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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Hi Rob, Thanks for the wealth of info, it's all we have to go on... As I understand it, Spence did test the site(s) with IE8 on both of his machines and couldn't replicate the problem. Clearly there is a problem, we understand that - putting our finger on the issue is a bit harder, but we'll do what we can. Could be the issue is partially related to the load issues we've been having, we have server upgrades going in next week. Again, deepest thanks - keep checking back when you're of mind to do so.
  2. Right you are Tom. (check your signature Stephen) Of course, entry is automatic... But, it may tempt the RNG if you shout your number from the rooftops.
  3. I'm not sure if there is a committee, although festivals often have one... A kind word to the organizers wouldn't hurt. More than likely, there's a contact link on their web site.
  4. Send a request to the Adelaide committee for 2013.
  5. My money is still on #000!
  6. Hey, I'm up for anything... Love the "down under" idea.
  7. Nick, I'd love to do one on the east coast... The real issues are: 1. Covering travel expenses for 1-3 instructors from iQuad. 2. Covering the lost work time (i.e. sufficient registrations). 3. Local (clinic site) planning, logistics, etc.
  8. Flights aren't finalized yet, but it looks like iQuad will be 6-strong at Grand Haven.
  9. Thanks all, it was a fun process.
  10. Woohoo, what an AWESOME weekend!! The power of the bubble kept us in good or tolerable weather most of the weekend, the average skill level between all fliers was really stunning and I saw noticeable improvement everywhere by the time folks started leaving on Sunday. My favorite part... All the grins. We had a great group, they made it magical for me - thank you so much! Stay tuned for info about the team clinic in July, possibly another regular clinic sometime, and of course, more Rev fun at events around the country.
  11. Hey Rev-fliers... Did you know you can buy "Q flaps" from SkyBurner and put them on this kite, to make it a quad? <grin>
  12. Okay Carolyn, well, I think that would give the yearly sub to James and the 6 month to Roobarb (John Lutter) who I think would be in 4th (by my eye). Agreeable to you?
  13. Our pleasure, thanks for the heads up.
  14. Haha, extra post deleted - it disappeared on me yesterday.
  15. Thank YOU, we had a lot of back and forth on the adjustments and you were infinitely patient and understanding... It's appreciated beyond words, as is the logo concept.
  16. Thanks for your patience all... We've selected our winners! == First place, and our NEW official logo from Bryan Acking (btreize)... Prizes: Lifetime subscription to Kitelife, and a brand new SDT 2.8 power kite from Skydog Kites! == Second place, from Carolyn LeShock (aerochic)... Prize: 1 year subscription to Kitelife. == Third place, from James Zuniga... Prize: 6 month subscription to Kitelife. == Thanks all for playing and sharing your creativity, amazing spirit and visuals all the way!
  17. I've added a KiteMail link under "Info" on the new site's main navbar... Please remember, the KiteMail free email is no longer available to NEW users, but EXISTING users can access their accounts via that link.
  18. Hahahaha, another 3+ weeks of this fun... Golly, I do love you guys.
  19. Another beautiful set of entries, thank you. All right folks, the logo contest is officially CLOSED! We've received a lot of amazing submissions via email, Facebook and the Kitelife forum - we will be reviewing all the entries over the next week or so... It's off to Spain tomorrow morning for the 2012 Revoclinic - but we'll be back in the US on March 6th, and will be weighing out the winners while we're gone. Remember, here's what is on the line... 1st place: - Lifetime subscription to Kitelife ($500 value) - One kite from the Kitelife prize inventory (our choice - fair value) 2nd place: - 1 year subscription to Kitelife 3rd place: - 6 month subscription to Kitelife Good luck to all, it's been really great seeing your vision, imagination and hearts showing through in all the logo entries - thanks for that.
  20. WOW Bryan, beautiful... I think that's my favorite of the bunch. I agree, the human with kite is very iconic and has the potential to become recognizable without the text. == I've updated our new site with a VERY rough copy of the logo for your review (same link as before). It may have suffered from the downsizing, but the lines (human and font) seem like they could be a bit bolder. Also - is there any way to shift the "Kite Life" up very slightly, to accommodate the "partner" line of text being a tiny bit higher? Last thing, what do you think about making the "Kite Life" proportionately larger, to fill more of the logo space? Thanks Bryan, looking forward to seeing it with these adjustments (or similar).
  21. The latest entry, from James Zuniga! Another beautiful design, the fine details get a bit lost at smaller sizes though... Keep 'em coming, we've seen some amazing creativity!
  22. No, Bryan isn't talking to himself... I posted a screen shot of the home page, but thought better of it. Better to tease the general public into a proper froth before giving them a look at the new layout. For those serious about continuing their entries, send me a message and I'll consider giving you a sneak preview for context. Thanks all!
  23. Glad to hear it.
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