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Everything posted by mystainedskin

  1. I'm in.... I have skipped on joining these for personal reasons lately....but I just can not resist a chance at some KiteLife goodies. I will make it happen one way or another and support my Brotha Barton in an awesome offering and even let him choose the goodies if I win Therefore.... I'M IN!
  2. I have had Homeland Security called while Kaping a bridge...but was also "technically" on Port Authority property. It pays to educate yourself
  3. Awesome! I wish you all the luck! He is a great kid and well deserving pilot. Not many kids at his age can say they fly in line with the best around
  4. The standard pulled.. it was overpowered...lines tight. The Full Vent was smooth a slack line line delight. But a MID was the combination from day 1 ...just right.. Won't you sail to NE Florida....in a few nights? 2 long seasons.....i have craved that thing.. That perfect mix of belly and venting at the wings.. making me trick ..an axel and a flic flac thing. The rng has no mercy for grown ups or kids...but i saw a shooting star. and immediately. ........ wished for MIDs
  5. I don't like it..always seemed to be an added snag point for me. I convereted all my line sets to the extra loop at one time..for the same reasons.. (pulling or snagging in the sleeving) But quickly removed them all from my quad sets...I found it easier just to resleeve occasionally, when wear became an issue. I dig it on the slk stuff and all my spools have a super huge loop for larkshead with the added loop for releasing.
  6. I recently started using a large blunt needle... it doesn't provide the convenience of having many sleeves preloaded...but super easy and fast to feed with for emergency repairs or just plain preference.
  7. I have not....I use my teeth On that note,I carry two half sections of high E string preloaded with sheathing in my bag. One for tops..one for bottoms..different colors. Enough for a quick complete set if needed.
  8. Nothing like that new sail crackel.....hmm.
  9. Nice work! I know the feeling of your analogy. I don't fly anywhere near what I did in the past. Just become flat out bored flying by myself all the time. Music definitely helps.....
  10. Stacks are a blast. With equal initial setup, you can achieve pretty good flight out of the box. Time, patience, and tuning can bring something special. It is a totally different experience than flying 1. No matter the size...even the small ones will get your blood pumping.
  11. Honestly....that dopero should do the job. I have seen it used many times before with a heavier payload then what you have. If i had a choice for low wind....dopero would be it. I never flew the gomberg with a payload , but on setup and what not...it produces good pull and lift. To be honest...I will probably get one when i can. The Jones Airfoil is just out of my range. There is more setup for them, but well worth it in my opinion. (Low wind) The rods may have been changed in the one I flew..not quite sure. If money is not an issue. Jones Airfoil #1 Great kite..well made..top notch materials and craftsmanship.
  12. The B2 stack chat got me craving another multiples creation. So as stated...a Progressive was thrown together. B2 (2 wrap) B (3 wrap) Rev 1 (4 wrap) at around a 4' spread. I test flew on some 50#x50' Shanti Skybond in a light breeze and all felt good... The next day brought on some highly variable wind..up a down..all around.. but it gave me the chance to get some long lines out and let the 3some breathe. I flew 90#lpg x80' for a few. The gust were pretty strong and I have broken 90# several times with stacks. So I switched..200#lpgx100'. Here are the results... Of course the wind dies when you hit record. .. 7 minutes of raw..no editing...just a debut run. Things went well. Rev 1 needs some new shock cord to bring reactions up some...but all in all...great first roll. Progressive Fun:
  13. Got me craving! Here is what i threw together this round....Progressive.
  14. That's just my regular wind and the kite...15mph is pumpin for me here and i would not have anything flying (other than a rev) Looks like a cool spot for flying anything Good seeing you venture outside your norm and push the envelope There are alot of days I struggle far longer than most...but all it takes is that 1 breeze that gets me high enough...usually results in some cool pics also. I did the same with Revs. Something about the ability to fly when others can't has been a drive in my learning. ...and quite gratifying sometimes I do generally tether my kite and walk it down now, except for emergency and congested areas. Alot less twisting build up in the line and easier/quicker. A framed kite...genki, delta, dc...which you know...will allow you a greater window and more ease of mind with letting line out. Vary rarely will it "fall" out of the sky in low wind. More float like a leaf. I have had the Triton turn away and towards the ground a few times. Just have to learn..ride with it and wish for the best Still have not tried a sled for Kap.
