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rev lights

ant man

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post-812-1178497012_thumb.jpgwell i got some lights for the rev, now i know what its like to night fly . man its so cool. cant wait to get some more off of john when he comes here. also attched are the 120 foot lines from the kiteshoppe just thought id add those too


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ant man.

Regarding the 120 line on a single winder.

Do you ever get in a tangle unwinding or winding in.

Im asking as i use two winders and was just wandering wether one winder would be better



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Hi folks, with reference to winders, since I followed Johns advice from the Rev B DVD I have been winding on one and not had any trouble.

Larkshead each top and bottom together as a pair. Wind the pairs together as if it was a pair of lines if that makes sense?? then larkshead the top and bottoms (making sure thay are the same ones) at the handle end.

Get a couple of twists but easy to sort out.

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One winder.... Our longest lines are 120s.

With you kite set up on the lines and staked, undo the lines, tie them in pairs, and lay them on the ground.

Go remove your handles and tie the lines in pairs, left and right. I have a knot at the very end of the sleeving on the top lines at one end and the bottom lines on the other end. that keeps the lines the same length and allows you to larks head them together.

Put one set in each slot, secure with bungie in both slots..

With the index fingure of your left hand between the sets, wind in a figure eight, holding tension on all four lines. Tension seems to be the key.

At the end, the line sets may not be exactly the same length, makes no difference.

Undo the bungie, then wrap it around the winder and back into both slots.


Undo the bungie and unwrap about three feet of line sets. Re-attach the bungy to both slots, but not around the winder.

Attach the lines to your handles and stake as though the kite was attached.

Walk out to the end of the lines letting them out while holding the winder by the hole at the center, letting the lines play out. You may need to give them a little help.

Take the ends of the two sets out of the winder and hold them apart. If you can see them twisted together, turn them around each other to get the twist out. Otherwise go ahead and attach them to the kite and set the kite upright.

Go back to the handles and get out any twists that may be there.

The above method swaps the lines end to end each time you set up, so that the spot where they wear near the middle is spread out rather than being in one place. The only time we have had any trouble is when we have deviated from the above for some reason.


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I've got a whole set of other techniques (really simple ones) that simplify the process a little, and make it totally fool-proof for newbies.

John, that sounds like just the class for me. I love to take advantage of the experiene of others. Save a little time and speed up the learning curve. Now, where do we go and what does it cost for those private John B. Rev lessons? Do we have to bring only a B series kite or is one provided with every lesson?


By the way John....I notice your little dog stake Rev flying dude is still flying on an "old" kite. Shouldn't he have a new "B" series kite?????


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I kind of want to get a set of these lights. Will I be able to buy some from you at WSIKF John?

Back to the lines topic: I use one winder, by using a loop made by some extra kite string to larks head the two strings together. Then I wind up each set in opposite directions. (The opposite directions part is my anal compulsive side coming through. I feel like if they are wound in different directions, they will not tangle.) This hasn't failed me yet. (I think the only real reason i use one winder is because I'm too cheap to even buy an other winder. The first step is admitting I have a problem, I'm too lazy to get to the second step though)

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