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Everything posted by Dean750

  1. Something to think about. Kites with multiple uses... A std. B series comes with 2 and 3 wrap frame. A std. B flies well indoors. A Race frame is almost a necessity. My personal preference is a B Pro (non pro works too) with a Race frame and a 2 wrap center LE. Plus it fly's outdoors to. The way the kite flies is also the same as it is outdoors. Having a bridel or not makes a difference. No bridel to me feels like the controls have to be overly exaggerated. Just my thought.
  2. Hope no one looking for tips missed John's tip of practicing reverse flight. IMO, flying a strait (or kinda strait when starting out) line is way easier than reversing arcs. Something else to try is owning your hover LE facing left or right. See how perfectly still you can hold the hover. Remember, the top hand is slightly closer to your body to maintain altitude. Once you get the hang of it your hands should hardly move to hold the position Now for my personal handle position "anytime" the kite is vertical is the top wing hand is palm down flat and the bottom wing hand is strait up and down. My top hand is locked into a position that holds the top wing neutral so the only adjustments are to the bottom wing to keep the LE strait up and down. With this hand position at least to me, the feelable tension on the lower brake line is maximized and overall the kite feels extremely stable. Personal preference but something to try. Now from that hover, pull a little more brake till the top wing wants to spin around the bottom wing. Remember that hand position that got that effect. Set back up and initiate the top brake slightly before you pull the bottom brake line and lock your top hand in the position you were to remember. Don't move the top hand to let off or apply brake. Give slightly more or less brake on your bottom wing basically to keep the bottom wing at the same speed as the top wing and keeping the LE as vertical as possible. Those are my basic tips for learning horizontal reverse flight. Reverse or forward flight when turning arcs or circles. The Great Felix Montram gave me an invaluable tip. Changing hand positions with the attitude of the kite is a must for stable, controlled flight. With that in mind his tip was to match my foot movements with the hand movements but to use the hand motions (bringing the top wing hand in and or pushing the bottom wing hand out) to keep the lead rotating wing powered up when turning up or pushing the lead wing hand out if turning down to better control the lead rotating wing. Always a useful tool but especially when flying in reverse. I hope what I've typed is helpful. Let me know if clarification is needed or if there's anything else I could help with. :-)
  3. Thank you. I think my problem has been fixed. Maybe.;-)
  4. It comes with 2 weights. In the bottom of the kites range it's fairly easy to roll up upright. I'm also not having any problems rolling up from a fade starting position or from a take off. Wonder if the stock angle of attack is just too nose in for my flying style? Mid wind range and up I can't get the initial pitch to get the roll going. Upright anyway. Too much lift could be the problem. Specially since I notice that even light pumping in the lower end causes the kite to stall instead of shooting forward. Now that I think of it I kinda feel like a dip stick for not laying the nose back farther than I have. Dee De Dee.... Not being able to hold a stall in the mid range should have been a pretty big clue eh? Have to lay it back and get back to ya if that helped or not. If not a picture will be posted and we'll figure this out. Still curious about how the pitch line works....
  5. I guess what I'd like to know is, how the second line from the upper LE fitting (pitch control?) works and is adjusted? I seem to be having ALOT of problems getting the kite to pitch in upright roll ups. Thinking maybe I need to lay the sail back on the angle of attack quite a bit from the stock bridle mark? But how should the pitch line be adjusted? I've moved it a little but haven't caught onto how it works. I know I don't have the timing down to roll up upright, but I can't get it to pitch hardley at all. Frustrated....
  6. I don't know if its been mentioned but your full sail with the race frame fly's fairly well indoors. Just a thought... So with just the std and vented you've got about a 30 mph wind range with the 3 frames, 90#, 150# and a couple short lite line sets.
  7. Hands down the BEST team routine I have ever seen. I love seeing the hesitations between one form to the next eliminated or shortened. Flippin' AWSOME!!!!!!! GO iQUAD!!!!
  8. Lookin good. I even like the color of this one. Seems to pop a little more than the red. Course Orange would look really good. So when do I get mine? me
