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Line Advice

T in WI

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Looking for some opinions

I should be receiving my first used Revs today in the mail :ani_yahoo:

I have bought a 1.5 SUL and a 1.5 SLE. I have 50# lines and handles that were purchased from Reef Runner for the SUL.

My question is what is the best length recommended for the SLE? I read a bunch of posts and will most likely be buying LPG from TKS based on everyone's experiences but when it comes to length I am slightly undecided.

When I look at what Rev's normally come with when purchased RTF they have 90' lengths. I see people saying they use 100' lines. Now I don't plan to fly with others that would require the 120' lines so that is out for the near future.

So will i notice a difference between 90' vs 100' other than the $10????

Do you fly one length vs the other for a reason?

If you choose100' is there a reason or is that all that was offered when you were looking??

The SLE has the older cloth sail on it so I don't know if that will affect my line choice???

Just want to make the right choice for the best experience as a newbie

Thanks for the help!!


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90 chops down to 50 and 30 REALLY easy....

80ish is a great length by yourself if you got the room. I'm on 30's 90% of the time. You will accumulate different lengths as you go on.

In #90 line sets I have: 10, 20, 30, 50, 80 and 120. The 10 and 20 are for my Indoor exclusively.

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If you only have one or two sets, maybe three, you will appreciate having the following in the order given, for the reason given.

1. 80'x90# for flying alone, practice, or flying with another flyer or two in limited space.

2. 120'x90# for flying with others at fests, or when you have the space, or in strong wind when you want to slow the kite down.

3. 30'x90# for really small flying areas.

Just remember, everything happens really fast on 30' lines -- don't use them near people or obstacles until you are beyond 110% confident of your ability to control the kite.

In the Midwest, this is a good way to begin. If it fits within your budget, get all of them at once. Remember that a 120' set can be cut down into shorter sets as they begin to wear out. This will happen sooner or later, depending on how often you use them. I do most of my flying on 80's. When flying with others 120's. I prefer 40' as my short set.

Your mileage WILL vary.

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A geometric progression guy just like me :)

Form should follow function, by all means. Keeping it simple. Of course, 120-90-60-30 works also, but I would probably never use the 60's, or the 50's as in Rob's example. A foot short after the cut-down doesn't make much difference, at least to me.

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60 foot length lets you be both close to the kite and lazy in low wind personally, you can throw & catch with abandon on the 1.5 platform, maybe even a Zen

, those are wound on a set of 15 inch no-snags, ready at any moment to crowd interact.

120's are great, bigger picture and slower in flight, team worthy (if the wind will allow 'em)

I use 100'/50# so often I have it wound onto two different sets of handles, 15 inch no-snags and 17" titanium long throws, great length in a calm with the Zen or team flying in low wind on 1.5s

keep cutting 'em down shorter and shorter as they get raggedy, until you wind up with indoor lengths

Figure-of-eight knot usage and no sleeving is necessary, (building the stopper knot into the loop before it's formed)

I prefer LPG indoors (90#) and Skybond outside #50, 100# (or 170#/not used yet, but ready if it's blowing hard enough to warrant such an extreme)

Indoors?, a set of 12 footers and set of 22s depending on how much room overhead is offered

it really depends on your location, what line length fits where you intend to be flying?

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Any length that fits in your regular flying field will work for starters. It will wear out eventually and you can cut it down to whatever length you feel comfortable with. 90# will do for most flying, save the 50# for really light wind and your SUL.

The one set of handles will work for both, but if you have the chance, get some 15"s for light wind. They give you a bit more leverage over the kite. Not sure what frames you have, but a 2 wrap or race frame will also help in light wind. But don't use them til accidental crashes are pretty much over. Stick to 3 wrap or (God forbid) the SLE sticks to learn on!

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Well first off I would like to thank everyone for all the shared knowledge!

I decided on the 90'/90# line set from TKS. I figured the 10' extra line later in life might offer better options to get 2 useful sets if they start wearing.

Can't wait for tthe postal lady early next week ;)


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Thanks JB for the confirmation!!

While this thread is still active, what is everyone using for handle leaders (if that is the correct term for them)?

I received my kites this morning and a set of handles were thrown in but the black handle is missing line to attach the kite lines to.

Also should I replace both handle leaders so right and left are mirror to each other rather than trying to match the red handle??

I don't have any spare line of any sort outside of 50# from single lines and I am sure that doesn't apply here so in the reccomdations can you tell me where to purchase??

Sorry for being a pest on simple things. I will try some forum searching in the meantime


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As long as both sides are as close to equal, doesn't make much difference. But if you need to replace one, might as well do both. Same amount of life that way!

Your goal is to make short bottom leaders (maybe 2 knots - 2") and long top leaders (6-7 knots - 8-10"). Make the tops long enough to almost touch the bottoms, when on the handle. Always start knotting from the inside to out, otherwise you'll keep making the leader shorter.

Remember - make them as close to the same as humanly possible!

Link to what finished leaders might look like -


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While we're on the topic, my wife would kick my butt if I didn't plug her leaders here...

post-1-0-21922400-1445105965_thumb.jpg post-1-0-58869000-1445105966_thumb.jpg

post-1-0-59125600-1445105962_thumb.jpg post-1-0-77793700-1445105963_thumb.jpg

She ties each one very accurately using a jig, using the specs I have on all my own handles.

$6.00 in the USA (includes s&h), easy to order via the link below! ;)


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I went back to look at all the contents in the kite bags as I was lucky enough to get a set of 50#/50' lines and found some short pieces of what appears to be bridle line to make new ones. Along with the handles which upon further inspection appear to be 15" :)

Everything equal I would be a fool not to take your offer John!! I will send you a pm shortly

Have I mentioned yet how incredible the members are on here!

What a great resource especially for someone without a nearby kite shop. When you live in the middle of Nowhere Wisconsin most of the shops around here sell snowmobiling accessories or ski shops ;)


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While we're on the topic, my wife would kick my butt if I didn't plug her leaders here...

attachicon.gifFullSizeRender-5.jpg attachicon.gifFullSizeRender-10.jpg

attachicon.gifFullSizeRender-1.jpg attachicon.gifFullSizeRender-4.jpg

She ties each one very accurately using a jig, using the specs I have on all my own handles.

$6.00 in the USA (includes s&h), here's an easy link to order. ;)


I have red kites, it is only fair that I should have matching leaders....

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I went back to look at all the contents in the kite bags as I was lucky enough to get a set of 50#/50' lines and found some short pieces of what appears to be bridle line to make new ones. Along with the handles which upon further inspection appear to be 15" :)

Everything equal I would be a fool not to take your offer John!! I will send you a pm shortly

Have I mentioned yet how incredible the members are on here!

What a great resource especially for someone without a nearby kite shop. When you live in the middle of Nowhere Wisconsin most of the shops around here sell snowmobiling accessories or ski shops ;)


There's a really good kite shop in Two Rivers.

Unique Flying Objects
2022 Washington St, Two Rivers, WI 54241

(920) 793-9599

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