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  • 3 months later...

My boy had a chance to fly one at the ocean shores festival a few weeks ago and liked it quite a bit, granted he is not a pro flyer but how many out there are? He liked it primarily because it doesn't pull much, compared to his 2.5 silver fox std.  He says its not as "floppy" as his atm but floppyier" than his new wmprosul.  Thing for me is the widowmaker pro will retain its value better than the challenger in the long run. What happens if you break a rod in the challenger, skyshark is widly available but the rods in the challenger could be more of a problem.  There were others at the festival who had one and they all seemed to say good things about it. still, some wanted to tweak it here and there. Decisions, decisions,.The silver fox could become his backup std.

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Another thing we noticed about this kite is that it flew in about the same wind speed his atm sul fly's in, starting around 3-4 mph, pretty light wind for a std. It was slow and lazy but it flew and my boy doesn't have a lot of low wind experience with heavier kites. We are thinking about getting one to take the place of the atm and the std silver fox. keeping the atm just because and use the fox for a backup std. I think It will help some not having to change kites quite as much. btw, you going to greyland? if so we'll see you there.

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  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, cjay said:

Any updates on experiences with this kite?

I might buy one of the Challenger Max vented kites.

Andy from Ocean Shores Kites let me demo the standard and the vented models last fall. We started with the standard in around 5-6 mph and when the wind picked up over 10mph we switched to the max. the vents really helped with the increased wind. I'm still a beginner to dual line tricks so I'm unable to really get into how well I was able to do tricks like axles and such.

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19 hours ago, cjkramos said:

Andy from Ocean Shores Kites let me demo the standard and the vented models last fall. We started with the standard in around 5-6 mph and when the wind picked up over 10mph we switched to the max. the vents really helped with the increased wind. I'm still a beginner to dual line tricks so I'm unable to really get into how well I was able to do tricks like axles and such.


Thanks for the info.

I am a beginner also, so I am certainly interested in your thoughts about how it flew.

I am not looking at it for tricks, but for 10-15 mph flying. 

What I am interested in is 10-15 mph wind, how easy it is to fly, how hard does it pull, how loud is it, and how precise does it turn and track, and does it have a lot of over steer.

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Read a bunch when looking for a vented. Got the Mind Trick vented. If I could only have 1 kite it would be the 1. Helluva deal used or I would have gotten the Challenger Max vented. Kite that I want the most is a Fearless 2 light vented. Pricey but I'm a Lam believer. Worth more than you pay.

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On ‎8‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 6:11 AM, Breezin said:

Read a bunch when looking for a vented. Got the Mind Trick vented. If I could only have 1 kite it would be the 1. Helluva deal used or I would have gotten the Challenger Max vented. Kite that I want the most is a Fearless 2 light vented. Pricey but I'm a Lam believer. Worth more than you pay.

Appreciate the info.

I am sure the Lam kites are great, but spending $400+ on a trick kite, for something I am going to use as a high wind beater isn't the right application.

Eventually I might get one, but it isn't in the budget right now. I am quite happy with the Widow NG as a 5-10 mph kite right now.



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Challenger max is a great kite for the price. My son a I each have one and have beat the you know what out of them and they have held up well. I’ve flown it a few times in 25+ winds when I wouldn’t dare fly any of my other duel line kites. In mid teens the kite flys well will less pull than a full sail kite and will trick better then my abilities. Over 20 mph I just fly it, best trick is just landing it. Eventually I’ll step up to a fearless 2 vented.

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3 hours ago, khsidekick said:

Challenger max is a great kite for the price. My son a I each have one and have beat the you know what out of them and they have held up well. I’ve flown it a few times in 25+ winds when I wouldn’t dare fly any of my other duel line kites. In mid teens the kite flys well will less pull than a full sail kite and will trick better then my abilities. Over 20 mph I just fly it, best trick is just landing it. Eventually I’ll step up to a fearless 2 vented.

Thanks for the info. That is cool that you have those.

What are they like flying in the 10-15 mph wind range?  Do you consider them more of a precise tracking type of kite?

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18 hours ago, cjay said:


I am sure the Lam kites are great, but spending $400+ on a trick kite, for something I am going to use as a high wind beater isn't the right application.




Lams kites are ouch pricey. Mine came used or I wouldn't have one yet. Learned the higher winds on a Prism Micron and Snapshot 1.4. I was a disaster on the Elliot Jet Stream Reloaded. I've crashed the Mind Trick in winds that have broken other kites. Haven't figured out why this kite is so different yet. Some of it has to do with the softer connectors. Pain sometimes cause the spreaders will pop out pretty easy. Saves the kite on hard crashes though. Going across center window in 25 kite will kinda of hiccup instead of speed up. It gives the impression of actually slowing down. It's not but feels like it. Catch the kite at the hiccup and the tricks I can catch at those wind speeds are extremely exciting.Got to be careful at times cause if I  sneeze kite will immediately turtle.In 20+ I still need to work up my moxie to go fly. It's a ton of fun but flying on the  edge is still a little intimidating. Yesterday morning winds were low and real smooth for here. Up on the Tekken for a few hours. Winds increased and got the Hydra. Hour later went 20+. Moxie wasn't there and I called it a day.Similar wind pattern for today. Must gird the loins for this afternoon:boxing:.

