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Everything posted by Dean750

  1. Very cool Sir. Every time I watch one of your vids I become more and more conflicted. I'm starting to lean more toward an indoor Rev over the B Series. I've come to the realization that I fly dual line outdoors and will end up flying more quad line indoors. The dark side is so confussing Thanks Watty Dean
  2. I guess I made my last post in the wrong spot, sorry. Penny, I want to stay just a kiteflier too. Unfortunatly I would love to fly with equally if not better than fliers instead of a bunch of commercials on the radio. So I was trying to find a way to bring you all to me Get my drift? Dean
  3. I'm yakin with those ppl tomorrow Penny. Would 48,000 sq ft X 25 and a half foot ceilings with recesst lights be a good place? LOL, we can dream can't we? Dean
  4. As far as the Rev's go, they are great. In thier OWN little way. Control of a quad line does make you feel king stuff. But when you purposly throw a kite into something slack line and recover porpously, it's something else. Theres more oops I did it again dual line Sorry Penny I'm still buying the Rev B Series (Best you can get) when I get the $ Dean
  5. Just outta curiousity, is Prism the kite to buy cause most of us, (sorry Antman) are from the Oregon, Washington area? Just curious. Dean
  6. BTW, the MEFM clicked with me from the first time I tried it too. I was doing cascades and flic flacs before there was a how to on them. Spinning lazy susans too. At first it was jerk a line then pull both lines to recover and walla, a new trick. Damn I miss those days!!! Sucks to have to give up the blanky with my thumb in my lips Dean
  7. Thank you Dan, I've looked at that Silver Fox line and thought it looked a little heavy. I NEED a kite that flies in 1 to 3 mph around here in the valley. Thats what I get most of the time. I'd fly indoors if I could fly anytime I wanted. (Note to self. Win the lottery and build a 1000 sq ft X 30' place to fly) So Dan, whats the wind range on the Nirvana? Dean
  8. After looking at the Sky Sport site, I'm looking at the Fearless now too. LOL
  9. Well, apparently I can't get a new sail to fit my original MEFM So I have to think about a new kite. I prefer kites that not everyone owns. I'm used to having a 1 to 30 mph wind range and a kite that can not only do all the tricks but corners on rails. So far I've looked at the Skyburner Delta Drive, Skyburner Black Widow, Sky Sport Sea Devil, Level One Genisis Evo(iffy), California Wasp Chacmol. I'm curious as to whether the Wasp is capable of all the tricks. The other thoughts are supposed to be able to do it all. But I always wanted a Wasp. After meeting Miguel and seeing John B. fly them I've been hooked. LOL, "Could all the Wasp fliers move farther down the beach? We can't hear anything." Opinions are welcome. Thanks Dean
  10. Well the heat is mellowing out around here now. Getting some stiff by my standard winds too. I'm thinking about seeing how many people I can get the attention of. I'm gonna though my MEFM up with the old Fly by Night kite lights Been a while (about 10 years) since I've done this.
  11. I fly the MEFM. Until I find out if I can get a new sail I won't be putting no holes in yet. If I can get a new sail then I'll be able to trial and error it if I have too. Kinda nervous about porpously making holes in a $500 dollar kite ya know?
  12. Maybe Penny, if I can get my head outta my hiney. No experience in getting events started is stressing my brain. Thanks for the link to the Park's Theresa. But they do sound kinda busy and I'm pretty much broke. Was a good thought though. As for the "We need a N.W. kite production company. A booking agent for kitefliers. Could there be one in your future?", I've been thinking about that. I've found out that to rent Gil Collisium at Oregon State costs about $4000. Still haven't gotten any word on the Indoor Pratice facility yet. I guess they won't just donate the space. LOL, don't know why I thought they might But I'm working on some other ideas. I've never been a real good promotional kinda person. I think right now money is going to be a problem. Maybe I got off the subject there a little. lol How would I go about the Production Company thing? I'm not real bright all the time Dean
  13. So are the yo yo stoppers just the stand off thingies to stop the lines from sliding down to the tips? Just curious since I've asked that ? I've seen the Genisis, so are the back sided bent stand offs the roll cage or what? My yo yo's seem to be problematic because the lines slide down to the tips on a roll up. Just curious. Dean
  14. SORRY I got the i and e backwards
  15. I'm curious to know if contact could be made with Debbie and her husband (she fly's on his shoulders)???? She is apparently a OSU Alum. and might be helpful in getting a festival/comp. going in the Truax Indoor Practice Facility. My father has proven to be a dream killer in that OSU won't allow anything like this to happen. I say CRAP I hope you can help. Dean
