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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Had to dig way back in the older giveaway threads for this one -
  2. But I like torturing myself with trying to figure out the why and how of the RNG!! So far, nothing I've tried has worked! Silence, yelling, taunting, sarcasm, you name it, I've tried it! Frustrated!! Think I'll go sit in the corner and have a good cry! WAAHHHHHHHHHH!!
  3. I fear we are all wasting our time trying to gain favor with the RNG! Idea! Has the RNG ever dated?? Maybe it's lonely and gets its jollies out of disappointing us? Ya know,like misery loves company, or something like that!
  4. Well now - deep subject!! My take - Look at it from Rev's point of view as a seller - if you can't launch it - you can't sell it! Just about everything they did in leaders is geared to make it easy to launch! Think about it, what do the longer leaders do? Add control to an already flying kite! Most of us, that have gone the longer leader route, have learned to incorporate or adapted to the needed moves that get the kite airborne. But it does take a bit more effort. Technique helps. learning to preload the sail in preparation of launch, taking a step back in your launch sequence, all take some learning. Especially if you are used to the kite just leaping into the sky!! Even the leaders on the "B" series are a compromise!! Not as long as is really needed, but at least a start in the right direction for those looking for the thing Revs best can deliver - control!
  5. Vertical rods actually take the most punishment, as they are only supported at the ends! The way a Rev bridle works, the LE is supported better, even though longer and in pieces. hyzakite - I am not sure the green is Kevlar. If(??), Rev is cost cutting, why use an expensive material? The extra wrap/label/whatever theory on changing the strength of a tube, seems reasonable. Again, I'm not sure what is up with the rod difference - just know that there is one. Causes for sure - UNKNOWN!
  6. ???? You would be the first person to say that they don't fit each other! If replacing in a frame, I would go with pairs, ie - both verts or both wingtips! You should be able to use them - just be aware of them! "The problem is that it seems that I can't mix newer rods (green label) with older rods (no label or silver label). Unfortunately, I've broken a rod or two from an older frame -- and can't use the rods from the newer frame to replace. And now that a couple of the green label rods have snapped (which has never happened before), I have two partial frames." As far as I know - you can interchange any of the 1.5 frame parts in any other 1.5 frame!!
  7. Still have and fly mine - a 7 panel teal, purple, and black with white center - same pattern as found on the Rev page header, Kite model styling dated to 1997. Came with 4 wrap frame, 150# lines, 11" handles.
  8. Rev 1 = the size of Rev's 1st kite - 9' the Rev 2 = 6' the Rev 1.5 = 7 1/2' He did say $135 + I would guess that + means extra for a more complete package. Back in the 90s they were almost $400.00 as a package!!
  9. Not just a green tinge, but little green wraps at both ends of the silver label. Sort of an olive green on my diamonds, not sure if that has been carried to all labeling yet. But that's how it is on my diamond rods. Other than my diamond rods, everything else is "vintage".
  10. I'd still be watching how those wheels react in different conditions! I see you had made another wooden version before - how comfortable was it? Did it flex at all? I'm pretty sure with the tubing used on store-bought buggies, it's almost like some extra suspension, having the tubing give here and there. The wood looks pretty stiff with no allowance for taking up any of the shock caused by bouncing around over whatever surface you'll use.
  11. DIRT? You got DIRT? Now you're starting RUMORS!! Hope they're really juicy??!!
  12. Looks like that should work OK on asphalt or hard pack dirt, but I'd be leery of taking it out in sand - wheels might dig in on loose sand!
  13. Either way works - the larkshead just puts double the line around the screw. Really up to you. I felt the larkshead kept the leaders from slipping, but the more I think about it, either way should work equally well, especially with the "clean" shoulder screw to slide on. Might consider larkshead if using the threaded screws - less movement = less wear! But it certainly is a cheap alternative to store bought "snagless handles"!
  14. More "yada yada yada" to the RNG!! Good Luck!!
  15. It really comes down to your expectation of what you're flying will progress to. Look for pull - and the foils deliver that! Plus no spars to break and pack down pretty small. But they are limited in how much they can do. Stunt kites (framed) are another kettle of fish! Lots of tricks to be coaxed out of them, as your experience grows. Tricks might look a bit daunting now, but....? Remember too that framed kites can be flown as aggressively as you feel comfortable with. So it really is up to you!
  16. We had way too much wind up here to fly one on the last day of April -NKM! I was really hoping to put my hands on one and get some personal feedback! Alas - not to be! SOME DAY!!
  17. The rods won't change properties, Rob, during their lifetime - BUT the next set (of the same rods) you buy might have different properties than those you own now! Check to see if you have "green label" rods ( silver labels with green bands at the ends) or older, just silver labels. The older rods are stiffer (quick reflex) and break less often than the newer green label rods. Same with race rods, they flex differently and break more easily now (those with the GL)! Still haven't determined if it was a mess up in production procedure, recipe for these specialty rods (remember they let Ben go and he was the tinkerer with rods!), or what. Just know they feel and act different from what was out in the past under the same label! Lolly tried to make it out like we were setting up wrong! Something about the rods having a spine? In all my time flying Revs, I've NEVER thought about direction of the rods as I set up a kite - EVER! Just thrown them in! To try and tell me that I've been doing it wrong feels like an insult! Something is up and I don't know what! But they won't admit it might be on their end! This doesn't seem to be a problem in the "wrap" rods! It doesn't seem to have changed them, or if it has, not enough for folks to notice. The issue shows up in the 2 specialty rods - diamonds and bl. race! My advice is this - if you have older rods in good shape - keep them! Reglue those ferrules and just keep using them! You may or may not be happy with your next set!
  18. These are beautiful kites, but fly VERY different from a Rev! I tried Scott Weider's at WSIKF once and found that out - real quick like!! Marc R. is no longer in business, so the used market is about the only way to get your hands on one. He does still have the plans though and still makes a very very few on special order - such as the ones for Toruk! If anyone is interested and has the cash - get it while it's out there!
  19. Never have seen anything from the factory "refurbished"!
  20. Give or take - a year now! I have only my diamond rods with this green label, all my others are "vintage". Compared flex with older diamonds, newer are more flexible. Heard from several sources that they also break under situations where older would have no issues. I'll look closer at my diamonds, but I don't think it is a wrap over the rod, either another label or ??? Maybe put on before baking?? All I know for sure is something changed in the lay up, or baking, or curing process for what can be best described as "specialty" rods. Even heard of rods that have ended up crooked! I will guess that had to be in the curing process, as crooked would be hard to remove from the mandrel that forms them. Have not heard anything on how it could affect "wrap" rods. No feedback on them!
  21. The green stripes are just part of the new labeling. There does seem to be either a change or ? in the manufacturing. The green label corresponds with that change. Diamond rods and race rods (not green race) appear to be most affected. Doesn't seem to affect the "wrap" rods. Just not sure what is the cause of the change, but flex and strength are different. Both break much more readily and flex differently. Those of us that use them a lot, noticed this right away. Again, the "wrap" rods and green race rods do not seem affected, only the black race and diamonds.
  22. I hope that made you feel better son!!! Been playing the RNG game for several years now - I haven't figured out any sure fired way to win!!! Let me know if this really works or not (probably not)!!
  23. Very much what was suggested to Rev as mods to Alden Miller's "Vickie" kites!! A center panel and almost equal size triangles!! Steven Leonard - like this??
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