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Nick - you're right - it's not one piece, for sure! But it is the equivalent of a vented (depends on %) mid or full!! I was lent 1 100% to try out, only had it up once, but I found it to feel much lighter and a bit quicker than my "B"s! Almost feels like a Rev 2, IMHO!!

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Nick - you're right - it's not one piece, for sure! But it is the equivalent of a vented (depends on %) mid or full!! I was lent 1 100% to try out, only had it up once, but I found it to feel much lighter and a bit quicker than my "B"s! Almost feels like a Rev 2, IMHO!!

Hey Wayne, Ok, I gotta ask...........What does 100% mean, with reference to venting ? Rev's aren't measured in %'s, that I am sure, but I have heard you mention that term, several times, So, now I'm curious. To me, 100% vent would be a frame, with no sail (100% vent, just air, no sail), so I'm just curious. Where does the term, 100% vent, come from, and what does it mean ? :cat_shy:

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I'm not totally sold on the look of the Shook Mesh Revs. And with Wayne saying that it's faster than a 1.5, I don't think it would be for me. The last thing I need is the kite to be faster. I'm just learning to control the Rev & get it to do what I want. That's probably why I'm having trouble with the full sail.

BTW, I spoke with Dave S. and the 'Black Rainbow' is in fact available as a B series and SLE.

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If I got it straight (debatable), here's my take on %s!

40% - close to a mid, maybe a little less!

75% - more like a mid!

!00% - full vent!

The %s are Eliot Shook's, not Revs, he'd have the exact details of what they are supposed to mean as far as material and open space!

They can be made in just about any colors you ask (and pay) for!

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If I got it straight (debatable), here's my take on %s!

40% - close to a mid, maybe a little less!

75% - more like a mid!

!00% - full vent!

The %s are Eliot Shook's, not Revs, he'd have the exact details of what they are supposed to mean as far as material and open space!

They can be made in just about any colors you ask (and pay) for!

Okay, so it's a percent of, "the amount of venting (open space), as compared to a full-vent Rev". I understand what you are saying now. A "100% Shook Rev", is equivalent to a regular, "full-vent Rev", so far as the amount of vented area. Maybe we can get Cath or Eliot to confirm this for us. (I'll see if I can work on that)

As for how they are made, the different colors, etc., I'm aware of that. I personally took that earlier photo, at "Flying Smiles Kites", in Corolla, NC. It was taken right at Eliot's sewing table, in the old store. That is a mesh rev, that was only half complete, when Eliot stopped to chat with my wife & I, one day. I've been there several times, as well as to one of Cath's, fun fly days. Now that they are in their "new" shop, they have a very picturesque spot to fly, right across the street, at a place called the "Whalehead Club" (Google that). Regardless, Cath & Eliot both, are so willing to help enhance one's joy of flying. Really great folks.........a "real" kite shop.......and totally committed to kites, kiter's, & everything kiting.......!

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Nick - if you can get Eliot to verify my thoughts - great!! I tried to get pix on the Rev forum with the %s as a caption, but nothing ever came of it!! I really don't "know" what the %s are based on for sure, only what I've heard from others!! It would be great to get this clarified!!

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Nick - if you can get Eliot to verify my thoughts - great!! I tried to get pix on the Rev forum with the %s as a caption, but nothing ever came of it!! I really don't "know" what the %s are based on for sure, only what I've heard from others!! It would be great to get this clarified!!

Ok, straight from the horse's mouth - "The percentages are relative, to a full-vent Rev". That's per Eliot Shook !

So, yes, a 100% Shook, would be equivalent to, a standard full-vent Rev

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I really like the look of that yellow/orange/red non-vented Shook Kite ! Nicest looking one I've seen. I wonder what it's vented counter-part looks like...

That's a "bargello," Eliot's take on Florentine Renaissance art.

The closest weave I can find looks like this:


Though I think I've seen a version with more color.

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Khal, that one looks pretty nice. I guess all kites look better in the air with some good sunlight. I'm hoping to try out some OPKs at Wildwood next week, maybe I'll get a better idea of what I'm looking for. Well, I know what I'm looking for.... a Rev that flies like my vented 1.5b but in lower wind, and that looks good doing it.

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Hey Rob,

Eliot may be at Wildwood (?). If so, he won't be hard to find. He's usually got those two mesh revs in the photos, with him. The vented model, on the left, is his very first! If you tell him what you like, and what you want, he may be able to give you a better idea of how to accomplish that. His colors, and the positioning of those colors, is pretty wide open.............If you want to speak to him prior to Wildwood, PM me, and I'll get you email addresses and phone numbers..............



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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I bit the bullet and just went with a plain old factory mid-vent 1.5b. (Red & Black) I was flying the 1.5 full sail yesterday, and realized that the wind was perfect for the mid-vent. I could've been flying the full vent, but wanted to give the new kite some air.

So, to complete my journey to the dark side, I tried to join the Rev forum, but haven't gotten my approval message back yet. I guess they know better... :cat_lol:

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OK, I bit the bullet and just went with a plain old factory mid-vent 1.5b. (Red & Black) I was flying the 1.5 full sail yesterday, and realized that the wind was perfect for the mid-vent. I could've been flying the full vent, but wanted to give the new kite some air.

