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Zephyr good for use as low wind kite?? - Silver Fox It Is


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Ok, I have some questions regarding a, soon to be, new kite purchase. I am researching low wind kites and have come across 2. One that I came across in my own research, and one that was shown to me today while visiting my local specialty kite shop, Cobra Kites. They are the Prism Zephyr and the infamous Into The Wind KYMERA. The general question is about low wind kite choice and any experience with these two kites including their low wind capabilities. I know they are both top of the line kites that are customizable for trickery, but I wasn't sure I should buy either of them to fill my need for a low wind kite. As always, any advice and recommendations are welcome.

Edited by JaseRicco
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Regarding the Kymera, I wouldn't say it's a low wind kite. I love it, it's my go to standard to test the winds and I abuse the hell out of it, but you'll struggle with it in low winds. You can remove the weights, adjust the bridle and remove the top spreader to help, but by doing that you've taken the "Kymera" out of it. For low winds, I'd look elsewhere.

Of the others, the only one I have experience with is the Prism 4-D. Very capable low wind flyer, very robust despite the super skinny frame, although the aluminum ferrules on the leading edges seem to be a weak point. But it's really small and the super flexible frame makes it feel a bit twitchy in the air while flying. But it'll still be up in the air when everyone else's kites are on the ground and they're staring at their cell phones.

Another good option would be a Skyburner NikNak. Great low wind flyer with great feel on the lines, very small inputs needed. Priced very reasonably.

I'm sure others will chime in here as well with more opinions. Let us know what you choose! Don't forget it's all about fun!

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2 hours ago, Tim P. said:

For low winds, I'd look elsewhere.

Of the others, the only one I have experience with is the Prism 4-D. Very capable low wind flyer, very robust despite the super skinny frame, although the aluminum ferrules on the leading edges seem to be a weak point. But it's really small and the super flexible frame makes it feel a bit twitchy in the air while flying. But it'll still be up in the air when everyone else's kites are on the ground and they're staring at their cell phones.

Another good option would be a Skyburner NikNak. Great low wind flyer with great feel on the lines, very small inputs needed. Priced very reasonably.

Thank you for the info, this is exactly what I am looking for. I was afraid that the great deal on the Kymera was clouding my judgement, and wanted to hit the forum before I made a decision. I didnt think that one would chose the Kymera as their low wind kite, and that means one shouldn't chose the Zephyr either given the fact that they are both so similar in materials, craftsmanship and price. I have seen the NikNak recommended, but honestly, Its just not my preference as far as the design is concerned, which is the same reason that since I have posted this, I have decided against the 4d. I am leaning towards the Into the Wind Spectre and the HQ Stratus. 

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16 minutes ago, makatakam said:

New one will probably cost you around $180, but you should be able to find a used one in very good condition for about $150. 

Honestly, I haven't found one under $210 new or used. Actually, I retract that statement, I have found ONE, on Ebay for $148 brand new. But I'm hesitant because its not really a color that I like, Orca, and not sure about buying a kite like this from Ebay, however, the seller does have 100% feedback, and a lot of it. I guess after doing a lot of research what I am more concerned about is the fact that the Zephyr may be too fancy and sophisticated for what I'm looking for right now...with all of its adjustable spine weight, adjustable bridle, adjustable leech line, yo yo stoppers.  I wouldn't know how to adjust all that stuff even if I wanted to and don't know what half of it is for. Guess you could say it is too much kite for me lol. As I said, I just want something that will fly when the Quantum won't. Which seems to be proving difficult, but that's prob because of my budget. I do love Prism Kites though, and have had my eye on the E3 & Zephyr from the moment I was introduced to kiting. Just figured they would be kites I would purchase a year from now lol.

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7 minutes ago, JaseRicco said:

Honestly, I haven't found one under $210 new or used. Actually, I retract that statement, I have found ONE, on Ebay for $148 brand new. But I'm hesitant because its not really a color that I like, Orca, and not sure about buying a kite like this from Ebay, however, the seller does have 100% feedback, and a lot of it. I guess after doing a lot of research what I am more concerned about is the fact that the Zephyr may be too fancy and sophisticated for what I'm looking for right now...with all of its adjustable spine weight, adjustable bridle, adjustable leech line, yo yo stoppers.  I wouldn't know how to adjust all that stuff even if I wanted to and don't know what half of it is for. Guess you could say it is too much kite for me lol. As I said, I just want something that will fly when the Quantum won't. Which seems to be proving difficult, but that's prob because of my budget. I do love Prism Kites though, and have had my eye on the E3 & Zephyr from the moment I was introduced to kiting. Just figured they would be kites I would purchase a year from now lol.

Be patient. Bargains on kites come up quite often. I just looked at the one in the Orca color that's on eBay right now. With free shipping I would be all over it at that price, despite it not being my first choice in color either. Don't worry about it being too "techy" for you. That's what the rest of us are here for. 

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20 minutes ago, makatakam said:

Be patient. Bargains on kites come up quite often. I just looked at the one in the Orca color that's on eBay right now. With free shipping I would be all over it at that price, despite it not being my first choice in color either. Don't worry about it being too "techy" for you. That's what the rest of us are here for. 