  16. If your kite has wrapped rods in the leading edge, it is a good idea to wrap the rods where the fittings sit in a layer of packing tape. The kind with the strings in the tape. This will help with wear on the point the fittings will rub on the rods. They will last longer that way. Granted, I have well over a 1000 hrs on my kite, but in the last week I have had two rods wear through. Kinda kills the day if you know what I mean. Second, little pull off loops on your flying lines or bridle adjustments will not only help in freeing tight knots but help keep wear on those points to a minimum. Take 1 inch, or 3/4" line(spectra) fold in half and tie as close to the end as you can. Don't have to be perfect. Burn the end pieces back to the knot to lock the knot permenatly. Over and under what ever your loosening and your done. Not hard but will save you a headache eventually. Especially indoor fliers. Trying to get 50# line off of a 50# bridle is not only hard, but can wear through the lines attachment loop prematurlly. Sorry for the typos. Maybe John could figure out how to get a spell checker on here. Sincerely, Dean
  17. BTW, you can Lark's head a leading edge tip. Just fold the line in half close to the tip and then fold again to get the tension right. Also, with the little untie loop on there you'll have something to judge your tension by. My pre 2000 Illusion is the same way and I have to tell you, if you get the leading edge to tight you'll break the lower spreader. Taking off is all it will take if it's just a little tight. If putting the lower spreaders into the fittings seems tighter than normal, your leading edge is too tight and bad things can happen. Better safe than sorry, so lighten the load on the leading edge a little. Great time flying hopfully. Dean
  18. Another thing to think about is half inch loops of say 50# line. Spectra is the smallest. Take about 3/4" of Spectra, fold in half, tie off and try to get it as close to the end as possible. You don't have to be perfect. Cut the excess past the knot and burn the line back to the knot. Larks head around what ever line you need to loosen, and you won't have to struggle getting the line loose again. This came in REAL handy with my Syncho if I flew it out doors. A 50# bridle, trying to get 50# line off was a bear. Or making any kind of bridle adjustments for that matter. Doesn't add significent weight to worry about, but anything Larks headed will benifit from this. Just make sure it's in the middle of what ever loop your trying to untie. Dean P.S. Herb Weldon of Weldon Aero Labs(Maker of the Synchro) gave me that tip.
  19. Thank you EBGB, that was just what I was asking and you did it. Thank you much. Now I fully understand.
  20. My wife says things like that too John F. It's a deep thought on their part anyway. I feel less like a dork now that I know the counter steer is normal. I thought maybe that meant I was over controlling the Rev. So is counter steering normal on the side slides too? If I'm pulling with the right hand I have to use the left handle (bottom in or out) to keep the Rev on the same plane. Other wise the kite does the big dual line style circle. Thanks for your help. I love flying the Rev. I just get too frustrated with my control abilities with it. I need to make new leaders for the handles to hold me over till I get my B Series. Dean
  21. When turning square corners or other angles, is it common to counter steer with the other hand? In a good 15 mph wind the other day I was able to do some really nice, no over or understeer squares. But I keep getting this feeling I should be able to do the turns without the counter steer. Also, is side sliding and reverse flight supposed to be really slow? On the slides I try to slowly give input to the lines to find the right spot. I always seem to end up with arm fully extended in front of me and the other behind me. Almost like standing sideways almost. BTW my Rev is an OLD Rev 1 classic, original handles(too short) and 100' 150#. Can't wait to get a B Series, my current Rev makes me feel like a dork
  22. I have indoor kites. A Synchro, Nik Nak and 2 X4i's. The gusts would have killed anyone of the 4 and probably have broke the lines. LOL I got to fly, I've just been messin with bridle settings lately. Something I didn't used to do.
  23. Went out today here in the valley. It was supposed to be a 6mph wind from the SE. Weather ppl really suck It was more like 1 or 2 with sudden gusts to 10 or 12. SE? LOL, try SE, S, NW then from the SW. Forgot what a cow those kinds of wind are. Seemed like just as I get the bridal set up for the lighter wind the gust would kick up. Then it would stay up just till I'd get the bridle set and....... noo wind It's gotta be a conspiracy. LOL@my typos. Over all I would say it was a great day flying. The heat killed it. Doing all the moving for speed control and holding a slide or stall wasn't real smart in 95 degree weather. I just couldn't stop. Anyway, I'm gonna go take a COLD bath, hopefully that'll help. Being physically sick because I went kiting sucks. But it was worth it
  24. Thanks to Spz0 posting a link to the Comprehensive Tutorial, I do believe what my unknown trick is called is a Genie Pop. Only differance is that I pull with the up wing to start instead of pushing with the bottom wing. Even though it is a very aggressive trick, it's beautiful when you pull it off. Aggressivness that looks more like finess. Thanks again Spz0
  25. I finally figured out who I have to talk to at the University. I'm hoping to get some inside help from people I know. I thought I saw something some where here recently about a Sanctioned event having insurance coverage. My only concern as of now, is, will they let us use the space? Or are they gonna want dollars for renting the space. We'll see.
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