So, to complete my journey to the dark side, I tried to join the Rev forum, but haven't gotten my approval message back yet. I guess they know better... :cat_lol:

I do know better, but I just approved it anyway. :)

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Thanks, John. I can't believe how small my kite bag just got... 3 Revs, a couple of linesets, a stake... what else do I need ?

Anybody want to buy some dual lines ? :cat_lol:

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Thanks, John. I can't believe how small my kite bag just got... 3 Revs, a couple of linesets, a stake... what else do I need ?

Anybody want to buy some dual lines ? :cat_lol:

I don't believe that for a second.

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No, it's time to let some of the 50+ dual lines fly. I need no divest of those, because I still want some of those sweet custom sail Revs. The vent and mid-vent 1.5s are for bashing and learning, but once I learn, I'd like to fly some with visual POP, too.

Plus, now I need a little Rev bag, more linesets, some pro handles... 8)

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No, it's time to let some of the 50+ dual lines fly. I need no divest of those, because I still want some of those sweet custom sail Revs. The vent and mid-vent 1.5s are for bashing and learning, but once I learn, I'd like to fly some with visual POP, too.

Plus, now I need a little Rev bag, more linesets, some pro handles... 8)

A Kite Garage Sale..... My favorite kind!!
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OK, question of the day... my midvent 1.5b came in with a (what I believe) black Race frame. Well, it has black flames on it, and says 'Race". What winds would be good for that setup ? I now have 2 wrap, 3 wrap, 4 wrap, and a black race frame. Which sticks should I put in which kite ? I currently fly my full sail with the 3 wraps, and can't tell much difference in light wind performance between the 2 wraps. Should I put the race frame in my full sail, and the 3 wraps in the midvent ?

What are the trade offs between 2,3,and 4 wrap ? I was flying my full vent the other day in 8-12mph wind with the 4 wraps in it, and had no trouble keeping it in the air. It doesn't seem to be a weight issue.

Also, is it worth tracking down a set of pro handles ? Are there any advantages to them other than being snag-free ?

Thanks !

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I usually get rid of the race rods for 3 wrap in a standard around 6/10 depending on gust. The kite will tell you when to change by feel and the bow in the leading edge.

I have never used no snag handles....but with the simple mods to standard handles , I have had no snags.

Very simple mod. Don't have the link for you sorry.

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Hey Rob, If you got race rods, you can beat the cat with the 2-wraps............just kidding (but I've never used 2-wraps).

I think that you may have seen, somewhere, where several people mention, that if you have a set of Revs (that is Std, Mid, & full Vent), then it's just easier to switch kites as the wind changes, rather than changing frames.

Many will set up as follows: (many won't)

Standard Sail - Black Race Rods

Mid Vent Sail - 3-wrap

Full Vent Sail - 4-wrap

I'm sure others will chime in, and will have many other ideas on this subject....

Example: yesterday & day before, I had all of my B2's set up, with lines attached, staked out on the beach side by side. As the wind would change, I could quickly switch kites, but mainly, it gave me an opportunity to check out each kite, quickly, in the different winds, just to get a feel. Yes, it was a lot of trouble to set up all three at once, with lines, but I was able to fly one, land quickly, hook it on a stake, then launch another. Oh, and yes, I was flying B2's, but they were still set up, as listed above. They are all, so smooooooooth, but it was really neat to be able to sample each set up, all at the same time........... :ani_whistling:

As for the handles, just do the retro fit. Works perfectly ! http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5324-the-insanity-grows/#entry34728

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OK, question of the day... my midvent 1.5b came in with a (what I believe) black Race frame. Well, it has black flames on it, and says 'Race". What winds would be good for that setup ? I now have 2 wrap, 3 wrap, 4 wrap, and a black race frame. Which sticks should I put in which kite ? I currently fly my full sail with the 3 wraps, and can't tell much difference in light wind performance between the 2 wraps. Should I put the race frame in my full sail, and the 3 wraps in the midvent ?

What are the trade offs between 2,3,and 4 wrap ? I was flying my full vent the other day in 8-12mph wind with the 4 wraps in it, and had no trouble keeping it in the air. It doesn't seem to be a weight issue.

Also, is it worth tracking down a set of pro handles ? Are there any advantages to them other than being snag-free ?

Thanks !

With those frames I would do this: Std with 2's, Mid with Race and Vtd with 3's. Lightest for the Std. A Mid with race will see a heap of use as the Race is light enough to go low and strong enough to handle a gust. That leaves the Vtd in a 3 with the option to go to 4.

It's useful to have some curve in your LE, unless you just want to blast around! The stiffer the LE the less curve you get. All up to a point though. Your hands and eyes will let you know when it's too much.

I love my No Snags, want to get more in the other sizes. I don't find it an issue to use my other standard handles. Except when I thrash about on my B2. Then I need some 11" No Snags, I can get a little animated...


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