I run a mismatched progressive stack; a red, white, and blue RevII, a purple and black SLE, and a blue, Mylar, and lime RevI. Curious how your 6'er works out.
...and we smarta$$ revheads say we generally launch whichever way is up when we want to launch. The key is to not park the kite leading edge up, because as Wayne said, then it can fly away. A friend and long time kite flier on this forum (who I will not name to save him or her from embarrassment) had to strip down to underwear and take a frigid swim in the Gulf of Mexico this winter to retrieve his (or her) rev because it was left parked leading edge up.
1 for sure. There's always the tennessee wind militia, but I don't know how excited they would be. I might just have to sojourn down to Jacksonville or intercept you in South Carolina.
I used to be a baseball cap kite flyer. I would sometimes turn it around to keep the sun off my neck. I decided that skin cancer would cost me more than the Tilley. Now I'm flying in a Tilley and a buff. Spent all day outside all three days of TI Kitefest and did not get burned. Love it. Like Paul says, wash it, care for it like they say to, and it lasts forever.
I don't want to be greedy, so I will not be in on this one, but had I not won two drawings ago, I would certainly be going for this prize. Such an intriguing kite. (Plus I don't really have anything else to offer as a prize at the moment)