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Everything posted by Dean750

  1. The REAL cow metioned is just my way of saying it's not really an on the field fix. Unless you happen to have the rivet and that line of the bridle extra. I don't, but Keith at The Kite Company can fix it for me. I just need to get over to Newport to get it done. But, my MEFM isn't really flyable anymore. Most of the leach line is exposed and the sail is stretched to the point that I'd need to extend the spine and LE rods with new bungee's to get the sail tight enough to fly like it's supposed to. Well that all and I had to combine pieces of mine to keep Dad's going so I'd have a proper M to fly. My M is a visual testiment as to my time learning to fly. Takes alot to make a sail look as OLD as mine looks. So it's going up on my wall along with my first B Series Rev sail. Can't wait to see what your getting going. I may even end up splitting my flying time between dual and quad line. JB, if you did, you didn't really see that last statment. Dean
  2. At the time it was a spendy all around Comp. kite that apparently not many knew about. Warren and I have been in contact. A while ago unfortunatly. My duallies are so old and have been flown so much that other than my Fizz Kites (Benson Kites for those who don't know) Box of Tricks they're all broke. LOL, broke the left upper bridle last time out on my MEFM. Anyone in the know, knows thats a REAL cow. (Clam Shell Fittings.) Now I'm flying my fathers when I fly dual line. But for those eyes that may read this post, the M is gone. What about the Maxi? I so still need one of those. To match my fathers. Any tips as to how to set up the Wedgee bridle? Was that a precision kite? Non marked bridle like that took tweakin to a whole nother level. Sure I'm outta wack with it. Other than missing the trailing edge stand off fitting. Between the Revolution and Dad's MEFM, I'm torn. Still PROUD to know I own and have flown the TURDS (for those censors watching ) out of my kites and that as far as dual line is concerned, the Bordelon MEFM and the Herb Weldon Synchro's are the kites that have brought the most joy to my life and still OUT PERFORM any kite of the time and since for the most part. Not counting the Bazzer B Pro. Dean
  3. I'm curious as to why dual line kites don't seem to have the wide range or multiple abilities of say the MEFM? MEFM, wind range, 1 to 30 mph. If you like to tweak with your kite, this is the one for you. Each side of the bridle is tunable in two areas. Upper portion of the bridle controls angle of attack, lower controls turning radius. 4 colors on both the top and bottom. Red, extreme light wind, high wind supposedly, blue, still flys in light wind but offers more feeling and slows the turn speed, green, and black, both settings are for light to medium wind, most feeling, most precise. And thats just for stock outta the bag. Now figure that on top of all that there are two removable spacers on each side of the center T which changes the width of the tips and the depth of the sail. Theres also 2 top spreaders. Long for both spacers or 1 spacer in on the center T, short for 1 spacer or no spacers. Basically theres no real end as to how tunable this kite is. It has a HUGE wind range and will do just about any trick you throw at it. (Doesn't seem to like wrap ups and I learned a kick ass trick trying to learn the Jacobs Ladder which I still haven't learned with my MEFM. But it'll do everything else. This kite is VERY precise. Some say it has too much over steer. You get used to how to control this kite like you do any other. It's not really over steer, it's WAY SMALLER control inputs than most kites out there. Took me a few minutes to learn how to make a crisp 90 turn on JB's SUL Shiva. Seemed like even though I was push pulling the turns it took 3 times the arm throw to complete the turn compared to my MEFM. My father and I have always thought the MEFM was the Cadillac of all dual line kites. Just curious as to why no other kite out there after all the supposed furtherment of kiting can touch a kite that isn't made by the original kite maker? The original is still the best. I miss Big Easy Kites Dean My fathers 1 of a kind MEFM
