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Wayne Dowler

Kitelife Subscriber
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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Time for more RNG influencing: Getting closer to the drawing, got to increase the pressure!!!
  2. All right, back to chances and you have almost no chance (ha ha), to win this one!!! Just couldn't resist!!! Actually you have the same chance as anyone else with 1 subscription!!!
  3. I wasn't meaning to diminish extreme sports in anyway! Just wondering what will happen when a sport, say half pipe snowboarding, gets to the physical limits of what can be done! Will it continue on or die out cause there's no new tricks to conquer! Same with moto jumping, we've seen backflips, frontflips, combos of all kinds, where does it go when the limits are finally hit? Can it maintain watcher interest when it's all technique and has to be judged on that, rather than on the thrill factor it has now?
  4. Checked this video and another he had on YT!! Locked up my computer after watching both videos!! I believe it's JB's Kymera in both videos!! Nice to see it in a lighter wind!!
  5. CJ - most can't watch due to lack of exposure! Then again, what happens when extreme sports become mainstream??
  6. NA NA NA NA NA!!!! Who doesn't??!!
  7. He'll be happy to tell you what it is!!! But if you want to wait..........! Then again you might never know what it is!!! PS: Photomom - that's good as long as they play the PATRIOTS in the Super Bowl!!!
  8. Welcome Rock-Cop!! Another person to banter with during these drawings!!! Let the games continue!!!
  9. I've seen this one in flight - beautiful!! Capable of anything you can throw at it!! Time for a little "voodoo"!!! Feels better already!!!
  10. I agree with John, much easier to keep up with the action and see what's going on!! I LIKE!!!
  11. You didn't tell him that he was there??!! Hey, remember that the people didn't know anything different!!!! Amy kept saying, "No one will know the difference!!"!! Pretend!!!
  12. I wouldn't have a problem!! Would it still be a bi-monthly thing, or would new things be on a "first come - first served" basis? If it is that way, as long as you can get to them through the forum, It'd be ok with me!!
  13. Break the Rev spell? Never!! But it would definitely be an upgrade over what I have now!! Or a nice addition to my son's selection!!! I'll see how the RNG influencing goes before trying any "voodoo"!!
  14. Thanks, John!! And THANK YOU, Duane, for making all this possible with your gift!!
  15. Perfect example of finding out what feels right to you!! And that can change anytime!! Everyone has a feel that suits them and their style, finding the right combo of rods and kite make the experience worthwhile!!! I encourage everybody to try things out and decide for yourself what works for your particular set up!!!
  16. OK, if I win you can have it... I all ready won a Kitelife kite. Same color, as the case may be, too. 'Sides, I might only have one Rev, but I have a few other 4 line kites... I'd like to win this for my son actually!! He only has a vented 1.5 and an old Rev 2, neither are good lower wind choices for him or work in team situations when others are using full sails!!! This would give him some options other than his dualies when we get together with other Revheads!!! I've let myself go completely to the "Darkside", I'm up to 6 of them, including an Indoor model!! SHHH!!! I even flew a dualie this weekend!! Remembered what got me into this in the first place!!
  17. I would think that these rods will be very useful to a "cruiser" like you!! I mean they really get up and go, I just don't like the stop qualities!! For me, the black race rods offer a different kind of flex that works for "my" style, others will like the "greenies"! Nobody is right or wrong, just different!! What works for you may not work for me, and vise versa!! That's why they offer so many different rod sets, to take advantage of everyone's personal style!! Hey, as long as we're all flying, what's the difference?
  18. Careful now, 2 might qualify you as a bonafide Revhead, and cost you some respect on the dualie end of things!!! Maybe you better just back off and let those of us that have already fallen, have this one!!! Just a suggestion!!!!
  19. Well I'm up to a review!! First a disclaimer: I don't work for Rev or sponsored by them, the opinions expressed are strictly my own!! I've tried the "greenies" in every sail but my SUL. My observations: 1. Strong, very strong!! Now I know why Ben uses them in his teaching kites! I never felt that any punishment I could dish out would damage them!! Anyone got a hammer? 2. A bit heavy! If the black race rods are 2 wrap weight with 3 wrap strength, then these are 3 wrap weight with about a 6 wrap strength!! But seriously they felt a bit on the heavy side, especially compared to the black rods!! 3. This is a subjective call - I felt that the "greenies" never unloaded! How to explain - a gust would come, the kite would load, but they never unloaded for me!! Now I'm mostly a solo flyer, so I do a lot of playing around, trying stuff, but my feeling was that these rods didn't stop, but kept driving, when I wanted to halt! Now maybe that's a function of my style, but that's my read!! Just not the same control that I got with some of the other rod sets!! To compare things properly, I've used several different rod sets on the same day, using the same sail, in the same wind conditions!! My final conclusion: the "greenies work OK in the lower wind range of whatever sail you're using, but they feel a bit heavy, compared to some of the other rods!! So it's a trade off - extra weight but lots of flex, or lighter rods that already flex more!! In higher winds, they never seem to unload and give you the control you're looking for!! They drive, but don't stop as quickly as you're used to! As always IMHO!! I am open to your findings, fire away!!!
  20. WHAT??!! OK, I'm through laughing now!!! I used to play before my stroke, I couldn't image using a 9 iron!! But I am serious about the different sail and rod combos, there is a good bit of variety with the different combos, and you find what works on any given day!! An example: I wouldn't put a 4 wrap frame in a std, if I needed that much frame, I'd switch to a mid or full vent! Rather than risk stretching the sail, I'd change to a different kite designed to handle more wind and be able to use a lighter frame!! It does help to have all the frames, 2, 3, 4, and race, but conditions dictate the best combo at any given time!! The temptation to use that stronger frame will let you still use the sail, but at what cost? So I'm in favor of matching up to the winds on any given day and using the best kite/rod combo you can!! IMHO, of course!!
  21. Time for a bit of RNG influencing: That feels about right!!!
  22. HOLY #@$%, that was CRAZY!!!!
  23. I'm in agreement on the stretch being better controlled by the vertical panels, BUT there is a point of too much!!! That's why there are several models, STD., Midvent, and Full vent! Sort of like golf clubs - you wouldn't use a driver to chip the ball 10 yards or try to cover 250 yards with a wedge!! Different sails to match wind conditions and a variety of rods to even further refine the feel you want after figuring out the right kite!! Experience kicks in and gives you a starting point and you adjust from there!
  24. That's a subjective thing, myself, I've never had to double up the LEs!! I watch the LE, if it's bending past my comfort level, then change it out for stronger!! On the opposite side, if the LE doesn't give and bend, then you've probably got too heavy a frame set and need to lighten it up!! Generally, you'll see or feel when things need changing!! PS: the rods are very strong for their weight and will handle a lot more than we think!! That's not to say there isn't a limit!! PSS: if you think you need both LEs in there, the wind is probably too much and you'll risk stretching out that sail!!
  25. Ha, You've tried it and liked it!!!
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