  9. If I ok finacially I'll be there. I'll let you know a little closer to the 1st. Got my fingers crossed at any rate.
  10. Always thinking about it Mr. B. Not possible. But I always think about it. Dean
  11. 540 flat spin? Dean Ahem, check out the first move in this video. ahey, that one was pretty even. Do you feel even more graceful than you did before? I love flat spins. Hope you do too now. Dean
  12. I need a duallie NOW!!! Febuary pre order? So what're the color choices? Got a colorizor? You know it's a pretty kite, but it'd look hotter in Orange. Ok, other than the Orange part I'm just given you crap John. Wish I could have come up today. Hope ya had a good day. Dean
  13. 540 flat spin? Dean
  14. We could use a team set of Rev's and lines and a bottomless ice chest of drinks for starters. You know I'm kidding. Every team needs a cheering section. You supply the team supplies, I'll get ya a set of Pom Pom's. Wind? We don't need no stinkin' wind. Ok, maybe we do. Unless our team bag comes with Zen's and 50lb line. Sorry, woke up in a good mood and my second thought of the day was of ya all and the fun ahead. Have a great day all ya all. Dean
  15. Being so far south and unable to plan things like this out for sure on my part with enough notice puts me outta the runnin'. But if life will let me out to play on a day when ya all are out I'll be there. I'd like to see our collective skills progress. Would be great to know that at least once a month there would be a chance at getting some team flying in. I still would like to learn to lead and call. Course, with the schedule of iQuad in the open it can now be worked around. If nothing else I can say I'll take full ownership of my hover. Dean
  16. hmmmmm, guess I'll have to start making regular trips up to Portland. As long as it's possible you know I'll be there. If nothing else it's cool to be flying your kite in one direction and the person next to you is flying in the oppisite direction. Theres always something cool to learn. And fun to be had. Hope to see ya all soon. Dean
  17. Thank you everyone for coming out and making this weekend awsome. It was good to meet and fly with all ya all. Suprisingly we had at least one day of wind. Hope to see and fly with all ya all again soon. Have a great day, and again thank you all for a relaxing awsome weekend. Special thanks to JB for making it all happen.] Dean
  18. Good to read that it's fixed and ready to play with again and that through it all you've learned to keep your nose outta the dirt. Dean
  19. How'd you manage the damage this time? Not another picnic table I hope. Just kidding. So on a serious note.... When are you going to get a Rev? Dean
  20. If Rich gives decent directions I should get there about the same time he does. Anyone have a cheap place to crash? I'll be there Thursday to Monday. Dean On a side note, I don't snore or flatuate. Dean
  21. It's not blue And..... I haven't figured out my video problem yet. This video, Watty's latest Seattle video and Island Quad's videos for some reason the video loads but freazes after a sec or 5. Sound is smooth. Just a vid problem. BUT.... I can view everything else out there on the web. Only these specific video's I can't watch. Not like I really wanna see a teenager smoke me on the streets Although you know I watch and try to figure out when I get a shot at redemtion. I'm sure my computer is just starting to show it's age in the computing world and I don't have the memory for the higher end video with all the back ground sevices and applications. Time for a new computer..... Dean
  22. Crap happens. I still fly at my favorite field. And thats after someone tried to run off with my Orange and Black One of a kind Custom of a Custom. I say tried because the lines were attached and I had really driven one of Walts original stakes in the ground. Tore the center panel and then some out. Didn't break the frame though. I never take my space for granted now Dean
  23. I don't know the names of the different lines and such. But the bridle I'm refering to has a line that runs from the upper LE fitting to the lower LE fitting and then a line that goes from the center T to the outter line. The tow point is on the inner line from the center T. So the adjustments to pull the nose in or push it out are on the LE part of the bridle while the turn rate is adjusted on the inner line. If it loads in heres a pic of my old MEFM which uses this bridle. Dean
  24. Enlighten me. I notice my lower LE's flex in higher winds, although Im thinking thats from the leech line. But I did just put a crack in my P200's (I used a hollow core ferrule as the center T, which shredded, causing the P200's to fracture Im sure) and P300 lower spreaders (that one happened just this weekend at the beach. about a 1/4" fracture on the side that inserts over the center T ferrule (which is a solid core). ~Jon PS. When u headin back up to Portland? Not sure when I'll be back up. Are you going to the Lincoln City Summer Festival? June 27 and 28th I think. Shunts are basically a line that you attach to the inner leg of your bridle that connects to the lower spreader. When the bridle is taught there is just a slight bit of slack in the shunt so as to not affect the kites handling. When your lower spreader starts to flex it can only flex till the shunt comes tight. Stopping the distortion. I'll have to take a couple of pictures of what I'm talking about in the next couple of days. Would be cool if you could figure out the scale for the Turbo bridle on your Widow. I think it would lessen the stress on the frame no matter what the wind is like. I'll get back to ya in a day or two with some pics. Dean
  25. Smart move with the pigtails. I did this when I was working on a bridle for my Box of Tricks. Those pigtails also add adjustability to your bridle if you hadn't thought about that yet. Let the bottom out on the spine and the outter lower spreader while pulling the top in and it pulls the nose in. Top out, bottom in to lay it back. Center T in, outter lower spreader out moves the tow point in closer to the spine causing your turn rate to speed up. (smaller movements, might cause oversteer possible easier snap stalls.) Center out, lower in moves the tow point out slowing the turn rate. (lessins oversteer) So adjusting your bridle between marks fine tunes the kite instead of being the overall tuning. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Something else to tweak on while your at it. If your lower spreaders distort in upper winds or on hard snaps let me know. I'll fill ya in about Shunts. Dean
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