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Everything posted by rexracer

  1. One week down, one to go. I may not even need the RNG if we don't get more people. I could just roll a die! One in five chance...not bad odds!
  2. The tear is in the center panel, just below and to the side of the center of the panel. The tear could be covered with a 1/4" circle. I guess I'll try the glue and tape.
  3. OK, Next question(s). What is Tedlar tape and where do I get it. And has anyone used the superglue method? I could do that with available supplies. Thanks.
  4. Let me start by saying today was a good day! A couple hours paddling in the canoe with a friend, and close to 2 hours flying my Rev vented B in "good" wind. The only down side was when I was puting my kite away, I found a tear in the sail. It's a small triangle shaped tear, only 1/8" to 3/16" on a side. Don't really know how or when it happened. My main concern is it getting worse. Should I try to seal the edges with a soldering iron or something? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. I think I would like to hold it to one thread right now, but I'm willing to discuss. PM on the way!
  6. I knew I was going to need a good sized sail to fly that tail. That's one reason I was looking at the Fazer XL with it's 110" span. I don't really know anything about the kite, though...other than the specs on the website. The only stunt kite I have now is an old (1999?)Premier Ventura which only has a 68-70" wing span. I flew it for the first time since I got my first Rev yesterday. I don't know what the lines are, but I got about 4" of stretch when pulling them tight on the stake, and they're about the size of the sleeved LPG on my Rev. I may use some of my 50# LPG to make a set for that kite. It'll be a few weeks until the tail is done, so I have time to get more input and do more research on a kite for it. Is is backwards to buy a kite for your tail, instead of a tail for your kite?
  7. Slow start! So far, your chances are looking pretty good!
  8. I'm waiting for a 100' Gomberg 3" tube tail. I need a kite to pull it. I was thinking of the Prism Hypnotist, but then I was looking at the HQ Fazer XL. I would like a kite that can tow it in lower winds since we don't have the best winds around here. I also want some speed and quick turning ability. I would love any suggestions, and reasons for those picks. Also any thoughts on line length. I'm thinking 150', maybe more. Thanks!
  9. I had to google it. It looks interesting.
  10. I like that idea. Maybe add a mini kite to keep 'em off of the road. 3 or 4 sq.in sails should do it if you stay above 60.
  11. If the baby wash didn't work, I would try Simple Green. It's a pretty good cleaner and removes a lot of things. I don't see it hurting our lines since the lines are basically a type of plastic, I wouldn't want anything petrolium based on the lines, though. As for the "on the winder or not" question, I would have no problem unwinding my lines into a tub of liquid to wash. I would leave them larks headed together in pairs (for quads) and just unwind them slowly into the tub. After soaking I would grab the ends I last dropped in, and wind them back onto the winder. Then fly to dry. I make linesets in my condo on a jig, one at a time, and I unwind the jig onto the carpet all the time. It looks like a mess of spaghetti, but as long as I grab the last end I dropped, I have no trouble with tangles. I had 4 50' lines piled on top of each other last week, and I had no trouble with tangles when I picked them up one at a time. I've flown my kite in the ocean...even sunk it and had to drag it out because of a wave, and the flying seemed to dry it out fine.
  12. Karma is open to all members with a shipping address in the continental US, be they admin, staff, sponsors, subscribers...as long as they pay it forward if they win! I, personally, would LOVE to see you win something you want, that you don't already have, John!
  13. Here we go! Up for grabs is a 30'x50# quad lineset on a home made 9" winder / balancer. The narrow slots are equally spaced from the center hole so they can be used to balance your lines. I will give it 2 weeks, and draw and announce the winner on July 3rd. If you don't know how to enter...READ THE STICKY! Good Luck!
