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Wayne Dowler

Kitelife Subscriber
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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Nick - wishing someone else luck, eh?? Maybe that'll work on the RNG!! A bit of "reverse psychology" might be the ticket!!
  2. Now, now!! Don't get all grumpy and stuff!! Nick's only making some suggestions for the RNG to think about!!
  3. OK, what's this?? I'm offline for a day and come back to insanity?? NICK WON? The sky must be falling or something!! John musta rebooted the "luck-o-meter"!! Don't have any excuses not to do some tricks now!! Pix and/or videos please!!
  4. Nick - I see the problem - you're on the "nice" list!! You really need to be on Santa's naughty list!!!
  5. GIRLS OF VIRTUE?? Are you telling me that the RNG will fall for that?? Sounds too easy!! I was thinking of something more practical - like drawing early and bringing it to the New Year's Day fly! Then he could give it to me personally and save the postage!!!
  6. Hey Nick - a bit dusty?? And you want more? Needs to go to someone that will fly it, not look at it!!
  7. Looks a lot like Prism's "Flip" rotor style kite!!
  9. I figured that the "end of the world" meant we would all be immortal and have no need of a calendar!! Anybody figured out a test to make sure?? PS: something I will survive if wrong!!
  10. Now this works MUCH BETTER! Got rid of all the text stuff that appeared before loading pages and the log in/out problems!! NICE!!
  11. Why not - I've got an xtra-vent??
  12. Dumped my cookies and browsing history, all working fine now!! Must be a case of "old man" syndrome, bleeping new technology!!! On a side note - does anybody remember when a remote control was telling your youngest to change the channel?? Just checking to see if everything is good!! YAH!! Just left a post on the Rev forum - you are using the same symbol for the tabs on both forums!! Makes it a little confusing unless you're on the home page of each!!
  13. All the best to everyone in the Kitelife "family"!! Just testing to see if my cache dump, brought things into "normal"!! Much better!!
  14. Just to confirm I know what you're talking about, the quote box shows when replying or editing a post, but does not wrap the quoted text when you're just reading a topic and posts like normal, right? If so, I'm aware of the issue and am already working on it, thanks - stay tuned. When I quoted another post, that quote wasn't being "boxed in" like usual! Looks right now!!
  15. Still got a faded blue toolbar over my post box!! All the functions on it are not available for me!! Using Chrome and XP system! But I can post!! I'll see if refreshing the page makes any difference!! Refreshing didn't do anything!! Toolbar starts dark, but fades quickly as post box forms for the text!
  16. Looks like my last post didn't get on here!! Thanks for all the ideas and if push comes to shove, may try some of them!! Nick sent me an email with some detailed instructions, but some warnings too! Since the stake is venerable (20 years old), unless something drastic happens, I'll leave it be for now!! But like I said, THANKS!!
  17. No prob - at least I can see and respond to things, just not in the usual manner!! Also no boxes to separate quotes from other forum members!! Get better my friend!!
  18. Good guess!! Anyone with a subscription is in the drawing, so everyone has an equal chance!! Good Luck!!
  19. John - just a heads up, but the toolbar over the box to post, isn't working for me!! Yesterday, it wouldn't accept any of my posts, telling me that I needed to type a reply in first! At least today I can post, but all the features aren't working for me!! Just checked editing - ok! Images on my signature are displayed here, but not on the Rev forum!
  20. And what makes you so confident that you'll win? EH?
  21. Nick - any ideas on what to use to break the seal of whatever is holding my old stake together? Dice is made of an acrylic and stake is of regular steel! I'm pretty sure I can replace it with stainless rod I have on hand, but I gotta take it apart SAFELY, first!!
  22. While I haven't been to this particular festival, you will find at most festivals a gathering of people that enjoy kites, in all forms!! SLKs, dualies, quads!! You'll find a group that you relate to and find a place in there!! You will find it to be a friendly group, overall!!
  23. $250.00 to spend?? To the "Darkside", I would go!! Absolutely nothing wrong with starting out on a fully paid for SLE, but the "B" package would be great investment!! Either way you can't lose!! Keep us posted on which way you go!! Congrats!!
  24. Welcome to the Hotel California!
  25. WOW!! Such strong vitriol for just a little old machine!! CHILL OUT, Baloo!! Don't get too worked up now!! PS: Here's a gentle reminder RNG: Hoping to keep in your good graces!!
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