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Everything posted by mystainedskin

  1. Well.. I have not been gliding But the thread was in my thoughts on a recent rainy day...a little out of context without the other post.....you get the jist of it Don't think it ends there.. As the rain still falls.. I sit at this window.. Surrounded by walls. A single line kite..indoors.. A "glider" it's called.. 31 days of May.. Just might get more involved! Http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5965-may-fly/#entry44573
  2. Properly set up...sticks will for sure help with that. Just not my cup of tea.. maybe it's because I can do the stuff needed before I used them...? The roll up stuff however is another story. It's alot of fun to see a rev perform 2 line style tricks. I have seen some that can do this without sticks....Unfortunately, I am not one of them
  3. I use it..got lucky with a promotion and got over 50 gigs for a year free. Video does take a little time..but photos are pretty much automatic if you have a connection.
  4. Last night .. I switched back to no sticks for a short line session. I have to say,it was nice to be home! I will still fly and test the sticks..and play roll up games. BUT....I AM a no sticks kind of guy. The most EPIC session I think I have ever had....
  5. I guess I should also add the glide characteristics are different from an unmodified kite....since we are following a test and fly sort of pattern with my post. This setup tends to turn L.E. away from pilot very quickly and enter a flat glide away...pretty neat. By the way... my sticks are approximately 12.75" from the top of the verticals now.. I do not know what "stock" setup is...but somewhere in that area of 12 to 12.5 I believe.
  6. Yes...and setup different due to that fact...but the glide is still there. In wind(3mph and above), the weight has no effect for me when balanced. I get the same results as if I would pick up a seasoned fliers kite with sticks. However, in the low to no range..it makes a difference for sure. This kite has gorilla duct tape down the verticals...so the weight distribution and the kites reaction differ from an unmodified kite also...even before the homemade with what is there materials. I was flying 50' before this and the toss launch was unreal...nice slow glide out 50' from a gentle toss...popping up ready so easily.
  7. Feeling all "wrapped" up...

  8. So yesterday. .. sticks and some 80' in the rain. I started my roll up journey with Mr. Weiders half axel rollup and out....How easy was that? Progressed onto some full axel flic flac and roll up situations... I need a B2 with a set... this could become VERY interrrrrrresting No video from the rain..but this week is supposed to be awesome weather, so soon.
  9. Get those feets a moving It sounds as if you are reach Ing a dead point of wind right in the hard part of the circle. Also, draw a circle towards the body and away with the outer wing tip hand. Along with the footwork. ..this should help
  10. You can modify the stock handles with simple blue sheetrock anchors and the associated screw. Cheap and easy... The weight and feel of the no snags is nice but not necessary being a beginner. Simply remove the rubber cap. Remove the triangular hog ring. Some remove metal burrs...I find it helps hold the anchor in the handle, along with a drop of glue or epoxy.Pop in the screw anchor and screw..Tie up some leaders and attach.. instant no snag.
  11. The curvature must be from the ground. .on flat concrete all 6 points are at the just slack position. Moved my sticks down to 12.5" and test flew today on long lines low wind...great. Then 30' in no wind in the middle of the street...still to be decided on that end. With this setting..I dropped the kite at chest height and it caught a glide over 15'..nice and flat.
  12. Scap pile ...can't be picky Methods and principles are still transferable to any situation.
  13. So I figured we would continue the journey of Magic Sticks to the next level...since so many are interested. I recently made a set from the scrap pile..granted these are not store or shop purchased. Weight distribution for my specific setup described will most likely not work for yours. As a flier that doesn't use them... I have tried several versions of revs..whether it be Shook mesh, Rev all sizes and vents.. in Tresure Island and Kite Fest Louisine . Not just a test drive...an all weekend type of thing....I still prefer no sticks. BUT enjoy the journey of learning. So one of my standards is now equipped with the homemade 16" version.. As you can see, I added pigtails specifically for the journey of expirementation. I started with my sticks at 11.75" from the top of the vertical. Where I got this measurement. .I don't know..but a good place to start. From speaking with Paul LaMasters and Scott Weider recently I received some "tuning tips" so this is how I set the kite up and tested. At said distance down the vertical I square magic sticks off the vertical rod to tie my "starter" bridle. Then I used the method mentioned by Scott in which you toss the kite by the leading edge into a glide to check the balance of the kite. I personally am L.E. heavy and need to start tuning and tweaking for maximum performance and a feel to keep my "flavor" smiling. Hope some great comments come along to help the masses gain a greater understanding of their kite inside and out.
  14. Sweet talking mom now with a car purchase. I am due for everything myself. I fly LPG ...readily available in whatever length or bulk you need. I have flown Skybond. Smaller in diameter with basically the same weight ratios and have noticed the spongier feel. That can and could be good or bad. Just depends on your style and flavor.
  15. Don't forget how easy it can be to make these. A set I whipped up from the scrap pile tonight.
  16. Totally agree with Paul. I was in the same boat for along time. Could axel the B2 off the charts but couldn't a B. Keep working at it and it will come. I found my issue was the proper "flic" of the handle in the power hand. Try running at the kite some in the beginning...as you do it more, techniques will improve to where you can pop them standing still.
  17. Hey...I see it all the time. Just watched Rich Comras dance a shook mesh with sticks on the middle of a group of people...axels and all! I can't do it...some can.
  18. What it boils down to for me is...getting close to people....specifically kids. There is just something else in the way to be grabbed or hung up on. On the flip side,when that does happen...it is easier to recover or relaunch. If I flew in a no wind no person environment. Sticks would be on every kite I own....may still be. Never say never...
  19. I does stiffen the frame in a different manner. Flex is still there. What it does do is.. allow a lighter frame to be used in a larger wind range. You might be switching to 3 wrap without sticks..but with them, the race could ride much larger winds.
  20. Scott W. Is a great guy.. Once I get caught up from adventure....I will add some tuning tips that came from him directly. I have not seen these anywhere on the forums. Also, the original "magic sticks" were made from different stuff..so the weighting and balance of the setup is not the same. Also got some tips on the no knot bridle setup from LaMasters.. I think this has been shared before ... but I will type ot at the same time. Still prefer no sticks..but will have a kite equipped with a set for those occasions.....and roll up trick practice. Try this... half axel to roll up landing (l.e. down) to roll out 2 point landing
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