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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. I know where he lives, if that helps!! Well maybe not the exact house, but the neighborhood!! I'll go for Oct.4th, gives him a day back to get his bearings!!! Baloo: Dec 25th??? NO WAY!!!!
  2. I'd try reaching Theresa @ The Kite Shoppe, she might know something!!
  3. Maybe threats?? Maybe I'm undoing all the "voodoo" I've tried?? Oh well, another tactic!!!
  4. pm - don't count those chickens before they hatch!!! John - you still alive back there at Nationals???
  5. I can't hold my breath much longer!!!!!
  6. The RNG!!! Inhuman, cold, number-spitting machine!!!! Maybe insults work??
  7. You may find that you'll have plenty of time to work on that post!!!!
  8. If I win the Rev, I won't be eligible to win this!!!!!!
  9. Tick Tock!! John, hoping all's well with you!! Nick - A little sarcasm for you!!!
  10. Only a Rev??!! Nick, shame on you!! Poor defenseless Rev with no owner!!! Gotta have a winner!!! Come on RNG!! Of course, I'll be patient until our fearless leader is up to task!!! Get well soon, John!!!
  11. Wait?? Wait?? All this pre-drawing banter and you want us to wait?? OK!!! Gives me a last chance to place a little "voodoo!!! Had to get 1 last time in!!!
  12. Tick, Tock, another day off the clock!!! Who's gonna win? Better still, will John remember, with all his globe gallivanting ways??
  13. Too bummed!! Patriots need to get a defense that matches the offense!!! Winning will help!!
  14. Another day bites the dust!!! Getting closer!!!! Last minute voodoo!!!
  15. Tick, Tock!!! Another day bites the dust!!! SOON!!!
  16. More wishing!!!!
  17. Nothing like unbridled enthusiasm!!! Tick, Tock!!!!!
  18. OH YEAH!!!!!! I feel lucky!!!! But a little RNG influencing won't hurt!!! MUCH!!! Now that feels better already!!!
  19. Really at this point, I don't think any tactics work, but never ending banter at least makes it tolerable!! And taunting the RNG!!
  20. That was what the rubber bands were for - keeping the stand offs in place on the sail's trailing edge!! Wouldn't the drop of cement keep them from being moved from hole to hole?? That was one of the selling points of the kite, that you could tailor the sail's shape to the wind and your flying style by moving the stand offs to different positions!! I, myself, agree with your solution, I've used the same position for my stand offs for years!!
  21. WHEW!!! Thought it was a mistake, but with the holiday (Monday) I wasn't sure!! Had already booked a room at the Inn across the street!! See ya all bright and early Sat. morning!!!
  22. iQuad - I-clod, sounds the same to me!!!! Just too much fun!! And we get to do it some more at LC!! SHHH! We won't tell the "real" iQuad we were standing in for them!!!
  23. Was just on the calendar and saw that the dates posted were for Friday and Saturday!! Shouldn't that be Saturday and Sunday? I've been to a lot of them and never seen it on a Friday!! Anybody else got any info on this?? Or is this just a wrong date?
  24. Now this would be funny - Nobody try any "voodoo" for one drawing!!! John would wonder what happened to all of us!! Hard thing would be keeping silent for the whole drawing cycle, but it would be a different tactic!!! Then again, the bantering makes it so fun!!!
  25. You could post a "I don't want this kite!" message!!! I'm not sure the RNG will listen!!
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