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Everything posted by kwmf

  1. Only if you look after it really well
  2. Late to the party, but I've also experienced the vibration on the NYM. Wasn't mine (I fly Pros) but both that I tried had the same characteristic and one of them had it predominantly on the left side. YMMV
  3. kwmf

    Line Advice

    @Sparkie A geometric progression guy just like me
  4. @bbailey49 Your summary is more or less correct. They have just announced that they are doing another batch and it will be 100% Bazzer as in the past
  5. I'll probably be there Friday evening (14th), but I'm getting into Seattle on the 12th if anyone is in the area before I head down to Long Beach. Leaving Long Beach on Monday (24th) after the festival and heading to Portland. Leaving Portland for home on Wednesday evening.
  6. For those not on Facebook .... the ninja will be making a return this year I have a lot of things I'd like to do - spending time working with JB, team, learning some dual skills, teaching / helping advising, getting new people on the handles, etc. More importantly, please make sure to come bother me and chat. There will be lots of flying, but I'd really like people to come chat with me ... don't worry if I'm busy, I can fly and talk at the same time.
  7. 90# accross the board from 0 to 40mph ...and I'm sure the B2 vernt can go higher than that on 90#. I also fly my set as a stack and I use whatever lines I have for my Blast ... which is usally 200# or 300# line.
  8. I have both sizes and I wouldn't call it a glider ... but you can fly it in zero wind and with it's fighter-ish qualities its pretty tricky
  9. Very interested in seeing how this turns out ... I need lights
  10. I did plenty 360's in Cape Town this past weekend ... some because the conditions were that bad, some to show off the trick and one as a recovery from a bad situation. Put on 35' lines, run a 360 and go straight into a catch and throw, back into a 360 .... repeat ;-)
  11. I got myself a 150# line set way back when but hardly use it now that I have a full set of venteds - easier to change the kite than to change the line. When I want to REALLY add drag I just use my 300-400# lines that I fly my Blasts on ;-)
  12. @Sari Welcome to the family
  13. For what it's worth, I can (and do) fly my iFlite sitting watching TV ... no footwork required. While I don't own a vent and have never flown one ... I don't see the need for it if you have proper line control. I have a very small fishing swivel in the bridle of my one iFlite to give it some mass to throw around when I am seated, as a bonus it keeps the nose down at near stall speed glides. It's a great time to be in the market for a single line glider ... there are so many nice choices out there.
  14. Superior depends on what you want to do... The Wala was my first single line glider, can take a TON of punishment, will fly indoors and outdoors (in some stiff wind), and if something were to ever happen to my Wala I would replace it with another one immediately. I don't have a Skate, but I have a Horvath Hybrid 200 that will out glide almost anything (likely including the Skate from what I've seen) blindfolded, flies in some surprising wind for such a seemingly fragile kite and just flies some mind bending lines. I love it's near endless gliding, but I'm more of an indoor/outdoor/urban guy and the Wala fits that bill better. The Hybrid is more a pure indoor kite. Value for money, the Wala is tough to beat. The Skate cost extra because thats what it takes to make it that much better at gliding, etc versus the Wala. Pick the kite based on what you need to do, its pilot skill that matters most. For what it's worth, in an indoor environment I can easily use up my 20-25 foot line when gliding on my Wala and I certainly am no mystic master when it comes to single lines ... so I feel the Wala is plenty good enough at gliding and agility as an atribute I value in my kites.
  15. I've had my B2 vented in 60km/h winds with gusts on 50' of 90# LPG ... if we can get Bazzer or Ben to do a B2 Xtra vent then 90km/h shouldn't be a problem Bad weather was one of the reasons I started with an Indoor Rev - perfect weather every time
  16. I've had a long time kite flyer be unable to learn to fly a rev (her husbands) until I put her on my handles with more brake than she was used to. She met and flew with Monkey in Bintulu some months earlier and managed, and I would have to assume that he had her setup with a similar amount of brake. WRT hovering, I actually find side hovers (facing left or right) to be easier than upright hovers. Once I got the inverted hover I actually find that easier than hovering upright as well ... but I'm weird like that I believe you're in contact with Dave ... drag the Monkey out for an afternoon and your learning will accelerate tremendously. I know when I emailed him about helping you out with 120's he was threatening to have you flying circles around me by the time the Rev clinic came about, so try hold him to that.