  14. **KARMA** I was recently reading a thread, and in a post by JB he said “pay it forward”. I’m a firm believer in Karma and paying it forward, so with John’s permission and support, I’m going to try a little experiment in Karma. It should be fun. Here’s how it works. I am giving away a 30’x50# LPG quad lineset on a home made plexi winder/balancer to start this off. (See the original **KARMA** thread). All you have to do to win it is reply to the post titled **KARMA** and say “I’m in!” I’ll give it 2 weeks, and then I’ll use the RNG to choose the winner. I’ll grab the post # (in the upper right corner) from your initial post to input. Only the first post where you join will count in the drawing. I’ll post the winner and ask them to PM me a shipping address. Now here’s where the Karma comes in. IF YOU WANT TO JOIN TO WIN, YOU HAVE TO BE WILLING TO PAY IT FORWARD! If you are the winner of this just made lineset, PM me a shipping address and I’ll send it to you anywhere in the lower 48 US States. Then IT”S YOUR TURN! You must start a new post with the title just like this one. **KARMA** And give something away! It can be a hat, a kite stake, a kite or anything kite related. Some winners will give small prizes, and some will give larger, but it’s all about the giving. Give away something that you would like to receive. When you do your random drawing, post the winner and ask them to PM you an address, and send out their prize! Now it’s their turn! Some rules and guidelines: Don’t play unless you’re willing to put up a prize and ship it to whoever wins. Shipping is paid by the original poster, the winner pays nothing. Be prepared to ship your prize anywhere in the lower 48 US States. Sorry, but due to shipping costs, we really have to limit this to the lower 48 US States. RULE CHANGE (7/31/2014): Members from Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii are welcome to enter the Karma drawings provided they are willing to pay half of the Karma prize shipping cost. The method and timing of the payment will be agreed upon between the two parties after the drawing for a particular prize. You can choose the length of the giveaway, but keep it between 1 and 2 weeks. Try to ship the prize promptly. You should be able to ship it within a week, but if you can’t, PM the winner and let them know. Sometimes life gets in the way! This whole thing works on the honor system so if there are any problems shipping or receiving a prize, it needs to be worked out between the two parties. Don’t forget…Karma! This isn’t a competition, but feel free to be generous! If you can only put up a hat, or a tail for a stunt kite, great! If you have something in your kite bag that you never fly and would be willing to ship, that’s great too. Either way, the people that join to win it will appreciate it. When you receive your prize, post a thank you to the thread where you won it. The thread will be locked after that point so the new **KARMA** stays above it. KiteLife is not responsible for exchanges of information and interactions between members, please be kind and treat it like any classifieds or online transaction. Good luck, and have fun!
  15. I fly as often as I can. My biggest problem is lousy winds. Even when the wind is up, it's bumpy and from many directions. When it is up, I try to fly as long as possible so that I can practice instead of just trying to keep the kite flying. I've had 1 day this year that I could fly my vented Rev, and I went to the 3 spots I usually fly at and flew a total of about 6 hours. That was a good day! I actually left the spot that has the best wind (hilltop, trees back a ways when the wind's right) because the wind was a bit high for the vented and I could have used an extra! Even after a year, I still over control too much. I know what you mean about a plateau. I feel the same way lately, but I have picked up a new trick. Catch and toss. Looks cool, but it can be rough on the leading edge vent.
  16. How long are the lines you're planning on flying with?
  17. I don't want to hijack this thread, but ever since seeing one of these tube tails in a video, I wanted one. The only dual line I have is an old Premier Ventura (I think?) Which is on the small side (60"?) so I'm looking at the Prism Hypnotist. Would that be a good choice to hang a 100' tube on? Cyphert...Get some video, or at least photo's of you flying that tube!
  18. Do you think you've got enough wine, for the entire "Right Coast" bunch ? :plane: :plane: :plane: :plane: Let's see, there may be more.... ?? Happy B-day Pete ! I certainly will if I know you're coming. I already do have an 18 liter bottle of good Italian red, and just went out and bought 58 more (normal-sized) bottles as backup. I can get more. I wish I could make it...sounds like a blast. I think you shared some photos of your place with me once, either here or on the Rev forum, and I would love to see it, and you, in person. Sadly, it's not meant to be, but I hope you have clear skies and steady winds, along with plenty of good company on your birthday!
  19. We're still a month away. This thread will get back to usual soon enough.For now, we can all be friends.
  20. You're a paid subscriber, you're in! The RNG (random number generator) will pick a number, and if it matches your KiteLife subscriber number, you win. But you can't because the RNG is picking #1091
  21. I offer this as evidence, your Honor!! See, he said "survivors will be shot again"!! Hmmmm! Appears you are right! My advice would be to, "stay low, very low" Always good advice, and if he's a good shot, stay in motion. If he's a bad shot, stand still!
  22. And yet another item to add to my Powerball winner's shopping list!
  23. I also fly on 30'x90# when space is tight. I had a 20', 90# set that I flew in a river "canyon" last year. Gets pretty hyper when the wind picks up. I chopped them up to make a stack, though. Just made a couple of 50# sets (30' and 50') and I may re-make the 20' set in 50# LPG. Don't really get to do much "urban" kiting here since the winds swirl so much. I'm always willing to give it a shot, though!
  24. Considering the size and weight of a go pro, I would imagine that only a Power Blast 2-4 or 4-8 would be able to fly it.
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