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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. This makes me chuckle! Hopefully you'll be able to come some year.
  2. If you're goin to WSIKF, Skitch, I'd love to fly with ya. If not you should try to make it over to Spokane sometime. (That's where I am)
  3. You work on that! If it all works out, ther will be a party of 32+ revs there waitin' for ya!
  4. Spence Watson


    Sky Fish, I'm guessing you're talking about the bridal wind adjustment thing, like on a Quantum Prism. The knot by where you make the adjustment should look like a double-larks head or something simular to a larks head. Just loosen the knot and slide it to the designated areas for light or heavy winds. Post a picture if you can, This my clear up a bit of the confusion. -Spence
  5. I bought my first kite from e-bay! I just re-sold it now though, to a dude from GWTW. I just never flew it anymore! ( i got a Quantum Prism)
  6. That's an interesting quad! I'd like to try one sometime!
  7. I wish I were there! It looks like a blast!
  8. I recommend the Beetle. The first time I heard of this kite I was in a kite shop in Long Beach. I asked the guy that worked there about it, then he picked it up, and threw the kite nose first into the ground as hard as he could. He did this to show just how indestructable the Beetle is.
  9. I love the west coast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your 120'lines and your new B-Series.... you lucky.....
  10. Careless pedestrians is alwayse a BIG problem, especially at kite festivals when you don't have your own field. At WSIKF last year my duel line's string was snapped right in half by some kid with a little single liner. Even worse, the kite then floated into iQuad's flying field (You may remember John B.). I am just happy that at all the parks in my area, there is at least a small spot for other recreational things. That is where I fly. When these clueless passer-byers invade your area, the solution is not to run the kite into them. You should be kind and solve your problems with nice cheap words.
  11. Hay thanks!! Be sure to find me this year at the Revolution spot (I usually help out there)
  12. Thanks guys!! I wanted to be able to get that oing for me when I go to WSIKF this year so that doesn't happen again.
  13. As you can guess from the topic description, I'm wondering how the kite comp. announcer guys get information on the fliers. Is there like a website that they look at, or what :confused!: ? The last competition I was in, the announce knew NOTHING about me. (those of you at WSIKF last year may remember me. My lines snapped about one second after the kite was launched in the air durring the Mystery Ballet ) Is there some website that I mae pofile on or something, so they know who I am? Any help would be appriciated.
  14. It's blocked at school. I'll let you know when I get home what I think.
  15. I go on there as often as I can. But I'm usually playing around online at school, where they block kitechat. So I am only ever on from 3:30PM (the earliest) to 7:30PM (The latest). Except for on weekends, when I could be on at any random time of the day.
  16. Go to www.theflyingwatty.zoomshare.com, then go down to the "My Collection" tab on the left hand side. The first picture that popps up is my Rev 1.5 with ripstop and mylar. I just got it from Ben and Lolly, so the caps are real shiny!
  17. I kind of want to get a set of these lights. Will I be able to buy some from you at WSIKF John? Back to the lines topic: I use one winder, by using a loop made by some extra kite string to larks head the two strings together. Then I wind up each set in opposite directions. (The opposite directions part is my anal compulsive side coming through. I feel like if they are wound in different directions, they will not tangle.) This hasn't failed me yet. (I think the only real reason i use one winder is because I'm too cheap to even buy an other winder. The first step is admitting I have a problem, I'm too lazy to get to the second step though)
  18. Spence Watson

    My REV1

    Yeah. That kite looks nice. Is it hard to fly those little helicopters? They look like fun!
  19. http://www.theflyingwatty.zoomshare.com/1.shtml Look around in the different sections to find many pics.
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