  4. I'm out here in Albany at least every other day for at least 4 hours. I fixed the MEFM as SOON as I got home the Sunday we finally met. Between your Widow and Johns Shiva I developed the itch again. If you can make it down on a weekend, this month than just let me know. Between the two of us, something is going to fly. If not this month, then starting next month I'm hoping for maybe a trip every two weeks minimum to Delta Park. I'll be at the Clinic the 21st through the 25th too I guess. You'll get your shot with the MEFM. I want another go with that Widow in some wind. Hope to fly soon, Dean
  5. I'm glad all worked out so far. But as someone once told me.... Fly clean. Snags for the most part means you didn't really commit to what you were trying in the first place. Not enough slack. Flying your Widow will teach you how to do the tricks you want to learn. Moving up to a Pro level kite will allow you to do the tricks, but you damned well better commit. You'll either look good, or you'll look like a novice. I remember I bought the Benson Box of Tricks because it could do anything being done with just a flic and it would self recover. Great on learning how to do the trick. But take that back to the MEFM or the Illusion and a sloppy trick looked, well sloppy. I thought the Box of Tricks could be better than what it was compared to the MEFM. I rebridled it, took the bow line off, made a lighter bow line..... it just didn't do what I wanted. A kite is made to fly the way you get it with some minor adjustments. You saw this with the Widow in light wind. I just think that if you want a kite to learn the basics on the Quantum is a good kite to start with. Learn to fly that Widow in lighter wind (not necessarily trickin') and you'll be ready for that Pro kite your going to buy at some point. Just a thought. Dean On a side note though, good looking mods. Glad to hear it worked.
  6. Oh, it's been brought'en Now if I just had my kite. If I wasn't as sick as I am right now, (taking the day off and sleeping) I'd grab some 15' lines and my Rev 1. Not the best way to learn street flying, but it's a desperate start It's a blast Antman. I don't think I would start with one of your better kites. Start with one thats like a thrasher if ya got one. I didn't even think about bridle wear or chewed up end caps, but it happens. Dean
  7. Yea, I'm a little butt hurt after watching that. But you know I'm not done. I'm going to woodle down some of those lines and give it a go round here after my new baby gets here. Far away from concrete and trees. I won't suck twice, thats for sure. Dean
  8. As usual, you make it look sooooo easy. That was AWSOME!!! So you were on 20 ft most of the time? I'll have to give the 20's a whirl. I tried it with 12' lines and sucked beyond belief Dean
  9. I couldn't get my attention off of the Red Bull kite of JB's. (I'm flying JB's Rev in that pic ) The Revolution logo REALLY pops with the sun from the back of the sail Maybe he set it up wrong? Yea, yea, I'll get it next time. Dean
  10. Today was a good day. Welcome Spz0, it was nice to finally meet you two. If I know the answer or can point you in the right direction I'm always here. We'll fly again I'm sure. I'm fixing my MEFM this weekend. Getting ahold of your Widow and JB's Shiva started an itch I'm going to have to scratch. Dean
  11. Oh, your just getting started. I think Aero is typing about Revkites.com though. Revolutions web page where you can see all your options and the forum where you can yak with alot of Rev pilots from around the world. Maybe one of these weekends I can come up for a day. In a couple of weeks I'd even have my current B series and with any luck my new B Pro. Course you'd have to let me try that new dually of yours if either of us can break away from the Rev's. Dean
  12. Glad to hear you finally got a kite that will grow with you. I'm sure the Quantum was a fun one to start with. But now you've got one that'll do it all and you can fly any style you'd like. Just a thought..... Ever tried a Rev? Dean
  13. Dean750

