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Nick Russell

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Everything posted by Nick Russell

  1. Not sure we'll make it over there, but if we do I sure will.
  2. Watching the local news here in Elkhart, Indiana and they have a story on the Lincoln City (Oregon) Kite Festival and an interview with John Barresi and John demonstrating his Revolution Kite and Connor Doran flying a Rev stack.
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  3. Watching the local news here in Elkhart, Indiana and they have a story on the Lincoln City (Oregon) Kite Festival and an interview with John Barresi and John demonstrating his Revolution Kite.
  4. But... but... but....
  5. I have that color scheme on a full vent and mid-vent, only seems right to have it in a standard too, don't you think?
  6. Hi Frank and welcome. Glad to have you with us.
  7. Looking good!
  8. Congratulations Barry! Enjoy!
  9. And it's because you're such a caring, giving guy that I did not sign that petition about you, GregB. Yes, I typed it for everybody else and I helped with some of the wording, but I refused to sign it.
  10. Well it IS my birthday today. Why don't we just cut to the chase and stick that thing in a box and get it on it's way here.
  11. Now don't you all think my pretty lady deserves a pretty kite?
  12. Miss Terry says I have to win this for her. So here's hoping.
  13. I'm sorry Gammo, apparently you missed my entry. After that, what's there to talk about?
  14. My wife loves flying Revs and also loves antique doorknobs. So she combined the two and made some custom kite stakes. I think they look pretty cool.
  15. We plan to be
  16. Time on the lines. I hear it over and over and it's true. The more you fly the better you get. We still have a long way to go, but every time we fly our Revs we get just a little bit better. We were on the beach today when John Barresi stopped by to say hello and gave me a couple of pointers that really helped me with inverted launches and hovering. Thanks John! Here is Miss Terry loving her full vent 1.5 as the fog rolled in.
  17. Go see Ted at Northwest Winds on Broadway down by the turnaround. He's a good guy and a Rev flyer, will give you lots of advice
  18. We just left the Seaside Oregon Thousand Trails campground today and came 35 miles up to Long Beach. Sorry we missed you, We've got a full kite bag so you could have tried several Rev configurations.
  19. Nice pics!
  20. Here is Tuesday's blog with more pics http://gypsyjournalrv.com/2015/08/rules-what-rules/
  21. Here is a link to my blog with pics from Monday at the kite festival http://gypsyjournalrv.com/2015/08/something-in-the-air/
  22. Nancy (Audit 23) is an excellent photographer and I know she'll be out there with her camera. I'm sure she will share some pics here.
  23. We've been here two weeks already. Were down on the beach this afternoon for about 4 hours.
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