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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. I’m a fan of anything that people are finding growth from, although the other (linked) discussion covers some of the differences pretty adequately.
  2. Foil axels. Yep. https://www.facebook.com/brett.marchel/posts/1540328212669630
  3. Sigh. Still, fly in good health.
  4. Not usually anymore, but the boxes are free and so is delivery - just order on the USPS website, zero charge.
  5. I'm a big fan of the triangular boxes too, especially if you find a tube that fits inside it to double up. https://store.usps.com/store/product/shipping-supplies/dual-use-priority-mailpriority-mail-express-medium-tube-P_O_1098M
  6. Registration for one person, provides full access to instruction at this fun and educational workshop covering the most important aspects of QUAD LINE flying on The Flats in South Padre Island TX (capped at 20 students total) following the SPI Kite Festival. Exact location https://goo.gl/maps/Wf5NZPu4wfo Skill levels from first time flyers all the way up to masters are welcome, there is content for everyone and four instructors (ratio of 5 to 1) available all day including Team KiteLife members John Barresi, Scott Benz (@mystainedskin), Eli Russell (@windpoacher) and Brett Marchel (@Flight Risk). Schedule is 10am to 4pm - we cover an incredible library of important fundamentals in the “Quad 101” starting presentation, so please do be on time and consider something for taking notes - this is also a bring your own kite affair, but all types are welcome. We will break for a one hour lunch around noon, but some of the instructors will still be on the field assisting with remedial skills. By early afternoon we should be introducing folks to how easy team flying can be with a little information and understanding of how it all works - those who feel ready will also participate in a mega fly all together... NOTE: Team flying participation does require 120’ length lines and a 1.5 comparable kite of any brand. Signed up so far: @chucka @frob == Signup link http://kitelife.com/forum/store/product/72-tkl-clinic-spi-quad-line-feb-4th-2018/ Registration fee - $80
  7. Lead post updated with video of this exact kite being flown - this kite, this video.
  8. Here it is Joanna. I’m not sure if there is a separate recording from the single line category (vs Open Unlimited above).
  9. I helped @kiteflyr post his new drawing, locking this one down. http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/8403-monark-indooroutdoor-112417/
  10. Nice one Richard, I’ve seen these in action - cool prize.
  11. Ooooo, they are Warbirds - awesome.
  12. Ha, just realized you won back in June too... Gathering up some Skydog!
  13. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. B-Series MID, roughly a $350 value and no longer manufactured by Revolution as of 2017! And please note, this might be the last B-Series we're able to give away as the prize pool has gotten pretty thin. This package includes a sail, 3 and 4 wrap frames, adjustable handles, DVD and kite sleeve! NOTE: Primary color of the kite in this drawing is RED, black and white on a MID-VENT SAIL... This is regular (factory) model, it is not a Pro by Bazzer, but will still provide excellent flying for whoever wins this. You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/353, and will be drawn on Christmas Day, Dec 25th, 2017! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  14. Well that was easy, and it's going home with a regular KL forum user... The winner is #1086, heartfelt congratulations to @SHBKF (aka dayhiker aka Ralph)! Thanks all, as always, for your support - KiteLife truly would not exist without your participation. Now to rummage through the prize bucket for something new...
  15. Just reconciled the database, newest members updated... Time to draw a winner, eh?
  16. New friends... 1452 @cjkramos 1453 @Lordbuka 1454 @curt66140 1455 @Gerhard 1456 @Pconlan 1457 @cordyceps 1458 @Valleywide 1459 @jheidke 1460 @zuul64 1461 @Anders Matson 1462 @LEMOINE 1463 @Bruce prall 1464 @frob 1465 @rscharf 1466 @Tom Wallbank Current active subscriber count is 353.
  17. Pictures of the Mirages por favor? Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  18. Hello @Maxflukey, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  19. Same as usual, but info@kitelife.com will work.
  20. Hello @Deb, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  21. Richard, email me photos of the kite please, along with a paragraph about it. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  22. I have a beach stake that is about 14” long, shorter for grass. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  23. Hello @zerolady, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  24. And the new logo! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  25. I’ve just messaged him, hopefully we’ll hear back soon.
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