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For those flyers that lust after a Lam Hoac-designed sport kite, but can't afford the price tag when starting out, Lam has entered into an agreement with Flying Wings to totally redesign the Silver Fox line-up of kites.

I have several of Lam's newest AC kites & they are incredible kites, to say the least. I decided to try one of his new Silver Foxes to see how it compares to his own hand-built kites & the flight characteristics & QUALITY are spot on!!!! Keep in mind that Lam has done the redesign, & Flying Wings has done the manufacturing to Lam's specs. What is really exciting is that Lam then takes these manufactured kites & puts his own little performance tweaks into the kite. The kite is available now in either a Std or SUL version, & I understand Lam will have a Vented version in the fall (if not sooner). The price? around $200, which, for a Lam designed kite, with his tweaks, is a steal!!!

Below is a photo of the kite & its graphics.

Flying Wings Lam Hoac inspired.png

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For those flyers that lust after a Lam Hoac-designed sport kite, but can't afford the price tag when starting out, Lam has entered into an agreement with Flying Wings to totally redesign the Silver Fox line-up of kites.
I have several of Lam's newest AC kites & they are incredible kites, to say the least. I decided to try one of his new Silver Foxes to see how it compares to his own hand-built kites & the flight characteristics & QUALITY are spot on!!!! Keep in mind that Lam has done the redesign, & Flying Wings has done the manufacturing to Lam's specs. What is really exciting is that Lam then takes these manufactured kites & puts his own little performance tweaks into the kite. The kite is available now in either a Std or SUL version, & I understand Lam will have a Vented version in the fall (if not sooner). The price? around $200, which, for a Lam designed kite, with his tweaks, is a steal!!!
Below is a photo of the kite & its graphics.

Put up my Silver Fox 2.2 UL first today in 12 or so mph winds and it handles it well. Yes I know 12 is to much for a UL but hay I’m not to smart. Lam’s Silver Fox is my sons favorite duel line kite, we both have the UL models. He didn’t want to stretch his out so he flew the Widow NG. As the wind picked up he was sitting down and was getting drug slightly. I was laughing. I then switched to the Challenger Max and it was much easier to fly and more controllable. My wife just recently started flying and was able to fly the Challenger for over an hour in winds that were in the high teens. We live on the Oregon Coast so the winds at the beach are constant not like they were in Colorado where we moved from. I also have 2 of Lams ATM kites, an UL and a Standard, witch are very similar to the Silver Fox 2.2. The production Lam kites are quality built with his tweaks and parts installed like the wing tip tension pieces. Very convenient. The high end custom Lam kites are a work of art. I don’t own any yet but have looked at several at festivals and will eventually purchase one or more starting with a vented model. The only kites I have comparable to them would be Sky Burner Delta drive or the Solus kites that I love to fly in light wind.

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I've watched Lams videos of the Silver Fox. Awesome as all of his videos are.Winds will be around 20 all day. By 5 pm going higher. Went up this morning for 1 1/2 on the Mind Trick vented. First time using my fully padded straps with the MT. Really like them a lot. The way the winds are here I'd probably have a 1/3 less flying time with out a quality vented. IF (crossed fingers) the Solus gets made this fall it'll be the UL.Much as I love my UL and SULs I want a bigger kite for a different experience. I've flown me Tekken SUL to 18 mph. I'm not to smart either. Fun though and the kite handled it. Will not repeat cause then I'd regress back to stoopid. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 3:21 PM, khsidekick said:

We live on the Oregon Coast

That's cool you live there.

I have spent a lot of time there, and still go to the Oregon Coast quite a bit. Was just down in the Newport and Lincoln City area for 4 days, and going to be in the Seaside area for 4 days starting on the 9th.

Lots of great places to fly everywhere there. I bet the wind is very strong a lot of the time.

What part of the coast do you live at?

Interesting that you have both the Challenger Max and Silver Fox UL. I am interested to know which one tracks and turns more precisely.

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That's cool you live there.
I have spent a lot of time there, and still go to the Oregon Coast quite a bit. Was just down in the Newport and Lincoln City area for 4 days, and going to be in the Seaside area for 4 days starting on the 9th.
Lots of great places to fly everywhere there. I bet the wind is very strong a lot of the time.
What part of the coast do you live at?
Interesting that you have both the Challenger Max and Silver Fox UL. I am interested to know which one tracks and turns more precisely.

We just moved to Coos Bay from Colorado and love having steady wind. The Silver Fox I would say tracks better. If your ever in the area I’ve got several kites you can try out. Have fun in Seaside we love it there.

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3 hours ago, khsidekick said:

We just moved to Coos Bay from Colorado and love having steady wind. The Silver Fox I would say tracks better. If your ever in the area I’ve got several kites you can try out. Have fun in Seaside we love it there.

Quite a change going from Colorado to Coos Bay. The dune riding on that part of the coast is excellent.  

People seem to really like and recommend that Silver Fox kite.

Appreciate the offer. If I am ever able to make it down there I will take you up on it.

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