I was kinda thinking the same thing about the price with free 3 day priority shipping. If the seller is legit, and it looks like he certainly is, it's a hard price to pass up. Especially since it fits my criteria in both price point and quality...less how "techy" it is. I emailed him because it looks like he has quite a few kites, a lot that may be quality for good prices. Said he is liquidating for retirement...whatever that means lol. Anyway, my final question on the Zephyr is this - For now, if I purchase, can I use the Zephyr strictly as my low wind kite and nothing more? Then as I progress start learning about what all of the different adjustments are for and how to properly use/adjust them?

Thank you for the advice btw...very much appreciated.

I also found some more info on the Spectre Low Wind Stunt Kite by Into The Wind that I posted about. It's in the same General Sport Kite area if you want to take a look. I was contemplating purchasing it as my low wind kite before I saw the Zephyr. Guess I still am thinking of it. Looks like a decent kite for the money...$129. Could prob get it cheaper from my local shop given that its not a kite they make anymore

Edited by JaseRicco
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Yes it is "techy". Yes it can get complicated. Yes you can set it up simple and fly it right out of the box and learn to grow into it! I strongly advise you get the manual for it and study how changing things CAN induce changes in feel or performance. Then any adjustments can be judged on whether that produces the desired effect or isn't to your liking!

Just make sure everything looks symmetrical on setup.

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Yes, with the tail weight removed and some minor bridle adjustments, which we can guide you through (also illustrated in the instructions that come with the kite), you can use it as a dedicated low-wind kite. I had one when I was just starting out and enjoyed it thoroughly. It was my low-wind go-to kite. I had an E2, E3 and some others at the time, but got into quad-line and didn't learn dual-line as well as I could have.

I looked at his eBay listings and can see that he's a kite shop in Ohio, apparently closing his doors. Good prices on everything and all new stock. I would have no issues buying from him. The Zephyr is a popular kite, so I would check if he has other colors.

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Honestly I have a Zephyr and once it hits 4ish mph it can be difficult to keep in the air especially if the wind is pulsing.  I have a Widowmaker Pro that honestly flies way better in basically the same conditions.  I am looking for sometihng for the low low winds.  Not sure what to get yet but in my opinion the Zephyr is an OK low wind kite.  There is much better out there for a similar price and if you are willing to spend more there is way better out there.

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18 minutes ago, podenbeck said:

Honestly I have a Zephyr and once it hits 4ish mph it can be difficult to keep in the air especially if the wind is pulsing.  I have a Widowmaker Pro that honestly flies way better in basically the same conditions.  I am looking for sometihng for the low low winds.  Not sure what to get yet but in my opinion the Zephyr is an OK low wind kite.  There is much better out there for a similar price and if you are willing to spend more there is way better out there.

Remove the tail weight and adjust the bridle accordingly. You should find it quite capable at 2mph if the wind isn't too lumpy.

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53 minutes ago, podenbeck said:

...in my opinion the Zephyr is an OK low wind kite.  There is much better out there for a similar price and if you are willing to spend more there is way better out there.

I think that's the problem. I'm looking for something that doesn't exist. I want a kite that handles low winds good enough, I want it to have a nice size wing span, and I want to spend under $150. The more high end materials you use for making bigger lighter kites, the more price is going to increase. The only reasons I even mentioned the Zephyr is one, because I love Prism, and two, because I saw a Zephyr priced very well @ $148 brand new. Otherwise I wouldn't be looking at it given its average price of about $210.

But the other half of your response is what I am looking for regardless. Someone who has a Zephyr, and has some real experience. I appreciate the response.

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Low wind flying is kind of a Zen thing. Even with a kite designed for it you will not be comfortable or find it easy to fly. I hate to disillusion you, but low wind flying is honed by experience. You honestly must "be one" with the wind and the kite, and know how and when to take advantage of what it does at any given time. Control inputs need to become smoother and more precise, or your kite will just slide out of the sky. Managing your flying space becomes a major factor.

Watch the JB tutorial video on this subject. Although it is quad-oriented, most of the theory translates very well to dual.

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Low wind flying can and will, expose any flaws in your technique! Hard or erratic movements hidden by a good breeze, will show up as pulling your kite right out of the sky most times in light wind. It is a very different sort of style to learn and be good at!


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After many questions, lots of answers, opinions and advice, I placed my order for a Prism Zephyr in the Citrus colorway last night!! I just couldn't pass up the great deal that I found. $137 all in...every kite shop I went to had this kite for $211+tax which means a 39% savings for me!! How can I go wrong?!?!

Pics and Review to come

Thanks to everyone that took the time to offer their knowledge, opinions and advice. Love this forum!

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Good choice and excellent price. Fly it at factory settings in 8-12mph wind a couple of times to get the feel for it before you adjust for low wind. Remember, it will react differently with less or no tail weight and no upper spreader. It will fly in 2mph wind with the weight and spreader once you have enough time on the handles. You can also vary the amount and location of the weight. More on that later. The first few times fly it at factory settings in decent wind.

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