    Quad Tricks

    Mr. Watty, As usual your videos are inspiring. I'm constantly working on axles. Exiting the axle in reverse, sliding axles, axle take offs, etc... You mentioned the Dive Stop Axle once. Maybe you can fix my problem with this one. The stop and initial axle motions work. But the Rev spins 180 so the LE toward me and the rotation stops. Haven't figured out how to recover from this. When the LE faces me the kite drops to the ground but comes at me. Any idea on how to fix it? Dean
  14. Very nice Mick. I really enjoyed watching, 3 kites at once is just, wow. Hope to see more videos of your progress. Dean
  15. I agree, fly it till it breaks. I'm no longer worried about durability of Rev's after chatting with JB today. As long as it's not like mentioned stretched your cool. Might think about aquiring a new bridle to keep in your bag in case s#$@ happens. Why wait if you don't have to ya know? Nothing wrong with having spare parts in the bag. LOL, you know murphy's law might be reversed if you have the parts on hand. Dean
  16. Don't forget to click the upload button after you chose the picture with the browse button though.
  17. Dean750

    the KO

    LOL, compitition for Rev? Hmmm, that KO really does trick. And it really seems to fly well. It really does float on it's back like a dually. The Jacobs Ladder looked really cool. I'd wanna fly one before I thought about buying one, but that kite really looks like it would be a ton of fun. The trick tutorial on the bottom half of the page proves what the kite will do. Dean
  18. Dean750

    the KO

    I'm not really sure what to say other than, the KO looks pretty cool and apparently handles pretty cool to. Clock work actually looks like a clock with the ends being like hands on a clock. Cool tricks too. Wrap tricks with a quad? Wow. I've only watched the first trailer. So now I'll go watch the indoor vid now. Toodles. Dean
  19. That was awsome. Didn't look like there was any of the problems I kinda expected. You all made that look easy and cool. Good choice on the vented kites. Earlier in this thread I didn't even consider venteds in my thoughts. Good job, thanks for the vid. Dean
  20. funny description. Sorry about the spreader. But your right it could've been worse. Funny though, after all these years of the Road Runner getting away theres someone out there still inflicting they're own pain to catch that varmit. Dean
  21. Good site Kat, now I don't have to try and describe what I'm yakin about. The Dynamic bridle offers you more tuning points. With my MEFM I have 4 markings top and bottom of the bridle adjustments. In all I figure theres 64 or more adjustments that can be made on this bridle system. The MEFM has over 256 possible settings. But the dynamic bridle will allow you to tune your kite to your likings. You may how ever decide to make a custom bridle that is about 1/2 to 3/4 inches longer than the stock bridle. That will help to relieve the frame stress in upper winds while allowing you to still fly light. Basically I don't understand why this isn't a standard bridle. You adjust your lift and you adjust your steering. My colors on the MEFM are (top to bottom) red, blue, green, black. Normally I'd go to the same color on both ends of the bridle with maybe adjusting the lower (steering) half way behind the top to slow the reaction to the inputs. It's worth a try, like I said I don't know why this isn't a standard. Every kite I've flown with this kinda bridle, converted or not flies better. Dean
  22. LOL, I hoped no one cared. Now that I know I don't feel like such a jerk for staying logged in. Dean
  23. I did this kind of a thing with my Benson Box of Tricks a while ago. I put knotted pig tails on both the upper and lower spreaders at the leading edge and one for each side at the center T. Then I recreated the original bridel only shorter to allow for the pig tail length. Didn't want to add anymore length to the bridel. Just wanted to have more to adjust. At that point I could adjust the 3 point bridel to fine tune the settings depending on the pig tail set up at the time. It was pretty cool in that you could pull the nose or tail in or out depending on how the top leaders and the center T were set up. You could move the tow point more toward the LE which gave the kite slightly bigger inputs but more control. Nothing wrong with experimenting, just don't do anything to the original bridel so if it doesn't work you can put the original back on till you get it figured out. Dean
  24. Heavy hands and not WANTING to want to make a big move is the problem. Never flown one but it sounds like your inputs on the kite need to be two handed, not just one. Push when you pull, pull when you push. Makes the inputs half as big. As far as the precision, you'll have to learn to let off your inputs a little earlier. For a loooooonnnnnnngggggg time my MEFM with both spacers in, long top spreader was real squirrly. But after a while of two hand inputs and letting off the input earlier the kite did what I expected it to do. Which is being the most precise trick flying kite at the time. The Bridel might be the difference between the kites too. I still haven't seen another kite that uses the same bridel the same way as the MEFM. Dean
  25. I apologize for not yakin as much as I used too. Bridel broke on my MEFM and I've been bummed. And I've been out flying pretty much everyday, every free minute I have. Seems like I pitched a stink over the lack of yakin on here too. And Johns right, some times it's hot, some times it's not. Festivals and good weather slow the forum down. Dean
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