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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. Hi Terry, If you have NO patience, get a dual string. If you want a continued challenge, great control (with pracitce) and laugh out loud fun that will help you stay young, then the Rev is the absolute best kite out there. Don't p/u the Rev I. It is the first and the wind range will not be near as good as the 1.5 Standard, EXP or John B. whatever you can afford. Those are 3 different price ranges. You'll need a little bit of patience. but don't pray for it, or God will test you with tangled lines. BB Penny
  2. You can borrow mine, but it goes in the right hand if you are right handed. lol The best time I have so far is 30 seconds. I haven't tried it in some time. Practice with yours in your left hand. BB Penny
  3. Well Spence, I suppose since it's not your balcony you can't duct tape the spots.. to bad. I'm playing with my old sngle handle again. I'm starting to direct it more with the bottom of my hand and a finger thorugh the top sticks. Two things I'm working on is changing direction from *forward to reverse. Reverse seems to be all about leading with the top leading edge line. For me it's not enough to be able to do it.. I need to know what it takes to do it. And..*Up on tip... ie Facing 9:00 and going up. For now.. and I don't know that it will stay this way. The secret seems to be to give the kite line just a *tiny bit of lag, so it responds on the push up. I'm moving forward with these moves, but like everyone else out there it's going to be the practice that makes it work. Playing with slack lines on these handles is mind boggling. I have no idea what all these handles on the indoor Rev will be able to do. I do know my head hurt .. trying to figure out how to make it do an inverted slide. Will it be a line tug? I'm trying to do away with line tugs so that I can improve enough to fly an indoor Rev in each hand. Will I need to adjust the handles? I've got quite a bit of reverse on the kite now, but it's effortless to fly. It will be interesting to see what adjusting the handles will do towards the inverted slide. I'll wait.. I have plenty to work on for a while. Just like everyone else... practice, practice, practice.. which makes me smile. Camas is coming~ Camas is coming. Nov. 7th.
  4. Seems like the ceiliings were pretty tall Spence. Have you flown off of a bridge yet? Bring shorter lines too, so you can fly off of the balcony. It's way kewl flying below you. Not hard at all. Two more weeks. BB Penny
  5. wow, what a life! to have an indoor place routinely to fly in! so far i am pretending windless when the wind is low enough.... watty, looking forward seeing your new show! hope someone video Camas .... penny, i tried hard to remember what you taught me in WSIKF... but in vain... ah, middle age sadness.... maybe when i am back in door with a rev in hand, it would come back to me... memory... something some people can take for granted and some can't even take it when need to love to all indoor flyers and else Hello Litsong, It's good to hear from you. As soon as you get indoors you'll get it back. Loved some of the pics of Wen, and then someone sent me pics of another Wen kiteflier. That windless practice will be great lessons. Wonder what we'll see on *you tube after Camas? To bad you have to miss this Litsong. I'd better get to work.. BB Penny ~who can't figure out where to post.. lol
  6. So rumor has it Tristan Underwood is coming to the Camas Indoor next month. I warned everyone.. and even though I'm not competing I'll need to bring something. So, I've started playing with my indoor handle again. To much fun! It gives you such a solid feeling, more like a Rok that takes direction well. I have the indoor Rev on about 10 + ft. of line. It's a good thing, the gym has had a few people lately doing various activities and I'm having to play between them. That's ok.. I can stand in a spot 2 ft. x 2 ft. and smaller and fly a routine witht his handle. I'm liking it. That and I'm improving at changing the direction, so perhaps I won't need a moving handle to direct the kite, which would make flying one in each hand possible. I practiced with the UFO in the weight room, too. I never fly around people and need to be more comfortable in a crowd. So flying above, between and bonking on the weight equipment is good practice. I know Amy is out there practicing. Watty is not going to be left behind. There is so much to work on, I need to make a list of what I would like to practice. BB Penny ~who still thinks, so many kites, not enough fly time. Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring. Thank you for the video Fumiko! From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video. Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video: Link: Thank you.
  7. Nice, Instead of using my red/wh/blue marble that I bought from you, I borrowed a blue ball that a friend had from cutting edge this weekend. lol They had to tease me a little. There are people out there who make and sell, give away, specialize and more with kite itmes, including stakes. It's a big world, there's room for you too. Kite holsters, kite stakes, what about custom winders? BB Penny ~ who still has her r/w/b marble stake.
