to breath! Little Kite - Big Wind - Megga Fun ! (Here's my two little "Microns", with big brother "Fanatic") Oh, and when you pull a line, to spin, you've already done about 13 1/2 turns, before you can look up ! Did I mention F-A-S-T ?
  23. Michael, That's a good size sail on that kite. I think if you will look around (on-line) at RTF (ready to fly) kites, in that size range, you'll see that most are supplied with 150# lines, of various lengths. A good all around line, for decent winds, would be 100 ft x 150 lb. If you are going to be flying in very light winds, you can surely go lighter & shorter. Just find yourself a decent "brand name" line, that fits the old budget, and go for it........ Personally, I'd probably go for a 100 ft x 150 lb set, but then, I'm not going to be flying in light winds, either
  24. I too feel that wind meters are probably, not really necessary, for the average kite flier. But do I have one ? YES indeed ! And I carry it every time I fly. It may be habit, it may be unnecessary, but I do like to pull it out when I'm getting ready to set up, just because I like gadgets, and I do like (but don't need) to know the number. I can't really say why, because it rarely changes my mind, as to what I was planning to fly. Never-the-less, I do like my wind meter. I have a Kestrel 1000, and it's just such a cool little tool, I've just got to flip it out, every now and then. But as Jeepster (Tom) so clearly stated, most folks can pick the correct kite and frame set to fly, but they really can't correctly judge the actual wind speed. Somehow, they just know it, they feel it, and they pick the kite, even though they don't know the number (wind speed). I suppose it's all relative to how you feel about it, and if it makes you feel better to know the number, by all means, get yourself one, but get a decent one. On a personal note, I have found the Kestrel 1000 to be a pretty accurate little instrument. I base this on a few short trials, which involved holding it out the window of a moving vehicle (you're not supposed to do that, especially at high speeds), as well as comparing it to readily available weather data. I vote yes...........but shop around.......as prices do vary. Again, I'm not endorsing, nor condemning........just giving you my opinion, which is worth exactly what reading this post cost you ! The meter will cost you a bit more......... http://www.kestrelmeters.com/products/kestrel-1000-wind-meter
  25. Hmm! "Down coat, thirty plus winds, standard vented sail, screamin' across the window," Now that might be a better choice, AND, "there's a good excuse to get one a set, right?".
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