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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Sometimes I wish I had a photographer with me as I fly!! Today my son was at my indoor spot and took some pix! Don't know if he's uploaded them to FB or not, yet!! He created a pix page called - Wild S Photography - pix from our New Years Day fly are on there! So far he hasn't come to any of my outdoor spots, so no pix there!! Stay tuned!!
  2. You might get away with Brickies line for light wind, but I doubt it would stand up well to strong winds! Nice thing about the bridle line - it has 2 parts, a outer sheath and an inner core!! If the sheath wears through, you still have the core to save you! Line not cored, fails immediately!!
  3. Yes sir - running is against my beliefs!! That doesn't mean I don't move, but as little as I need, to keep flying!! You'll find that bad conditions will do more for teaching you, than that easy to fly in beach wind!! Not to say I'd ever turn down a chance to fly in that nice wind, ........ just saying!!
  4. HEY - anyone got one?? He's looking, so if you got one not being used - send him a PM!! That is all!!!
  5. Bridle line of either 90# or 150# should do the trick!! Both will work on any weight line you'll use! I happen to use 90# on my 15" handles and 150# on my 13" handles!! Most kite shops will carry it in either a per foot or bulk rate!!
  6. Remember too that you need to start tying the knots from the inside to end, or you lose length as you go!! Generally top leaders reach from the top attachment point to the bottom attachment point, with knots at whatever interval suits you! Just be sure both are identical!!
  7. Capt - are you also on the Rev forum?? Lots of info on just about anything Rev over there!! Great resource for info, ask questions, etc!!
  8. Pay attention to "Line Management" and "Line Equalizing"! Isn't any fun to get on the field, only to find lines are a mess! The method John uses is almost foolproof, learn and use it - EVERY TIME! Learn to make the method a habit!! Equalizing is very important - even on new lines!!! Take them out, stake one end to a single fixed object, put your handles on, then compare how the 2 handles line up! Should be EXACTLY the same, if not, adjust as needed! You don't need an off line causing the kite to steer itself and fight you! I see you're getting an SLE, it doesn't come with the longer leaders of a "B", so I would encourage you to make some yourself! Just be sure both leaders are the same - ie, knots the same distance from handle on both, etc! You only need to make new top leaders, the bottoms are OK just the way they are now!! John also has a tutorial on why the leader idea works!! Have fun, BREATHE, and if the kite is gonna crash no matter what - GIVE TO THE KITE!! Step forward, throw your hands forward, take all the power out, and let it crash - gently!! Easy enough to go set up again, no fun putting up a broken kite!!! You panic and pull - just drives the kite harder into the ground!!
  9. Where to start - ?? Friends offering me a place to stay during festivals, buying used kites, almost never eating out, finding a FREE place to fly indoors, having 2 outdoor places only a couple of miles away to use (depending on season and school) meaning I don't have to drive far, carpool to coast, etc!!
  10. My old XP and Chrome system is timing out on this! I get the same "pages unresponsive - kill or wait" message too!!
  11. WHEW!! A lot more on than at any time I'm there!! It was crazy trying to keep up with it all!! But fun!! YEA!!!!
  12. 300# would a better alternative! More of a difference between sets! Until you get some experience at judging the wind and the correct sail combo - always err on the side of too strong a line!! You can always adjust!!
  13. I got my xtra first, then the Zen, but that was how they came to me!! I usually don't frame down too far, preferring to keep some power in the sail!! It really comes down to situation, team - I want the drive, solo - I can get away with a little less!!! IMHO!!
  14. Wayne Dowler

    bluez Man W

    That be me alright!! Blue - my fave color! Could you guess??
  15. 8-9 pm West coast time? Might be able to work something out with the wife!!! Normally that's around her time on!!
  16. Don't know if this will help - but have you checked the member map to see if there's enough players?? Of course some may not have used it, so it probably isn't an accurate source of info! Just an idea!!
  17. I highly suggest everyone join!! I did several years back, after realizing that I was missing a lot of info posted over there, not here or on the Rev forum!! Gotta manage yourself - it can be a time drain for sure, but so much info!! I invite you to partake!!
  18. Still playing that "I've never won!" card?? RNG laughs at that one!!!
  19. Loose fitting cargo pants??
  20. Uniform, eh?? Goggles by necessity, hat by choice!! I wanted some way for my wife to find me on the beach, quickly!! Everyone else had khaki, pale green, or white hats, so I went for something easy to find in that sea of similar headwear!! The goggles are another story..........!!
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