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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Sounds right... It's an "overhard" move, to fold the kite over on it's wing. Practice, practice, practice. Sorry, I suck at text descriptions of how to do stuff. Matter of fact, I'm still having trouble explaining the snap lazy, insane and rolling cascade... Even in person. But I can demonstrate the heck out of it!
  2. MAC compatible... CuteFTP, it's my favorite on Windows. http://globalscape.com/cuteftpmac2/ A well known FTP client, you can download for a 30 day free trial.
  3. Around the :54 and :55 mark, I see a snap lazy to landing (kombo), and then a rolling cascade. At 3:02, all I see is a forward snap to a single insane... Kind of like a snap lazy, but rolling forward into the "fold" instead of dropping on it's back. I like to do that last move on one edge, exit and fly to the other edge, repeat, to the other edge, repeat... If done right, the kite gets about one kite's width lower on each pass, or a little more. Does that sound like what you're talking about?
  4. He does get kite lessons behind your back every now and then...
  5. Ah, I know Kitelife doesn't like web browsers for FTP... Do you have an FTP-specific program?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAZV1CEGDkM
  7. I understand.
  8. What is the Kill?
  9. Wierd... Permissions are 777 (all open), and there's plenty of space.
  10. I assume each dude is a separate layer with white outline, that can be moved? Just a few overlap details I'd like to adjust... Note the subtle differences in overlap between the last dudes I posted and yours. I moved arms so that none of the hands and handles are overlapping... Clearer to the eye, easier to recognize. Also, #2 guy... Spikey hair... I moved his head so the point of that spike is not on the line of guy #1, again for clarity (same with #6 & #7). Lastly, guy #7... I moved one of his hands so the Rev handle is 100% visible... Making it so every dude has at least one unobstructed handle. Am I annoying you yet? *chuckle* Great work mon, we're almost there!
  11. Wow, it's coming along... I did like the white space in the "A" and "D" in previous versions, which seems to have closed up in this latest version. Seems to make the A and Q more readable from a distance. My experience with AI is limited, but I am very intuitive with software... I'd hopeful about making basic changes to layers and coloring. When we go to do black and white versions, we'll have to take the gradients out and go with solid colors... So, I'll have to learn. As for FTP... You were set for an unlimited quota, but I just changed it to 100MB, to be sure. Try it again, let me know what happens.
  12. Fixed! Had to adjust some security settings on the server. Thanks for your patience.
  13. Tweaked the logo a little... Compressed the dudes a bit, played with the font. Just ideas.
  14. Yeah, thanks Steve. ROFL Awesome having you with us Bill, nice to put a face to the name. Keep at it, it's all about the zen.
  15. Whoops, thanks for the heads up... Deleted my extra posts.
  16. Quick edit on the Rev... I like it as you had it, but changed to solid color kite and a thin white line dividing it from the Q circle.
  17. No problem, thanks. I was also think of the Rev going in differently... Same spot, flipped horizontally so that the points are all unhindered by overlap. That would also allow the Rev to be the same color (black), possibly with a very small space between it's LE and the end of the Q where it's "attached". This is going well, I'm really stoked.
  18. I should also ask, what font did you use for this last rendition?
  19. PM sent re FTP uploading. I like that "Q", it could take a Rev real easily, without losing the font style.
  20. Great point Bram... Often fliers are better with their prevailing hand (i.e. right handed, etc)... It's GREAT to practice both directions of any trick.
  21. It's been slow going on this project... If anyone knows of a good web-site-based chat script or IRC gateway for web sites, please let me know.
  22. Bram, if you can get a translation, we'd be curious to see the indoor article for possible inclusion in an issue of Kitelife! keep me posted.
  23. Thanks Chris, I appreciate you contributing your time for this.
  24. I'd call 'em Rev fliers... Not much distinction for me. All quad fliers are family.
  25. http://www.tropikiters.com
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