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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Sounds like something is still out of balance there. Look the sail over closely to see if there is any problems in the sewing - panels misaligned, etc.
  2. Loose bunjiis will cause wrinkles to form across the sail. Tighten until they go away. Overtightening will cause wrinkles up and down, along the vertical rods - those you don't want!
  3. Horizontal wrinkles - yes!! Just don't make vertical wrinkles as you adjust. Overtightening will cause vertical wrinkles.
  4. Just don't overdue it!! You don't want to make any vertical wrinkles when you tighten up the bunjiis. Tight - yes, overtight - no!! If you tighten too much, you'll stretch the sail - and it will never come back to what it was!
  5. Sometimes it seems like a figure just pulled out of thin air!! I use my own judgement on wind range, not trusting some advertising figures. Max range is a number theoretically you can fly at, but is it really practical?? In most cases, pretty useless unless used as an indicator!! IMHO!!
  6. Both ends! Not just the tops or bottoms, but both!!
  8. Really open ended question. I would recommend looking these over and see if your questions are answered. Then maybe a more focused question might help http://www.revkites.com/forum/forum/27-buying-your-first-rev/ http://kitelife.com/forum/forum/13-quad-heads/
  9. Get to the Redcliffe fest and you will meet 2 gents that can fly 2 revs at once!! 2 men - 4 kites!! Stevie D. is a mutant!!! Bazzer P. (maker of Rev "B" pros) is his partner in - The Rum Buddies!
  10. It's always tough in light wind to learn! Not only do you need to learn the kite's controls, but work to even fly it! Hard enough even after learning to fly, it's a skill set not all want to learn! Best conditions are in the 7-10 mph range to learn, kite is easy to fly and you can concentrate on learning the controls.
  11. Use PayPal for the payment. It's a 3rd party pay system that keeps your bank info private. Used it now for 3 years with no issues, plus I can use it for any internet site that uses it. Much better on the video!! I also have issues, so the real time video is way more pleasing to the eye. I too still have axel issues, try flattening the kite out, then pulling the axel move!
  12. The last vid is a bit too manic for my taste - but I've suffered a stroke and it's MHO on it. Smooth things out so we can see your real skills!!
  13. No organized national team that I know of. There are some scattered pockets of fliers over there. Just that country is so big and spread out that few could go to every festival.
  14. And an EXP rod is the same as a 3 wrap rod, just marked differently for the EXP. If in doubt - use 3 wrap rods!!
  15. 4 of those are Alden's making ( he's in the white hat on right), 2 are Paul Dugard's work. Slight differences between their work, but same idea!
  16. We call it - Teabagging! Some have done it to an older EXP just for fun.
  17. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205364168121467&set=t.100001556709894&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-xpt1%2Fv%2Ft1.0-9%2F11232233_10205364168121467_6633713920908036109_n.jpg%3Foh%3D6c63776b5a601c60916738638d69f182%26oe%3D5669F06A&size=960%2C642 Alden Miller is the creator of them. He has agreed to make them as a masterpiece kite. Don't know what the deal is on availability, numbers being made, etc They are just strips defining the outline and a few reinforcing strips in the sail. No mesh other than in the LE. We nicknamed the original - "Vickie", a take off on Victoria's Secret and her other nickname - the "Flying Thong"!
  18. Damn hurricane!!
  19. I've seen absolutely no difference in strength between any of the 3 mentioned products - flown them all!! Skybond is plenty adequate, and so are any of the others. Yes I fly Revs mostly now, but I've flown all of those lines with no issues. Get any of them in the length you feel right with and you'll be more than happy!
  20. Flown both on my Revs and the strength 90# vs 100# is a non factor, the diameter is almost the same! More and more Rev pilots seem to be moving to Skybond. Just be aware that as the lines wear and age, they will fade a bit in color and the coating will break down. Otherwise a good alternative to LPG or Shanti "speed" line!
  21. I know the routine of not taking pix!! Kinda hard to do with a kite in my hands!! And it is pretty much ALWAYS in my hands!!! Some pix are making their way onto FB if anyone is on over there. Leaving today!! YEAH!!!!!
  22. Just keep rubbing it in!!! WAHHHHHHHH!!
  23. Sounds like a good setup! What you're trying to achieve is getting a "neutral" for kite. YOU have to make it go in some direction, not it just fly off by itself. With the factory setup you can launch pretty easy. Now you might need to pull and step back to launch. All depends on how far out you go on those tops. But the upside is that you will find it easier to control while flying. And that's the main selling point to these kites - Control!!!
  24. I'll be up on Monday afternoon sometime and stay til Tuesday! Schedule conflicts with my wife and son prevent going sooner.
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