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Y'all can forget about this one..."Nat" has this one in his bag for sure! :)

AND...Dang-it Jeepster!! OK...I learned about what a "French" bridle was...and...I learned what "Magic Sticks" are...and now you come up with a "Rabbit Hole". What's that and what kind of wind do you need for it?

Keep It Up!



Y'all can forget about this one..."Nat" has this one in his bag for sure! :)

AND...Dang-it Jeepster!! OK...I learned about what a "French" bridle was...and...I learned what "Magic Sticks" are...and now you come up with a "Rabbit Hole". What's that and what kind of wind do you need for it?

Keep It Up!


Opps ... the rabbit hole is in the first chapter of Alice in Wonderland ... Alice goes down the hole and starts a really wild and crazy journey. Maybe a little like the journey all of us are taking ...

Cheers mate,


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Y'all can forget about this one..."Nat" has this one in his bag for sure! :)

AND...Dang-it Jeepster!! OK...I learned about what a "French" bridle was...and...I learned what "Magic Sticks" are...and now you come up with a "Rabbit Hole". What's that and what kind of wind do you need for it?

Keep It Up!


Opps ... the rabbit hole is in the first chapter of Alice in Wonderland ... Alice goes down the hole and starts a really wild and crazy journey. Maybe a little like the journey all of us are taking ...

Cheers mate,


Thanks Jeepster...I found her!! She's pretty!!


Keep It Up!



Eli, pray for #861. :big_beer:


John is a little out of it due to excessive tequila consumption in Mexico. What he meant to say was your subscriber number is 861, but pray for #477 to be drawn.

Cheers and welcome to the rabbit hole,


Tequila.......Mexico.......Good point!!!!.......Tom!!! :)

And ,being I have got a 2, 4, 5,and a 10 meter foil........

I WILL pray for #477, This month :big_beer:

Thank's tom

and thank you john..........................................next month #861................................................:big_beer::)



Re: Alice In Wonderland

Thanks Jeepster...I found her!! She's pretty!!


Keep It Up!


I was amazed: Googing { alice in wonderland kite } gets over 3 million hits. I wonder what they are all about. Kites are never mentioned in the book itself.

I try to read the book every year or so; there is a lot to find in that book - something new every time I read it. Get an original-style copy; the John Tenniel illustrations are FAR superior to the Disnified pictures in modern versions.

For a treat, try Martin Gardner's Annotated Alice and More Annotated Alice - all kinds of information you never knew about the things in Alice.

Power kite, power kite, power kite....



Re: Alice In Wonderland

Thanks Jeepster...I found her!! She's pretty!!


Keep It Up!


I was amazed: Googing { alice in wonderland kite } gets over 3 million hits. I wonder what they are all about. Kites are never mentioned in the book itself.

I try to read the book every year or so; there is a lot to find in that book - something new every time I read it. Get an original-style copy; the John Tenniel illustrations are FAR superior to the Disnified pictures in modern versions.

For a treat, try Martin Gardner's Annotated Alice and More Annotated Alice - all kinds of information you never knew about the things in Alice.

Power kite, power kite, power kite....

heeheehee!!...Jeepster's talking about the "Rabbit Hole" (and he's one of my kite mentors)...Pete reads Alice's Adventures in Wonderland about once a year (and I respect his thinking).......All I need is Hedgewarden's 2 cents about the rabbit hole and/or Alice and things would be complete! :)

When things get this strange..."I always pay very close attention!"

I ordered the books suggested...I never read them...but, I will be! heehee!!

Keep It Up!



Hey Jeepster and Pete!!!

My books just arrived and I'm about to go down the "Rabbit Hole"!! I should be back before the drawing on the 10th that "Nat" is going to win!...But, if you don't hear from me by then...Send for help! heehee!

Thanks for the heads up on the books and I'll keep my eyes open for a kite down there! heehee!!

Keep It Up!



G4T, I hope you enjoy Alice. As a bonus, you may find interesting names for future kites.

Power kite, power kite, power kite...


Hey John, I'm going to be off the grid for a week, so just hold the kite until I get back and I'll send you my address. Give my thanks to the RNG please.




Jeep, see you when you get back.

Hyzakite, any active subscriber (which you are) has an equal chance. If you were to look at a list of past winners, you might think 4-digit numbers were unluckier, but that is simply because there are fewer OF them (proportionately) at the moment. In a couple of decades, when the subscriber numbers are approaching 10,000, it will be the three-digit numbers that seem unlucky.

Power kite, power kite, power kite...


hyzakite, your number is #830 (got you by 3 Pete!)... Sorry, the forum doesn't generate that data so it's based on my manual list here in the office.

Our latest subscriber is #872 so we've not yet reached 4-digits, although we'd certainly love to see that day. :)


Ahh. I thought you HAD reached 4 digits. Well, here's hoping for that first 4-digit number soon, and 10,000 sometime (reasonably) soon thereafter.


Is there any chance I could find out my number?

Send a PM to Kitelife.........................he's the Webmaster. He knows all.............!! Just kidding, but do send a PM to Kitelife (John Barresi) and ask him your number. He'll let you know. :)



The only reason you would need to know your number is if you want to engage in the silly antics that SOME of these folks do.

Power kite, power kite, 833.


Only two more days until we find who will be the next person to bust his butt with this kite. For once, I hope it's not me. Of course, I could give it to my son-in-law. LOL :) Naw, that wouldn't be fair to my daughter. :innocent:



Now wait a minute while I try to digest this number thing,, Pete is 833, I'm 830, the latest is 872, I want that dentist in Tijuana!! :gathering:

SO, you joined in January, Pete joined in February, so Petes number is higher then yours.

Ad John has conned, sorry no, that is not the right word. Forced, no still not right :innocent: OK so quite a few nice folks have taken up membership since Pete, and all the time the chances of my nubmbers spitting out as first from the RNG is geing smaller.

For goodness sakes folks, stop joining. At this rate I will have to take anothe membership out.

John, you know I dont realy mean it, about folks not joining, and the conned, forced thing. :)

Almost time to press that button, or whatever it is you do to make the grumpy old RNG spit into life.


John, you know I dont realy mean it, about folks not joining, and the conned, forced thing. :)

Almost time to press that button, or whatever it is you do to make the grumpy old RNG spit into life.

I know, all in good fun. :innocent:


Mentally planning how to use a snow-saucer to get pulled through the fields (and poison ivy) (and nettles) (and thistles) (and large rocks) (and.... WHAT AM I THINKING? :)

Power kite, power kite, 833.

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