  8. You go Spence! BB Penny
  9. I had a quiet weekend ahead of me, so we picked up Devyn our 3 yr. old grandaughter for the weekend. With our schedules I couldn't fly inside, but Devyn and I managed to fly the UFO and she put up kite balloons for a while while I cut the grass. That UFO is a great no wind toy. BB Penny~who's raising little kitefliers. Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring. Thank you for the video Fumiko! From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video. Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video: Link: Thank you. --
  10. It says I need a new browser. I've tried 2 computers. Maybe the 3rd one will a charm. Glad to hear you had a wonderful new festival dry run. BB Penny ~ who just saw the pictures after all. Nice.. Beautiful. I think Wen has grown a head taller already. dear T Most of the time Wen is a cool flyer and there is a slight trace of fans to say the least. Both of us had a great time, just to be there, very pleasant weather, and nice hospitality in general. the flying is good enough because the clean wind, although the field at the event can be improved. the funny thing is, my parents were on the street one night and came out from their dinner... turning around, my father happened to see the news on the kite flying in Penghu and the ending they saw someone just like Wen.... confirmed, it was wen, hahaha. We went to get Wen's passport renew in process today now officially i can say --- we can rest and relax now since June..... until Nov (TBFP). i think of you often, how wonderful that we spent some quality time together! This summer had been very rich even busy for us both , now we are flat as a ball losing the air.... i put together some pictures from our journey June-Oct, and looking back how much had happened and how much we have been blessed..... Love, and hugs to you, and G, L.and J Litsong random pictures from our journey June-Oct http://gallery.me.com/wish4u2bu/100081
  11. my guess would be Rick Brown. Kewl, Your going to love the indoor. BB Penny ~who's looking forward to seeing you there.
  12. Rumor has it Tristan Underwood will be there. You all better up your game. lol BB Penny
  13. A Very Merry Unbirthday to You! Look for the Mad Hatter at a Kite Event in the near future. Amy could only speak for herself, because when I saw David Bradley, he said.. "Just so you know Penny, I'm not going to wear a bunny suit." lol Well, "No, it's only the ears.. and the tail" I told him. "Ahh, Yea,,, No.." He said.. Fine.. I'll give up my part as the Mad Hatter and showed him the purple velvet hat for the mad hatter. Ahh... yeah.. NO.. lol he said again. Oh, well.. Dancing Al Washington offered to be my white rabbit.. so we'll see if we don't pull him in. Lincoln City was a blast.. .It started out beautiful.... Beachiful. but "No Wind".... Colored banners surrounded the boardwalk. I missed Bob Serak and Deb Cooley and their beautiful banners. Still, what we had was great. Hope to see you sooner then next year. Aaron, you too. The morning started off with a few no wind demo's, bubbles and then just on cue.. the wind kicked in. Clean, lovely wind.. We had Lam Hoc, IQuad, Gomberg and Sam (?) /Barbara's, Thralls Teddy Bear, Octopi, Trilby Train, a beautiful stack of custom rev's.. I know not who he was. Someone told me Bob Wendt has his card. I should be able to find out later. They had kids kite making, kids parade... etc. But one memory that will keep me smiling for Years... is the ROK Battle.. I had just finished my Cat Hat skit. I was picking up kites, where the kids had laid them and still in my cat hat costume. They were asking kite fliers to join in on the Rok Battle. Well, I hadn't been in one in a while and thought, I will do this. So I went out there. Now, I've been in a few Rok battles-only a few in 20 years of flying. The object of a Rok battle is to be the last to touch the ground. I pretty much know to pull when it points in the right direction... which to me would only be *up. 2/3 of my battles consist of the kite (even in teams) going up.. and then spinning and coming down. Your out!~ Next heat. Your out! Rhonda Brewer and Lindsey Johnson bring a tub full of kites, gloves, Roks.. they provide everything for the Rok battle. They had very special kites they had made, with the Event sponsors on them. She hands me my kite and it's "An Exceptional Place to B and B" OMG -Ed Kunz's bed and breakfast that has sponsored Steve and I numerous times over the years. We love staying with him. This festival he was out of town, so we were going to miss him. Here was an opportunity to make him proud. I'd fly his Rok to VICTORY! Rhonda test drove it.. I mean flew it.. and it would swing to the right.. and swing to the right. she tweaked it.. and it swung.. to the right. After a few more tries she had it flying like a ROCK.. I mean Rok. It was steady on. Nice~sweet~ kite. So.. fliers were Maggie Conrad.. event organizer, who's B-day it was, Chris, Katera, David Gomber, Rob Thrall, Rhonda