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Everything posted by tkrinor

  1. tkrinor

    Leader lines

    Just a heads up Wayne, regarding your numerous postings.. you are approaching the red zone....according to the .....helpful-post-o-meter you rock bro
  2. dang man you could have left a little wiggle room..trees/flags,,check.....kite bag swollen..check....drained bank account...ugh check..
  3. So…take out the variables of wear, proper set up etc….what fails first? Per NOAA, I had around 35-40 gusts all afternoon the other day. On a Xtra with 90 lb (doubled up) leaders, 150 lb line and 4 wraps. I hung out on top and the edges at times, but not sure I needed to. It didn't feel like there was a lot left to go higher….but I’m wrong a lot. What would likely let go first and at what point do you think?
  4. Bourbon...........but I'm still feeling lucky ! Hey I speak bourbon ...cheers http://www.whiskybase.com/profile/tkrinor/collection What I'm trying to figure out is how a bourbon aficionado does not have a bottle of Blanton's or Woodford Reserve in his collection The collection does not include empty bottles
  5. Bourbon...........but I'm still feeling lucky ! Hey I speak bourbon ...cheers http://www.whiskybase.com/profile/tkrinor/collection
  6. Is a samurai slide ..a slide with the LE at a 45* ?
  7. hit 0-2 mph... like 5 of the last 6 times out....but hit the lottery yesterday at LC
  8. I don't know If i would buy colored line if available, mostly just curious. I use LPG and fly on Sundays, Of course Mon-thru Sat has decent boring weather, then come Sunday we get fog, ice storms, snow, more fog with rain, more rain with about everything except sunshine. I was in sleet last Sunday and could not see my lines at all so I was curious if colored line was available and has anyone ever used it?
  9. One of the perks of flying in solitude.... I guess that I never appreciated until you mentioned the washroom technique .... is being able to just pee on the beach
  10. It is so......too sad this has to be a legitimate concern
  11. Just for clarity... Are you asking about twists (spins in the line) or tangles (tightened loops around loops)? Different animals, totally different causes - might help the discussion to be fairly specific about this aspect. The few times that I used the 4 line winding method, I had twists, and tangles, both. The third time I tried it, I was almost to the point of throwing the resulting tangle of lines in a trash can and getting a new set... I must have walked back and forth for over a 1/2 hour and finally got each line separated from the others, one at a time, before winding them all together. I admit , this was most probably due to not being careful enough in winding and unwinding and the mistakes that could be made doing either of both incorrectly, although I tried to follow the tutorial step by step. The next thing I did was to read forum posts some posters difficulties with 4 line winding and unwinding, and I saw that some other folks also had problems. Some posters even mentioned using two holders or winding the line on the two separate handles. A couple of posters even mentioned that they gave up flying four lines, because of the line hassle factor. This is what got me to thinking about my experience with 2 lines at a time, with zero problems. I tried to pinpoint why the 2 lines at a time method for a quad, would be problematic in any way, and couldn't think of any negative, other than having to get another line holder, and one more trip from the stake to the kite. I then decided that a comparison between the two methods might be interesting, and I could prove to myself which method would be more efficient " for me". I am going to give the 4 lines at a time method some sufficient practice, to make sure I am not making any possible mistakes, and giving it a fair chance. Then I will try the two line method, compare problems, and time spent, and then figure out which one I will adopt. The ultimate goal I want to achieve, is unroll my lines, hook them to the kite, pick up the handles, and fly. I always like experimenting... Now if I can just figure out how to keep the earphone cords on my Android phone from getting tangled up in my pocket. I'm going to guess that if you had taken a pair of lines in each hand and opened your arms into a cross position, most of that would have come right out!!! I had a team member with the same issue of what he thought were tangles and an hour of set up in front of him! Could hear him cussing before he even got started!! I grabbed his lines, separated them and POOF, the twists, tangles were gone!! Looked at me like a magician or something!! It really can be easy!! PS: on the earphone problem - I use "behind the neck" earphones!! It seemed last year when I started I was always on 50 lbs,and had a heck of a time with those thin little boogers. I agree that majority of the time the tangles and twist look worse than they actually are...but when just learning to set up, they look really bad. Fighting lines seems to be extra frustrating because of the anticipation of flying, but forced into groundwork. As the experience of setting up and take down grows I am able to see details that I didn't know about just starting out. Also, the embarassment factor came into play with my decision to use 2 winders. I would have folks stop to watch , but I would never get in the air..... I have only flown by myself and did not find Kitelife until I was ready to throw in the towel. So my decision to switch to 2 winders at the time I did was instrumental to me in sticking with it. I literally would drive 2 hours to the beach, untangle lines for 1 hour, crash and burn for and hour or 2, fight lines for a while more and drive 2 hours home..........then I found Kitelife
  12. Ain't going to happen (or not likely). You'll always have a twist or two to contend with, even with two lines.......... I agree there will always be a twist or two, even with 2 sets. For me it feels and looks like a couple of twists instead of a birds nest. As everyone said, the more you do it the better you get. But for now I don't concern myself with setup, just flying. I will probably work with one winder when I get more flying time,
  13. http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5830-winding-and-unwinding-quad-lines-possible-solution/ See this question I just posted. I have yet to have any problems with 2 lines. So my thinking, is that two sets of 2 lines, should be just as trouble free as one set of two lines laid out twice. I use 2 winders and two stakes....someday I may experiment with one again... but for now I have reduced my set up time and reduced my frustration level. I don't feel so cool unwinding 2 ...but now I don't feel stupid fighting tangles for half the time I that I have available to fly.
  14. So what did y'all use in the olden days? I have a green and white marble and can't imagine setting up without them...thanks Walt, glad you had a great idea......and did it! ..Walt ..Walt...Walt..Walt
  15. I don't get this....
  16. JB moves backwards faster than me headed forward
  17. There will be 360 soon, made 15 foot lines today instead of eating lunch…if they need to be chopped to 5 ft and I need to get new laces for the PF Flyers… so be it…one way or another it is going around.
  18. this Sunday... same as last Sunday
  19. Actually I tried my first 360 with a b-std / diamonds / 30 ft last week end. Twas a bit embarrassing to say the least, not exactly twinkle toes here and really don't get it.. feel or concept wise My first 3D was less than successful as well............but hey tried them both. kite was on the ground more then the air last Sunday back to the vids...
  20. My whumping is getting better but I suspect I may be allergic to running
  21. thanks for the bump guys, still looking. I don't have an indoor place to fly but looking to fly one outside. I seem to live in a weekend-anti-wind vortex,,,,,,it just sucks ,,,on a day off.
  22. If looking at the LC area...my business "end of month" is always the 31st through the 11th and it is not possible to get out of town during that time frame......just sayin
  23. ain't that the truth, we have 3 Buffs in the family thanks to Iquad
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