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I am looking for manufacturer's data for the recommended wind range for
- Rev 1.5 B-Pro Standard with Black Race frame
- Rev 1.5 B-Pro Mid Vent with Black Race (LE) and 3 wrap Ultra Light rods
- Rev 1.5 B-Pro Full Vent with Black Race (LE) and 3 wrap Ultra Light rods

I know that these are only recommendations and guidelines and that it also depends on your flying skills. Nevertheless I would like to complete my field card.

For a Rev 1.5 Standard with 2 wrap frame I have e.g. the manufacturer specifications 3-10 mph.
For a 3 wrap frame the recommended wind range is 4-16 mph.

But what about Mid Vent and Full Vent sails?

Do any of you have such information at hand?

Thx, Bunduki


All the leading edges are the same, so you are only comparing the venting portion of flight dynamics.

It will "bend less" in the middle as the wind speed increases if you use the most/more vented sail

the wind speed doesn't matter, they're all framed the same, only the feel in you hand matters,.. do you want it surging and twitchy (fun-flailing, alone for example?) or silky smooth and graceful (add vents until satisfied). You can enjoy an over-powered kite more easily, flying on the edges and low  and slow across the power zone 

your next frame is the Skyshark CXL 150, stiffer fatter and it fits into each sail,... when do you like that mass, low wind flailing or upper edge gusting.  

Experiment and keep notes if you need to,.... you are developing your own sense of feel and perfection.  You have a great set-up to compare upon as well, ENJOY

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The factory wind speed recommendations are only recommendations. What is possible in reality depends both on pilot skill level and the settings used. Different bridles, frames, and line sets will determine the limits. They are no more than a rough guideline. If you must know the original info provided by the manufacturer you can call Revolution kites at 858.679.5785 and ask.

Personally, I feel that the information is totally useless, as wind quality and variability change the range along with each change in the wind, and that can vary greatly several times in the course of a few minutes. To put it simply, the recommended range is beyond a beginner's ability and not even close to what an advanced flyer can do. Where a beginner will have great difficulty flying a standard sail in 5mph wind, the advanced flyer can keep it airborne when there is zero wind. Same problem with top end. Beginner will have no control above 14 or 15mph, but the advanced flyer can push it close to 30mph, and maybe more. Which range would you print on the package, 5-15 or 0-25? Or something in between? The limits are different for each person and, therefore, meaningless.

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"develop your own feel" it takes time, be patient, enjoy the journey of exploration

 comparisons are great fun if you have a partner, just change one variable and see how it feels "better or worse:" WHY?

A kite club starts by you showing up to the same spot repeatedly and sharing your passion with spectators

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Thank you very much for your comments and advice. I fully agree with you there!

I ask because with every NEW kite the wind range is always specified by the manufacturer. (I know it is a recommendation!)

I just bought a nice OLD set from 2009 and just wanted to complete the data (size, weight, frame etc.). Could have been that someone with similar kites wrote down something like that.


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Please, as has been stated previously, those "factory numbers" should NOT interest you further, they are not relevant except as a marketing/sales tool.

 If you are new-is pilot their "spread" is too wide and not reachable by you (yet!) If you have thousands of hours under your belt, those same numbers are too restrictive to represent that skill level, you could fly it indoors or underwater if you had to, for 4 minutes of a demo anyway!!!!

The factory would not have offered the kite framed as you have it currently, except by special request and also at a subsequent/additional cost.  You are riding top of the line framing right there.

I'll give you my numbers, but bear in mind I run with magic sticks and a French bridle, not stock.

The full sail I would use (alone) to 3mph short lines up to 12 mph on long lines,

the mid-vent to a steady 18 mph with gusts occasionally over 20 and down to 5 mph on the low end

the full sail I would use from 10 to 25 steady, gusting occasionally much higher.

Your numbers are twenty percent less for a thousand hours or more, unless you have a dedicated coach assisting you personally from the first moment of assembly. You can learn and feel a whole lot of sensations in a long week(end?).

  • Thanks 1

Also when it comes to learning wind speed, there are the two biggest limits:

The low limits are based on your skill. When yours is slow or won't launch, that is YOUR lower limit on the kite, even when someone is flying with skill next to you. 

The upper limit is learned by replacing a spar or patching a sail, or seeing stretch marks on the sail. Your limits may be different than someone else, especially if you hang out on the power zone or the edge of the window. 


With 3-wrap I estimate a STD up to about 10, a MV up to about 15 or 20, a FV up to about 20 or 25. With race rods a little lower, with 4-wrap a higher max until you start stretching the fabric. But it all varies by pilot. 

The factory numbers are a decent guide, but the human on the handle is a big factor. If you have enough wind to fill the sail, and you are not overpowered, you are in the range. If you feel either of those, stop and address it. 

  • Thanks 1

It is nice to have a manufacturer's recommended windspeed to use as a guideline, especially when learning and before any hot rodding the kite, lines, or handles.

Once one gets a feel of a kite in different winds you'll start to zero in on what works and what doesn't. Then as previously mentioned the wind range guide goes out the window and you start to change frames, lines, adjust or change handles for the situation at hand. For instance a 2wrap in a vented Rev flown in the full sail w/3 wrap recommended wind.....aoxamoxoa!!!!


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some people told you already: manufacture recommendations are more than informative an are not valid for two people. let say the manufacture have a master flyer for testing and with 3 wraps frame will give you 3 to 15 MPH. right? is not right because you are a beginner and at 3 MPG you will not even rise the kite and  at 15 MPG will crash constantly because you do not have any control. i will not add the length of handles, the leaders knots setup, line strength and length ore a different frame than manufacture tested let say Sky Shark 120 witch is stiffer 

look at your car, they say use 87 but all the time you full the thank with 89 because you feel the car working better, they say use Micheline tires but you are happy with Handcock 

CONCLUSION: take all that information's INFORMATIVES. is not a rule and is not ABSULUTE. 

you really want that chart, i understand but to be REAL and close to reality ask Beginners on the first 3 months of fly about theirs experience, ask good flyers and see what they will say and listen Paul LaMasters, makatakam and JB witch are masters. you will have three charts for the same configuration witch will overlap from masters to beginners 

fly range is like stile, something individual depending by conditions a lot more complex than the wind speed and sail/frame characteristics

Is my opinion after 4 years of all kind Rev, Eliot,, Oskusa, Freilein and many more 

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