Brewer.. Lindsey? Amy? Connor? Al Washington? I can't remember who all was in it.. I think they all were and more. And me- still in my CAT/Hat costume. Ready -Set-They started the fight... and I ran.. because I knew I was a Scaredy CAT! I stood down wind from the rest.. my legs were just shaking in fear. This gave me two advantages. I could rest, and watch the rest of the kites without the sun in my eyes. Soon they came after me and I ran across the field at their first steps. David decided to take me out.. but his kite came down. The Cat had just take out David Gomberg!! (Or Davids kite had taken out David Gomberg) Then there was more tangling.. and more running and shaking in fear… but finally it was down to Rhonda Brewer and I.. we ran pushing each other as we tried to get by each other.. then it became just pushing. Lol Rhonda wrapped her lines around my kite. I never knew the rules. She could do that? What do you mean I can’t touch you! Rhonda and the cat fought and fought.. we sawed and sawed.. and wrapped and unwrapped our kites… we sawed and sawed… this line now a days doesn’t have the glass like before ..and I’m telling you we sawed! Finally they called it a draw! Whoo hoo.. I’m not sure about the Cat’s kite ethics.. but it was fun.. And then they said there was a second heat. Another battle? More running in soft sand? Oh boy. Ok, I’m up for one more, a little tired.. but I can do this.… And it starts…. And I’m not such a Scaredy Cat.. I’m more like a scat cat on the move. Running for my kites life.. oh, I forgot to mention.. after the first battle, a spectator *outside of the field said.. Now Gomberg has it in for you, he’s going to bring you down. Hmm and as I passed the fliers on the field about every other one said,.. Penny, now Gomberg has it in for you, he’s going to bring you down. … hmmm… I get to the end of the field where David is…and he says… “I’m going to bring you down.” I was wowed.. that rumor had started way up the beach.. How’d he do that? Lol In any case… I ran.. but David Bradley ran faster then most and circled a bunch and yaking them down.. David Gomberg and I did do battle.. we ran.. we sawed.. ok, I sawed. We wrapped and unwrapped.. I was exhausted!! Totally exhausted in a hot heavy black cat costume.. in soft sand. What was I thinking? David Gomberg came down! Oh my, he came down! After a few more battles it was Katera and I We tried to take each other out, but they finally had to call it a draw. Since the cat had finished in two draws Bob Wendt declared me Rok CHAMPION… whoo hoo…. Well that’ better be taken with a grain of salt! I have no idea what the rules were and I’m sure…I broke a few, but it was fun… I told David Gomberg the only thing that kept me running out there in the soft sand racing around madly while we fought was the thought going through my head…”I’m a few years younger then him.. He’s got to be more tired then Me!” If you get into a Rok battle, you can borrow that thought.  I tried my new routine and they liked it… I was the Whimsical windless witch… but Bob could only think of words like weird and wacky.. which certainly works. Lol I enjoyed playing in the new costume and just stopped short of riding my kite off of the beach like a broomstick. I no wind flew it, and then I dog staked it with wind later. I was a genie, a fairy, USA, and a witch. I didn’t get to be a dinosaur.. but I have to share the sky with others. It’s only fair. Amy did a great Charlie Chapman and a few of the IQaud members jumped in on her routine, making the Charlie mad enough to threaten them. Amy’s routine is everchanging and always fun. IQuad did a nice job flying a mystery ballet. They have their calls down so good they can fly to just about anything. Gary and Nancie MacEchran (sp) came up from Brookings. Gary fly’s two and three kites at once and did a beautiful job of flying in no wind and light wind. David brought the bols for the kids. Someone ran a teddy bear drop. I didn’t get to see what everyone was doing. There’s all sorts of people I’m forgetting. Lincoln City held two days of sun and fun. Our room at the Surf’s Tide was wonderful~ overlooking the ocean with a fireplace and large screen TV. We didn’t get enough visiting in with many people, but it was good to see their smiling faces. The next indoor will be March 2009 for the Indoor Show. There is no better in the US. Come check it out. BB Penny ~the Windless Witch ~who has rabbit ears in one size fits all. Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring. Thank you for the video Fumiko! From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video. Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video: Link: Thank you. --
  14. If it's not broke, don't fix it... unless it's a show.. or comp. BB Penny
  15. Wow Ken, Sorry we missed a hello. It was a beautiful weekend, and I got to be a witch! lol Wish it was two days longer. Now we are indoors! See you at Camas in Nov? BB Penny