  17. Thats what I keep telling people .... oddly enough they don't seem to believe me Like you, I don't own a set (mostly due to space issues and no team here) ... but I ordered a set for the clinic because it will make things easier in that I can fly with others and it increases the size of the wind window which will give me more time to process things that don't always lend themselves to shorter lines. I have only flown a handful of times with someone else and I found it to be very good for my development - either because it highlighted something I needed to learn, or because it gave me an additional point in the sky to reference with. Now I'm far from being an expert pilot, but I know that when I got my ex-girlfriend in the sky with me (on 80' lines) we did just fine. As the more experienced of the two, I was just letting her work on doing what she needed to do and I assumed responsibility for moving around her problems and keeping it in the air. My assumption is the more experienced guys there will do the same for you as I was doing, so you can just focus on doing what you need to do and they'll all work around it. As JB said - EVERYONE is good enough to fly with everyone else, it's just how much or how little you can get into it with them. If all else fails, I'll have my 80's there and would be more than happy to fly pairs with you .... but I somehow doubt you'll have any problem finding a flying partner. While I've got no team/grid experience, I'm actually looking forward to a 30 person grid fly by the end of it .... I just need to remember to breathe, relax, keep my hands down and focus on my own Rev. Don't be nervous about the line set, I merely made the suggestion as a way to ask Monkey to spend a little time helping you out and pointing you in the right direction - that way you feel more confident and capable come the clinic and can get even more out of it than you thought you would I came from a power kite background so I didn't have TOO much trouble getting onto the rev - just had to learn new method of control and that the wind window is smaller (still kep forgetting that one), but otherwise I wasn't too bad. I've got a few people onto my Rev before and it doesn't take that long to pick up, especially if you have someone around to help you out. I have the same problem having to work for a living ... I do manage to get some time during my lunch breaks over here though... http://maps.google.com/?ll=-29.753797,31.070387&spn=0.003046,0.006518&t=h&z=18&vpsrc=6
  18. BTW - I've dropped David an email asking for his 2c Update: Monks just replied to my email and said he would pop in here later today to reply - he's on his way back from San Diego right now. He said he could easily loan you a set until the clinic. My advice is to take him up on it then make him show you how best to fly them as well
  19. Sari, if it counts for anything I have got ALL my line sets from The Kite Shoppe and they are top class. Theresa has been very acommodating and helpful to me even though I am in another country, so I'm sure she will sort you out. Incidentally, my 120 set for the clinic is on it's way to me right now - figured I should get a little time out at 120 before I get to the clinic to make my life a bit easier. I see you're in BC - I'm sure there is someone there who can let you have time on their 120's before the clinic and then Theresa can sell you a set of your own at the clinic itself. My outdoor flying is on 20, 30, 50 and 80' sets (indoors is normally 12') and I haven't found the lines to be any kind of limitation in learning a skill - it just alters how big your wind window is.
  20. The ribbing will keep me from thinking too much (I'll be too busy watching for the SLE) ... I'm glad its going to be a full group since it means I can meet more people and can do some team. You know I'm doing this because I'm not sure I can make WSIKF, so it's good to have as many people as possible there so it becomes a mini-WSIKF for me. I'm going to miss out on all the other teams and top pilots that come to WSIKF, but it's going to be the next best thing.
  21. Ah well, guess we all have to pay for our sins sooner or later ... apparently I pay for mine in 123 days time
  22. At least with a full clinic you lot may be too busy to abuse the foreigner .... (HA ... what are the chances)
  23. Technically speaking the purple is the girlfriends set ... mine are red I believe the package up for grabs is the full vent, so you should rather get the full sail if you think you stand a chance
  24. Well I already have a vented in this very colour ... so there's a good chance I'll win because I actually DON'T need it
  25. I solved the problem of flying alone by getting my girlfriend onto the power kites with me The only problem is that I now have 2 sets of Revs, lines, etc ... so it's a bit on the costly side, but it means I get to keep flying AND spend time with her.
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