  15. Here is the mixed stack as a 4some.Broke a bridle section in Wildwood and took out2 l.e.as a 3 stack... I disassembled after that..but a progressive stack is in mind now that we are talking stacks. Can't really see it in the pic... but upon landining , the slide is put into effect before full ground contact and the kites are staggered. .not in a straight line. This will help them all remain standing.
  16. I found it came to life in the low teens. Personally have not flown above 30 mph with anything...but the full vent B2 did see high 20s several times on 120' lines..with gust possibly 30. I think some youtube stuff was loaded in that range.Sand blowing type stuff... It is really a treat when you get that "butter zone"! I learned a ton with that kite on all line lengths and wind speeds.
  17. Yes Rob. I like slack line or a good angle between pilot, camera and kite...or sort of "underpowerd" situation. Creates a more controllable scenario for me. Ability to power up or depower the kite and raise or lower the camera without constantly letting line in or out. But I walk constantly. Never in one spot for more than 1 rotation of the rig. This scenario was light wind. Just had to get that high to get enough lift for the rig...or clean enough wind. I have heard stories of over 500' going out...before the rig goes on Becoming a big fan of long line flying..and unique setups..to get the shot when others can't It seems with the right effort..you CAN fly just about any time. (Light to no wind). Sometimes it takes me over an hour to achieve stable flight..before mounting the rig.
  18. Yes. With l.e. down and all kites in the stack standing. I like when the trailing kites fall(all but lead kite). It reduces pressure at the staking point. Reverse launch is quite reliable and dependable. But just as mentioned above. You can wiggle or slide the front kite over for launch and use the same wiggle for a belly down single kite launch to raise the traling kites....or just go for it. They will wiggle and jump around..but within a few feet, they will snap into position. Some foot work may be needed in both situations.
  19. A local spot with a large dock. Sort of at a turning point in the river for large ships. Don't get to kap here often due to confined launch area unless wind is right or blowing real good. Large parking lot to launch from...but surrounded by trees and sometimes pretty difficult to get up without launching from the dock.Once up....free to roam wherever you want. This used to be all river beach years ago and undeveloped for about 2 miles from rivers edge.. Excellent spot to throw the cast net when shrimp were running. Now it is developed completely around except for this park... St. Johns River Jacksonville, Florida Reddie Point
  20. I you must have both upward. You can land l.e. down and "slide" the front kite some...this helps get the flow to the rear kite. I have done a 4 stack b2 and rev2 mixed...it gets pretty fun and would recommend stronger line once you get to 3 stack and above. I have broken several 90# lines.I use 200# that came with the Power Blast. Also check bridles for wear at the caps more often...nothing like blowing out 2 or more L.E. at once when a bridle section pops. ENJOY! Try not to smile alot
  21. I tried dipping mine a few times before servos were put into the equation. But the time lapse was set at 2 and 5 seconds....missed it all
  22. Found a local spot not far from home browsing Google Earth. Who knew? I have lived in my town and state my entire life and never had a clue this was here. Dutton Island Preserve a.k.a. Pine Island. Jacksonville,Florida. The journey starts on the entrance road to the island. Although not alot of recovery room to either side of the road, great spot to catch the wind in the intracoastal waterway. No powerlines...no anything. Then I ventured on the island. Found 2 small docks and a larger one...which i quickly headed out on. Trees along the route called for a dock launch and land with absolutely no where to run..but the wind was in my favor and direction. Had a few more pics ...but too large and i am lazy Always nice adding and finding hidden gems...all because of kites and the constant need to feel the wind. 1 line or 4
  23. Congratulations
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