  16. We saw a red pt cruiser w/ flames somewhere, but never saw the driver. Amy, we'll be in somewhere between 3 AM and 9 AM Sat. Steve has his normal football game to officiate this time of year. Enjoy the extra day and the get together. Give Nancie and Gary a hug for me. BB Penny thinking it's Maggie's b-day... hmmmm
  17. It really is a fantastic line up. Looking forward to meeting you and seeing these here dog stakes. BB Penny
  18. Lincoln City', OR 's last festival of 2008 will be this weekend. October 11th and 12th at the D River. Kitefliers, kitemakers. kite instructors, and kite lovers in general will be there. "Ooodles of Octopi" has been the title, for their 3 festivals this year. It had to start with an "O" Next year.. it's a "P" Hmmm..... They take submissions for the names. The Lincoln City sweatshirts are my favorite way to promote thier festival. I've worn them to the Mariners, the movies, the kid's get togethers, casual Friday's at work, and as my favorite traveling sweatshirts. They have the hoodies, with pockets quite often.. Yup[, my favorite. Hope to see you at Lincoln City on Sat. Come say hello. BB Penny
  19. Deal.... you better get David B. in here to find out what it's going to take for him to be the white rabbit. lol And Connor...the little bat...or door mouse, or whatever it is..... lol I'll bring that Dog stake to Lincoln City. BB Penny ~ who has enjoyed all the video from Nationals on www.revkites.com
  20. Is 22 seconds the longest controlled kite jump on record? This is video of Jesse Richmond on UTube.. Never met the young man, but his Aunt Karen and Uncle Leigh are two of my best friends, so I get to keep up on their adventures. Check Jesse out: The videographer is noted at the end. Thank you. BB Penny
  21. I've been working on a new routine. I've told the kitefliers to be afraid.. Here is a picture of one size fits all costumes. lol Canyou see Amy as Alice.. The skirt roles, so being short won't stop her. lol I still have to get the white stockings, etc... Yes, I'm thinking Connor would make a good sleeping bat... and Dave B. as the Rabbit.. Well, a "Very Merry Unbirthday to YOU! What about a mass fly.. Strange magic? Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring. Thank you for the video Fumiko! From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video. Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video: Link: Thank you. --
  22. It sounds like a wonderful line up. Can't wait to see everyone and fly with them. Hey, I just posted to our local club...wondering if they want an indoor fly in my town.. or a monthly fly. It's indoor season again! Yeah! BB Penny
  23. Yes, I agree varied is best. Lolly told me she heard slow was harder to do then fast. Sorry, I don't believe that to be true. It's what ever you work on. I've flown with the slow fliers and that is what they are good at. If you think your hands have to be in a certain spot, like close to each other to make the kite fly, then that's probably the way you practice. They don't have to be next to each other. They don't have to be at your waist when you do an up on tip. It looks good, but you have no place to go if you need power without moving your whole body. As for the Rev II being faster, they are, but I've seen a single and a stack of Rev II's, fly as slow as any Synergy Deca inside by Oches. They slow, reverse and stop just like the rest of the revs. The idea of the smaller sail is to add speed and still be able to keep the slow. It's awesome. It's also going to take some practice. My genie routine that is on U-Tube.. I flew with short lines,.. .it's faster.. hadn't flown it in about a year.. it could be slowed down.. I could have used longer lines, but.. my hands are seldom together. Nor do I bend my body over when I fly close to the ground. I've watched the flyers do that and it's more for effect then needed power.. At least when they need the power I'm watching them step back rather then pull up. Knee jerk reaction maybe? Throws and catches gain you extra points in every competiton I"ve seen. So not sure how this is a disadvantage? Flyers start out pretty slow while they learn.. they usually have to as they look for balance on the end of the strings. They are looking for grace, then they improve, then they develop a style.. that style evolves over time. Reverse is just another added degree of difficulty. My mom loves slow and graceful, my friends find it boring as all get out. Imagine if we watched the same slow styles over and over again. It would boil down to "forward, reverse, overhead, up, down. circles. To each thier own. That's what makes the kites great for everyone. I do think they have quit with the indoor caps. I received mine with outdoor caps on it. Yeah!!! Hmm, Not convinced about a bridle needed on a Rev Indoor. I'll put my twitches down to pilot error, not kite's ability. I've seen many indoor kites.. there are beautiful kites out there.. but nothing compares to the Rev. yet in my opinion. BB Penny ~Still thinking the indoor might be improved on in the future.
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