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Everything posted by theflyingmick

  1. Sent from my SM-N920I using KiteLife mobile app
  2. Have PM Sent from my SM-N920I using KiteLife mobile app
  3. 1 side fitting missing on this one and is on Good condition. all 4 fitting one the other one and that is in fair. Sent from my SM-N920I using KiteLife mobile app
  4. found Two Sent from my SM-N920I using KiteLife mobile app
  5. I been flying the Ash with P100 and I have found them fine from to low wind "we should just stop" to "we are a bit overpowered should we just go stright to mid-vent". I must admit I played alot more with different rod in my B's then I have in the Pro's. Just found I haven't need to. Sent from my SM-N920I using KiteLife mobile app
  6. The hall built for the schools under the Australian government nation building program are meant to be available to local club and Community groups. May be join/start a kite club and approach the local schools in the area.
  7. Hope these help.
  8. The is the official web site for the festival. http://kitefest.com.au/ Now just counting down the days. Look forward to see you all there.
  9. This is a group we started in OZ https://m.facebook.com/?refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F&_rdr#!/groups/373756166032845?ref=bookmark&%24MURI__user=0'>https://m.facebook.com/?refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F&_rdr#!/groups/373756166032845?ref=bookmark&%24MURI__user=0
  10. IQuad coming Down Under!! Details.... Confirmation..... Dates..... Defibrillator.... Sent via Tapatalk for iPhone. hers the link. http://ourvillage.com.au/event-details.php?eid=87
  11. I got the one rev in my bag, a SLE 1.5 for the day it blowing to had for freestyle with a dualies. But all that may change with the news IQuad is coming down under. A training session before the Redcliffe Kite Festival need a better Rev than a SLE. I could go a Barresi vented. I starting my saving now.
  12. theflyingmick


    Today while I was flying I had a magpie take a interest in my lines. Here is the video. In the sprit of "my story is better" post your "crazy bird" v kite story here. P.S. let not hurt any birds, but dazed and confused is alright.
  13. Win on the tenth Ship to Austrailia It should make it for my Birthday on the 18th Now it up to the RNG to pick 880!
  14. Hi dpod. Welcome. I started off with the Nexus a bit less than 12 month ago. I got use to flying in all condition, light wind to heavy winds where the leading edge starts to flap like chicken when flying across the window. Once I could keep in the air I started to try and do some tricks. One it can do is a back flip and a lazy susan with a bit of luck. I could get an ugly axle out of it to but not much more. It didn't stop me trying though. The next kite was the 4D for when the wind is a bit to light. I than move on the a Sliverfox 2.3. The first thing I notice was the pull. It wasnt drag across the park type, but a big step up. The other was the twitchy ness of it. I was always over steering it for the first few sessions. The main thing is tricks can start to be done on the a better kite. I been flying it for a few months now and it's good fun trying to learn all the tricks. But if you can find some one to learn off it speed things up a lot.
  15. Thanks Baloo, twice now you have cheered on my number but I don't think that it will sway the RNG your way. The RNG is single minded and only look for one thing. The numbers!!! So here they are 880 880 880 960? 833? 880
  16. I have been trying the silent treatment with RNG and it hasn't been the successful, so, COME IN 880! I had one go on a power kite and its about time to get dragged around the park again. RNG it time to pick 880!
  17. From the album: Little girl, small dog and a kite

    Flying Silver Fox 2.3 Std at Elliott Heads, Bundaberg, Queensland.
  18. From the album: Little girl, small dog and a kite

    Flying Silver Fox 2.3 Std at Elliott Heads, Bundaberg, Queensland.
  19. Forgot the "s" try http://www.windsweptkites.com/ Edit: John has worked his magic but will leave this for posterity.
  20. I'm like you Michael, I started on a Nexus than I moved on to a Flying Wing's Silver Fox 2.3. It's a good kite and I'm learning a lot of the freestyle tricks on it. I haven't flown any other trick kites so I can't give any other recommendation. While I was saving for the new kite I really went to town trying to trick the nexus. Changing the bridle setting, adding weight to the tail/nose and anything else I could think of. Some of the weights I tried were coins, blue tac and even an alan key left in my pocket after work. All though nothing really worked it was good fun trying and I learnt about the blance of the kite.
  21. Hi Is there the ability to post a photo straight from a iOS device (I only have a iPhone, iPad comming soon) to the forum using the mobile version.
  22. Sorry the 4 year got hold of the laptop. Did even know she had posted till I was looking at new content on my phone. Time to find out what else she has done.
  23. Thanks, cant go pass it in the heavier winds. I Love the speed! Great vid Tony I want to try. Do you use a bar for each kite for control? i"m going to buy a second Micron tomorrow.
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